OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON SESSION OF 1899. COMPILED IN CHAPTERS, WITH MARGINAL NOTES, PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. OLYMPIA, WASH.: GWIN HICKS, . STATE PRINTER. 1899. LAWS OF WASHINGTON. CHAPTER I. [S. B. No. 1.] APPROPRIATION FOR LEGISLATIVE EXPENSES. AN ACT appropriating the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for expenses of the sixth legislature. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: $50,000 legisla SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby appropriated Appropriation out of funds in the treasury of the State of Washington, tive expense. not otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be used for the expenses of the sixth legislature of the State of Washington. Passed the Senate January 10, 1899. CHAPTER II. [S. B. No. 250, session 1897.] APPROPRIATION TO PAY GEORGE W. BABCOCK. AN ACT for the relief of George W. Babcock. George W. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. That the sum of seventeen hundred and $1.745 relief forty-five dollars ($1,745.00) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the relief of George W. 75725 Babcock, for plans and specifications for, and superintending the construction of, the new cell wing of the state penitentiary. SEC. 2. The state auditor is hereby authorized and directed to audit the claim of the said George W. Babcock, and if the same be found a just and proper charge and claim against the State of Washington, to draw a warrant on the state treasurer for said sum in favor of the said George W. Babcock, and the said state treasurer is hereby directed to pay said warrant out of any funds in the said treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Passed the Senate February 27, 1897. Passed the House March 11, 1897. From information and belief I consider this claim unjust. The claimant has his remedy in the courts. The bill is vetoed this 18th day of March, 1897. J. R. ROGERS, Governor. [Endorsed:] Vetoed Senate Bill No. 250. An act for the relief of George W. Babcock. Filed in the office of the Secretary of State March 18, 1897. WILL D. JENKINS, Secretary of State. Received from Governor January 13, 1899. Bill and veto message read in full January 17, 1899. Passed by the following vote: yeas 32, nay 1, absent 1, total 34. DUDLEY ESHELMAN, Secretary of Senate. Received from the Senate January 18, 1899. Set for special order of business January 19, 1899, at eleven o'clock. Passed by the following vote: yeas 65, nays 5, absent 8, total 78. W. F. DILLON, Chief Clerk House of Representatives. Filed in the office of Secretary of State January 20, 1899. WILL D. JENKINS, Secretary of State. CHAPTER III. APPROPRIATION TO PAY PERCY G. MALTBIE AND AN ACT for the relief of Captain Percy G. Maltbie and Captain Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington : SECTION 1. That the sum of three hundred and eleven dollars and seventy cents ($311.70) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the military fund of this state, for the purpose of reimbursing Captain 8811.70 relief Percy G. Maltbie for money actually and necessarily expended by him for the maintenance of the members of company "D," independent battalion, Washington volunteer infantry, between the time of the enrollment of said company by the command of the governor and SEC. 2. That the sum of five hundred and twenty dollars ($520) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the military fund of this state for the purpose of reimbursing Captain James Ross for money actually 8520 relief and necessarily expended by him for the maintenance Ross. of the members of company "A," independent bat- talion, Washington volunteer infantry, between the time of the enrollment of said company by the com- mand of the governor and the mustering of said com- pany into the service of the United States, in the late SEC. 3. The state auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw a military fund warrant for the sum of three hundred and eleven dollars and seventy cents ($311.70) in favor of said Captain Percy G. Maltbie, and a military fund warrant for the sum of five hun- dred and twenty dollars ($520) in favor of said Cap- |