| United States. Department of the Treasury - 1900 - 754 pages
...17, 716, 752. 92 805,428,927.40 17,626,212.72 320,437,066.36 Stocks, securities, etc . Banking bouse, furniture, and fixtures. Other real estate and mortgages owned . . Due from national banks 79,190,606.00 30,965,488.61 193,886,881.09 66,246,803.91 859,371,346.61 19,223,078.61 194,981,281.67... | |
 | Michigan. State Banking Department - 1914 - 748 pages
...00 3,000 00 313,454 23 6,975 00 829,282 39 6,975 00 334,614 39 6,975 00 301,783 10 6,975 00 Hanking house, furniture and fixtures Other real estate and mortgages owned . Due from National banks (not re843 75 1,488 60 Due from State banks and bankers 237 94 2,107 92 297 61 405 88 Due from approved... | |
 | Michigan. State Banking Department - 1906 - 474 pages
...Stocks, securities, etc 98,009 01 96,779 31 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 21,000 00 21,000 00 Other real estate, and mortgages owned Due from National banks (not reserve agents) 6 543 75 587 75 Due from State banks and bankers Due from approved reserve agents 65 285 77 49 069... | |
 | Oklahoma. Governor - 1892 - 634 pages
...circulation United States bonds on hand Premium on United States bonds Stocks, securities, judgments, etc Banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate and mortgages owned Due from other national banks ; Due from State and pri vate banks _ Checks and other cash items Due from approved... | |
 | 1895 - 558 pages
...US Bonds Stocks, Securities, etc .... Banking House. Furniture, etc Other Real Estate and Mortgages Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) Due from...approved Reserve Agents. Checks and other Cash Items Exchanges for Clearing House Bills of other National Banks Fractional Paper and Minor Cur. .. Lawful... | |
 | 1895 - 546 pages
...Baukinzllonse, Furniture, etc Other Real Estate and Mortgages Hue from National Banks (not Heserve Agents) Due from state Banks and Bankers. Due from...approved Reserve Agents . Checks and other Cash Items Exchanges for Clearing House Bille of other National Banks Fractional Paper and Minor Cur. . . X^wfnl... | |
 | Michigan. Legislature - 1895 - 1322 pages
...10 503,941 90 1,077,964 65 1,052,645 25 614,594 97 1,468,416 86 1,057,140 95 556,397 40 1,481,502 00 Other real estate and mortgages owned Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 936,807 38 Due from state banks and bankers 378,874 00 509,509 36 480,880 94 657,179 81 Due from approved... | |
 | 1897 - 504 pages
...M!.Vi.'.KKI.Utl 9,342,500.00 Stocks, securities, etc. Banking house, furniture and fixtures — Otber real estate and mortgages owned . . . Due from national banks (not reserve agents) Due from state banks ii),r,',!s.:;i(U)i 193,383,321.52 18,648,677.87 192,038,933.71 18,875.424.94 19J,938,097.11 17,579.015.44... | |
 | 1898 - 494 pages
...198,277,987.54 17.628.105.91 203,422,977.7! 17.4*6,215.77 204,932,235.05 208.831,563.40 Stocks, securities, etc. Banking house, furniture...estate and mortgages owned . . . Due from national 78,325,325.39 27,736,020.74 125,382,562.47 32,141,784.52 219,966,660.96 13,138,402.18 84,976,088.68... | |
 | 1898 - 456 pages
...198,277,987.54 17.62S.105. 91 203.422,977. 79 17,436.215.77 204,932,235.05 208.831,563.40 Stocks, securities, etc. Banking house, furniture...estate and mortgages owned . . . Due from national 78,325,325.39 27,736,020.74 125,382,562.47 32,111,784.52 219,966,660.90 13,138,402.18 84,976,088.68... | |
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