.... $5,000 00 2,000 00 FOR OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. ......... Total for superintendent of public instruction.... 2,000 00 700 00 $12,400 00 For the purchase of three hundred copies each of volumes 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Washington reports... FOR THE BUREAU OF LABOR. Incidental traveling expenses and mileage for both offi cials..... Commissioner's salary.. Mill, factory and railroad inspector. Office expenses, postage, incidentals, etc. Office rent, furnishings, etc... Contingent expenses for enforcing labor laws Total for bureau of labor..... FOR COAL MINE INSPECTORS. $4,500 00 $2,400 00 2,400 00 2,400 00 200 00 100 00 500 00 $8,000 00 FOR MAINTENANCE OF NATIONAL GUARD TO MARCH 31, 1901. For indexing house journal.. For indexing senate journal.... For transportation and salaries state veterinarian and deputies.... Columbia river, per concurrent resolution No. 9.. Expense state board equalization.. For experimental station at Puyallup.. For completing road from Republic to Marcus. For state mining bureau, traveling expenses, etc.. For Whatcom normal school, improving and grading grounds.. $200 00 200 00 500 00 1,200 00 400 00 5,000 00 4,000 00 1,500 00 3,000 00 200 00 For care of capitol, at $100 per year. For removal of library.. Rent of state offices, $10,200 per year... For deficiency in maintenance fund, Western Washington hospital FOR STATE PRINTING OFFICE. 500 00 20,400 00 876 83 For printing and binding... $36,000 00 Total..... $40,000 00 From state normal [school] fund, for relief of Jasper N. Warren as RELATING TO FOOD FISHES. AN ACT providing for the protection and propogation of the food fishes in the waters of the State of Washington, regulating the catching and sale thereof, establishing licenses, fixing penalties, repealing conflicting laws, and declaring an emergency. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. Hereafter it shall be unlawful to construct, own, operate and maintain within any of the rivers of this state flowing into Puget Sound, and within said bodies of water within a distance of three miles from the mouth of any such rivers, and also within that arm of Puget Sound and body of water known as Deception Pass, or within one half mile of the west entrance thereof and in any of the other salt waters of this state at a greater depth than sixty-five feet at low tide, any pound net, trap, weir, fish wheel, or other fixed appliance, set lines excepted, for the purpose of catching salmon or other food fishes, and for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this section, the fish commissioner shall indicate the mouths of said rivers by driving piles therein. It shall also be unlawful hereafter to use any purse net or other like seine within three miles and any drag seine within one mile from the mouth of any of said rivers or within said rivers: Provided, That nothing in this or any other act shall prevent any Indian residing in this state, from taking salmon or other fish by any means at any time for the use of himself and family. SEC. 2. The use of pound nets, traps, weirs, fish wheels and other fixed appliances, and purse nets, drag seines and other seines for catching salmon is hereby authorized in all the waters of this state wherein the same is not prohibited by section one, subject to the regulation and license hereinafter provided for or otherwise required by law, and the use of set nets and gill or drift nets, subject to said license and regulation for said purpose, is authorized in all the waters of this state, except as otherwise provided by law: Provided, however, That no fishing appliances shall be constructed, operated or License. maintained upon any of the waters of this state or the Columbia river or its tributaries by any person whomsoever, without such person shall have first obtained a license so to do from the fish commissioner of this state, who is hereby authorized to issue said license under the regulations provided by law. A separate license shall be required for each trap, pound net, weir, fish wheel or any other fixed appliance, and for every purse net, purse seine, drag seine or other seine, gill net, drift net or set net, which license shall be numbered and dated, and shall specify the number of the pound net, trap, weir, fish wheel or other fixed appliance, seine, gill net, drift net or set net, which number shall be designated by the said commissioner, and said license. shall also contain the name of the person to whom |