If not possessed, if not enjoyed in thee, What's earth, or sea, or air, or heaven to me?
The highest honors that the world can boast Are subjects far too low for my desire; The brightest beams of glory are, at most, But dying sparkles of thy living fire; The loudest flames that earth can kindle be But nightly glow-worms if compared to thee.
Without thy presence, wealth is bags of cares; Wisdom but folly; joy, disquiet, sadness; Friendship is treason, and delights are snares; Pleasures but pain, and mirth but pleasing madness,
Without thee, Lord, things be not what they be, Nor have their being, when compared with thee. In having all things, and not thee, what have I ? Not having thee, what have my labors got? Let me enjoy but thee, what further crave I? And having thee alone, what have I not? I'wish nor sea, nor land, nor would I be Possessed of heaven, heaven unpossessed of thee !
Two went to pray? O, rather say, One went to brag, the other to pray;
One stands up close and treads on high, Where the other dares not lend his eye;
One nearer to God's altar trod, The other to the altar's God.
THE VALEDICTION. THE silly lambs to-day Pleasantly skip and play, Whom butchers mean to slay, Perhaps to-morrow;
In a more brutish sort Do careless sinners sport, Or in dead sleep still snort, As near to sorrow;
Till life, not well begun
Be sadly ended,
And the web they have spu
Can ne'er be mended.
What is the time that 's gone, And what is that to come? Is it not now as none?
The present stays not.
THE bird let loose in eastern skies, When hastening fondly home, Ne'er stoops to earth her wing, nor flies Where idle warblers roam;
But high she shoots through air and light, Above all low delay,
Where nothing earthly bounds her flight, Nor shadow dims her way.
So grant me, God, from every care And stain of passion free, Aloft, through Virtue's purer air,
To hold my course to thee! No sin to cloud, no lure to stay
My soul, as home she springs; Thy sunshine on her joyful way, Thy freedom in her wings!
THE PILGRIMAGE. GIVE me my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon; My scrip of joy, immortal diet;
My bottle of salvation;
My gown of glory, hope's true gauge, And thus I'll take my pilgrimage! Blood must be my body's 'balmer, No other balm will there be given; Whilst my soul, like quiet palmer, Travelleth towards the land of Heaven;
Over the silver mountains
Where spring the nectar fountains. There will I kiss the bowl of bliss, And drink mine everlasting fill Upon every milken hill.
My soul will be a-dry before, But after, it will thirst no more. Then by that happy, blissful day, More peaceful pilgrims I shall see, That have cast off their rags of clay, And walk apparelled fresh like me.
I'll take them first to quench their thirst, And taste of nectar's suckets
At those clear wells where sweetness dwells Drawn up by saints in crystal buckets. And when our bottles and all we Are filled with immortality,
Then the blest paths we 'll travel, Strewed with rubies thick as gravel, - Ceilings of diamonds, sapphire floors, High walls of coral, and pearly bowers. From thence to Heaven's bribeless hall, Where no corrupted voices brawl; No conscience molten into gold, No forged accuser, bought or sold, No cause deferred, no vain-spent journey, For there Christ is the King's Attorney; Who pleads for all without degrees, And he hath angels, but no fees; And when the grand twelve-million jury Of our sins, with direful fury, 'Gainst our souls black verdicts give, Christ pleads his death, and then we live. Be thou my speaker, taintless pleader, Unblotted lawyer, true proceeder ! Thou giv'st salvation even for alms, Not with a bribéd lawyer's palms. And this is mine eternal plea
To Him that made heaven, earth, and sea, That since my flesh must die so soon, And want a head to dine next noon, Just at the stroke when my veins start and spread,
Set on my soul an everlasting head: Then am I, like a palmer, fit
To tread those blest paths which before I writ. Of death and judgment, heaven and hell, Who oft doth think, must needs die well.
Is it to quit the dish Of flesh, yet still To fill
The platter high with fish?
Is it to fast an hour, Or ragged to go, Or show
A downcast look, and sour?
No! 't is a fast to dole
Thy sheaf of wheat, And meat,
Unto the hungry soul.
It is to fast from strife, From old debate And hate,
To circumcise thy life.
To show a heart grief-rent; To starve thy sin, Not bin,
And that 's to keep thy lent.
I WOULD I were an excellent divine That had the Bible at my fingers' ends; That men might hear out of this mouth of mine How God doth make his enemies his friends; Rather than with a thundering and long prayer Be led into presumption, or despair.
This would I be, and would none other be, But a religious servant of my God; And know there is none other God but he, And willingly to suffer mercy's rod, - Joy in his grace, and live but in his love, And seek my bliss but in the world above.
Prayer for the health of all that are diseased, Confession unto all that are convicted, And patience unto all that are displeased, And comfort unto all that are afflicted, And mercy unto all that have offended, And grace to all, that all may be amended.
THESE are thy glorious works, Parent of good, Almighty, thine this universal frame,
Thus wondrous fair; thyself how wondrous then! Unspeakable, who sitt'st above these heavens To us invisible, or dimly seen
In these thy lowest works; yet these declare
Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his praise. Join voices, all ye living souls; ye birds, That singing up to Heaven-gate ascend, Bear on your wings and in your notes his praise. Ye that in waters glide, and ye that walk The earth, and stately tread, or lowly creep, Witness if I be silent, morn or even, To hill or valley, fountain or fresh shade, Made vocal by my song, and taught his praise. Hail, universal Lord! be bounteous still To give us only good; and if the night Have gathered aught of evil, or concealed, Disperse it, as now light dispels the dark.
Thy goodness beyond thought, and power divine. To write a verse or two is all the praise Speak, ye who best can tell, ye sons of light, Angels; for ye behold him, and with songs And choral symphonies, day without night, Circle his throne rejoicing; ye in Heaven, On earth join, all ye creatures, to extol
Him first, him last, him midst, and without end. Fairest of stars, last in the train of night, If better thou belong not to the dawn, Sure pledge of day, that crown'st the smiling
With thy bright circlet, praise him in thy sphere, While day arises, that sweet hour of prime. Thou sun, of this great world both eye and soul, Acknowledge him thy greater; sound his praise In thy eternal course, both when thou climb'st, And when high noon hast gained, and when thou
Moon, that now meets the orient sun, now fliest,
Mend my estate in any wayes, Thou shalt have more.
I go to church; help me to wings, and I Will thither flie;
Or, if I mount unto the skie, I will do more.
Man is all weaknesse: there is no such thing As Prince or King:
His arm is short; yet with a sling He may do more.
A herb destilled, and drunk, may dwell next doore, On the same floore,
To a brave soul: Exalt the poore, They can do more.
With the fixed stars, fixed in their orb that flies, O, raise me then! poore bees, that work all day,
And ye five other wandering fires that move
In mystic dance not without song, resound
His praise, who out of darkness called up light.
Air, and ye elements, the eldest birth
Of Nature's womb, that in quaternion run Perpetual circle, multiform, and mix
And nourish all things, let your ceaseless change Vary to our great Maker still new praise. Ye mists and exhalations, that now rise From hill or steaming lake, dusky or gray, Till the sun paint your fleeey skirts with gold, In honor to the world's great Author rise, Whether to deck with clouds the uncolored sky, Or wet the thirsty earth with falling showers, Rising or falling, still advance his praise. His praise, ye winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe soft or loud; and wave your tops, ye
With every plant, in sign of worship wave. Fountains, and ye that warble, as ye flow,
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