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[S. B. No. 2.]



AN ACT making an appropriation for the office of commissioner of public lands. An act appropriating money for clerical and engineering assistance and cost of advertising the sale of tide lands and timber on state lands, in the office of the commissioner of public lands.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington:

SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund in the state treasury the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be needed, to pay for clerical and engineering assistance and for advertising sale of lands and timber on state lands, in the office of the commissioner of public lands, for the remainder of the fiscal year ending March 31, 1899.

Passed the Senate January 20, 1899.
Passed the House February 11, 1899.
Approved February 16, 1899.


[S. B. No. 12.]

APPROPRIATION FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. AN ACT appropriating money for postage and incidentals, and for clerical assistance in the office of the secretary of state.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington:

SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund in the state treasury, the sum of two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed, for postage and incidentals in the office of the secretary of state, for the remainder of the fiscal year ending March 31, 1899.

SEC. 2. There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund in the state treasury the sum of four hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed, for clerical assistance in the office of the secretary of state, for the remainder of the fiscal year ending March 31, 1899. Passed the Senate January 20, 1899. Passed the House February 11, 1899. Approved February 16, 1899.


[S. B. No. 24.]


AN ACT making appropriation from the revolving fund of the state penitentiary to the maintenance fund of the state penitentiary.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington :

SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the revolving fund of the state penitentiary the sum of seven thousand seven hundred ninety-six and 1 dollars, to be transferred by the treasurer from said revolving fund to the maintenance fund of the state penitentiary.

Passed the Senate January 21, 1899.
Passed the House February 15, 1899.

Approved February 16, 1899.



[S. B. No. 23.]


AN ACT making an appropriation to the state penitentiary.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington :

SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the revolving fund of the state penitentiary in the state treasury the sum of fifteen thousand dollars to the state penitentiary, for the purchase and delivery at the state penitentiary of jute, clay and other materials, for the manufacture of jute and other fabrics and brick, and for the payment of salaries of employes in the jute mill and brick yard of said penitentiary.

SEC. 2. The appropriation provided for in section 1 of this act, if not used for the purposes above set forth on or before April 1, 1899, shall revert to the revolving fund of the state penitentiary.

Passed the Senate January 21, 1899.
Passed the House February 15, 1899.
Approved February 16, 1899.

Amendment school code.


[H. B. No. 237.]


AN ACT to amend section 4 of chapter 3 of title I, and section 72 of
chapter 2 of title III, and section 116 of chapter 6 of title III of
the code of public instruction, approved March 19, 1897, and de-
claring an emergency.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. That section 4 of chapter 3 of title I of the code of public instruction, approved March 19, 1897, and found on pages 357 and 358 of the Session.

organizing new school

Laws of 1897, be amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4. For the purpose of organizing a new district a petition Method of in writing shall be made to the county superintendent, districts. signed by at least five heads of families residing within the boundaries of the proposed new district, which petition shall describe the boundaries of the proposed new district and give the names of all the children of school age residing within the boundaries of such proposed new district, at the date of presenting said petition. The county superintendent shall give notice to the parties interested by causing notices to be posted at least twenty (20) days prior to the time appointed by him for considering said petition, in at least three of the most public places in the proposed new distrist, and one on the school house door of each district affected by the proposed change, or if there be no school house, then in one of the most public places of said old district, and shall, on the day fixed in the notice, proceed to hear said petition, and if he deem it advisable to grant the petition he shall make an order establishing said district and describing the boundaries. thereof, and shall certify his action to the board of county commissioners at their next regular meeting: Provided, That when in the formation or alteration of Appeal from any school district, or after the refusal of the county county supersuperintendent to form or alter a school district as prayed for, if any person or school district affected by such formation or alteration, or by such refusal to form or alter a school district as prayed for, shall feel agrieved by the action of the county superintendent, he or it may appeal to the board of county commissioners of his or its county. Said appeal shall be filed with the clerk of the board of county commissioners within twenty days after the action complained of, and shall state in a clear and concise manner the matters complained of, which statement shall be verified by the affidavit of the appellant or appellants or some one in his, her or its behalf. Copies of the notice of appeal shall be filed with the county superintendent and with the clerk of each school district affected by the

decision of


of districts.

appeal, at the time of filing said notice with the clerk of the board of county commissioners: Provided, That in case of a vacancy in the office of clerk of such school district, then the copy of the notice of appeal may be filed with any member of the school board of such school district. The county commissioners shall, at their next regular meeting, appoint a time and place when such appeal shall be heard. At such appointed time and place they shall hear and determine said appeal, and shall have power to summon witnesses and their action shall be final: And provided further, That at such hearing before the county superIndebtedness intendent he shall hear testimony offered by any person or school district interested and find and determine the amount of bonded and other indebtedness of all the school districts affected by the formation of the new district and shall find and determine the amount and value of all school property retained by the old district or districts, and shall find and determine the amount, as nearly as may be, of the said outstanding indebtedness that was incurred for permanent improvements and the amount incurred for current expenses, and shall make an equitable adjustment of all debts and liabilities between such new district and the old district or districts, and the proportion and amount of such debts and liabilities to be paid by each district, and the decision of said county superintendent shall be final, unless appealed from within the time provided by law: And provided further, That every school district which shall be enlarged or created from territory taken from any other school district or school districts shall be liable for a just proportion of the existing debts and liabilities of the school district or school districts from which such territory shall be taken: Provided, That in such accounting one school district shall not be charged with any debt or liability then existing, incurred in the purchase of any school district property or in the purchase or construction of any buildings or permanent improvements then in use or under construction (or for which obligations have

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