474 NEALE, J. M. 265 "Darkness is thinning" (Translation from 632 85 169 Poems received in Response to an Advertised . 774 456 148 114 "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds! 67 277 Sea Life. Servant of God, well done" MOORE, CLEMENT CLARKE. New York City, 1779-1852. St. Nicholas, A Visit from MOORE, THOMAS. Ireland, 1779 1852. Acbar and Nourmahal "Alas! how light a cause may move "As by the shore, at break of day "As slow our ship" "Believe me, if all those endearing young charms" Birth of Portraiture, The Black and Blue Eyes Canadian Boat-Song, A "Come, rest in this bosom Echoes. "Farewell to thee, Araby's daughter" "Fly to the desert, fly with me "Go where glory waits thee " "I knew by the smoke that so gracefully curled" 136 Lake of the Dismal Swamp, The "Let Erin remember the days of old " Linda to Hafed Love's Young Dream "Mary, I believe thee true Minstrel Boy, The Nonsense "Oft in the stilly night' "O, breathe not his name Origin of the Harp, The Potato, The. "Sound the loud timbrel Spring. Syria. "The bird et loose "The harp that once through Tara's halls The Young May Moon. "Those evening bells" "Thou art, O God!" "'T is the last rose of summer Vale of Cashmere, The Verses written in an Album 45 Orphan Boy's Tale, Tho End of the Play, The 1021 - 1695. "They are all gone " 326 VERY, JONES. Salem, Mass., b. 1813. Spirit Land, The 298 VICENTE, GIL. 56 Portugal, 1482-1537. 45 The Nightingale (Translation) 417 622 598 34 613 201 51 766 Spain. 253 VILLEGAS, ESTEVAN MANUEL DE. The Mother Nightingale (Translation) 183 16 |