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to hear, try,

plaint and all testimony offered for and against the Superior court same and determine whether in his judgment there is and determine. cause for a change in the care and custody of such child, he shall enter such finding and shall transmit the papers and the transcript of his proceedings to the county commissioners of the county in which the case arises and shall surrender such child to the custody and care of said commissioners, and such surrender by said judge shall carry with it the same powers and authority as above provided in case of voluntary surrender except as to power to consent to adoption.

is a county

SEC. 3. When any minor is a county charge or has When minor been surrendered to the board of county commission- charge. ers under the provisions of this act the board of county commissioners, if they think the welfare of the child demands it, may surrender such child to the care and custody of any family or any benevolent society or corporation without the consent of its parents unless within twenty days after the notice of the intention of such commissioners so to do, given in writing to parents, guardian or next of kin of such child, so far as known to said commissioners, such parents, guardian or next of kin shall provide for such child and relieve the county thereof.

police officers.

SEC. 4. When any officer or agent of any such soci- Duties of ety shall request a police officer, or other peace officer, to investigate or assist in the investigation of any alleged case of any such neglected or abused child, such officer shall immediately make or assist in such investigation and if he deem it proper shall forthwith take such child into custody without warrant, taking such child and reporting such case at once to the judge of the superior court for such proceedings as may be proper under the provisions of this act.

minor not

SEC. 5. Nothing in this act shall entitle any such Estate of society to act as guardian of or to have control of the affected. estate of any minor child.

der prima facie evidence of legality.

SEC. 6. Upon the hearing of any writ of habeas Fact of surren corpus for the custody of any such child, if it appears that such child has been surrendered to any such


Expenses of care of minor during examination.

Emergency clause.

corporation under the provisions of this act, such surrender shall be taken as prima facie evidence that such child was legally and properly surrendered to such corporation and that such corporation is entitled to the custody and control of such child under the provisions of this act.

SEC. 7. The board of county commissioners shall pay the expenses of bringing the child before the court and caring for it pending a hearing under this act; no clerk, sheriff, police officer, member of the board of county commissioners or witness shall charge or be allowed any costs whatever in these proceedings, except where a complaint shall be adjudged to be without sufficient cause and malicious, in which event all costs shall be taxed against the complainant.

SEC. 8. Whereas a number of orphan, homeless, neglected and abused children now await the action of the legislature, an emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this act, the same shall be in force immediately upon its passage and approval by the governor.

Passed the House January 26, 1899.
Passed the Senate February 8, 1899.
Approved February 14, 1899.


[H. B. No. 120.]



AN ACT for rendering available the endowment of the agricultural college, experiment station and school of science of the State of Washington, and declaring an emergency.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the state land commissioner to make a report to the board of regents of the agricultural college and school of science on or

before the first Monday in April, 1899, and on or before the first Monday in April of each succeeding year, which said report shall contain a complete detailed statement:


nually to

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school of

1. Of all lands which have been selected under an State land act of congress approved July 2, 1862, entitled "An act to report andonating public lands to the several states and terri- board of retories which may provide colleges for the benefit of college and agriculture and the mechanic arts," and all acts sup- science. plementary thereto, and under the act of congress of February 22, 1889, entitled "An act to provide for the division of Dakota into two states and to enable the people of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington to form constitutions and state governments and to be admitted into the union on an equal footing with the original states, and to make donations of public lands to institutions," which said selections have been approved by the secretary of the interior, for the use and support of agricultural colleges and for a scientific school, which statement shall set forth the lands set apart for the agricultural college and for the school of science in distinct and separate lists: Provided, That the land commissioner shall not be required to include in such annual report a statement of approved selections and locations made in any previous annual report: And provided further, That when the entire amount of the one hundred and ninety thousand acres of land set apart for the use and support of the agricultural college and school of science shall have been selected, located, and approved by the secretary of the interior, and included in any annual report or reports to the said board of regents, that thereafter the land commissioner shall not be required to make such annual report

report shall

2. Of all lands belonging to the agricultural college What the and likewise to the school of science sold prior to said contain. first Monday in April, 1899, and on or before the first. Monday in April of each succeeding year, which statement shall accurately describe the lands sold, the price received for the same and all moneys received from the

State treasurer to report.

Report to contain.

sale of [or] lease of said lands or from the sale of timber, stone or hay from said lands: Provided, That the land commissioner shall not be required to include in such annual report a statement of lands sold or moneys received which shall have been included in any previous annual report.

3. Of the investment of all moneys received from the sale or lease of agricultural college land, or from the sale of timber, stone or hay from said lands, which report shall describe fully the stocks, bonds or other securities in which said moneys shall have been invested, specifying the issuer or issuers, the rate of interest, the time to run, and the face or par value of said stocks, bonds or other securities, and a like report of the disposition of all moneys received from the sale or lease of lands set apart for the scientific school and from the sale of timber, stone or hay from said lands: Provided, That the land commissioner shall not be required to include in any annual report a statement of the disposition of any moneys included in any previous annual report.

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the state treasurer to make a report to the board of regents of the agricultural college and school of science on or before the first Monday of April, 1899, and on or before the first Monday of April of each succeeding year, which said report shall contain a complete detailed statement:

1. Of all stocks, bonds or other securities belonging to the agricultural college and school of science which. may have been deposited with said treasurer by the land commissioner during the year next preceding said report, together with all other securities belonging to said college which may be in his custody, setting forth in separate statements those which have been derived. from the sale or lease of agricultural college lands and those which have been derived from the sale or lease of the scientific school lands.

2. Of all interest received during the year next preceding said report, on all stocks, bonds or other securities belonging to the agricultural college and school

of science which may be or may have been in the custody of said treasurer, and of all premiums which may have been received on securities sold or redeemed during the aforesaid period.

3. Of all stocks, bonds or other securities belonging to the agricultural college and school of science which may have been paid, redeemed or sold during the year next preceding such report, together with the principal sum or sums remaining in the hands of said treasurer uninvested.

gents shall

forming grant.

SEC. 3. To the end that the endowment of the agri- Board of recultural college and school of science may be conserved fospect lands and increased it shall be the duty of the board of regents of the said college and school of science at as early a date as practicable to inspect or cause to be inspected the lands set apart for the use and support of the agricultural college and school of science, and to gather or cause to be gathered such information relative to the character, condition and true value of said lands as may be conducive to a wise and advantageous disposition of the same, and to collect and distribute such information as shall facilitate the sale or lease of such lands, as provided by law, and to furnish such information to the land commissioner when called for: Provided, That the expense of collecting and dis- Expenses of tributing such information shall be paid from the tion. maintenance fund of the college, which said expenses shall not exceed one thousand dollars in any one fiscal year and shall not exceed three thousand dollars in the aggregate: Provided further, That a complete report of the doings of the board of regents in the collecting. and distributing of information and facilitating the sale or lease of said lands, together with the expenses incurred therein shall be included in the annual report of the board of regents to the governor and legislature. Emergency. SEC. 4. An emergency exists and this act shall take effect immediately.

Passed the House January 27, 1899.
Passed the Senate February 7, 1899.

such inspec

Approved February 11, 1899.

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