A TREATISE ON RIGHTS OF WATER, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE RIGHTS TO THE SEA By J. B. PHEAR, Esq., OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, SENIOR FELLOW OF CLARE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, LONDON: V. & R. STEVENS AND G. S. NORTON, 26, BELL YARD, LINCOLN'S INN. 1859. HE Easements ib. NATURAL RIGHTS OF WATER. Prima facie boundary of properties which meet in the bed of a but not with sudden shiftings Presumption does not apply to the sea or navigable rivers Boundary between water-bed and adjoining land is defined by the ib. although the stream is so, and in some sense is common to all riparian proprietors 22 40 unless by express contract ib. ib. but not with sudden changes 45 is not a decision concluding the question “wreck, &c.,” belong to the Crown by statute rights of those claiming through the Crown to be of public come here as being sub- Public right of Navigation and its incidents includes no right of towing or mooring must be exercised with care towards duty of maintaining navigable con- ib. ib. ib. or from defect of instrument ib. |