LIST OF ACTS PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1869. No. TITLE. PAGE. 1. An act to designate the time, and provide the manner of electing United States Senators, approved January 18...... 2. An act to provide for the payment of the officers and members of the Legislature, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, approved January 20..... 3. An act to amend section one, of chapter ninety-seven, of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and forty-six, being section four thousand one hundred and seven of the compiled laws, relative to testing process from courts of record, approved January 23 4. An act to provide for the registration of electors in new townships, approved January 27...... 5. An act for the protection of buoys and beacons, approved January 30........ 6. An act authorizing circuit courts in chancery, in the county of Wayne, to refer causes pending in chancery, to special commissioners, approved January 30 7. An act to amend section two of an act entitled "An act to define the limits, jurisdiction, and powers of circuit courts," approved April eighth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, being section thirtyfour hundred and twelve of the compiled laws, relative to the holding of terms of court by circuit judges, approved January 30.... 8. An act to repeal section one, of chapter one hundred and three, of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and forty-six, and to amend section two of the same chapter, being sections forty-three hundred and forty-three and forty-three hundred and fortyfour, of the compiled laws, approved January 30.. 9. An act to amend chapter one hundred and twenty three, of revised statutes of eighteen hundred 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 |