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178. Appropriation for the Eastern Michigan Asylum.

179. Appropriation for the Michigan State Prison.

180. Appropriation for Michigan Asylum for the Insane at Kalamazoo, building and

special purposes.

181. Appropriation for the State House of Correction and Branch Prison at Marquette.

182. Act promoting the safe transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles.

183. Act prohibiting taking, etc., of certain furbearing animals at certain times.

184. Repealing act authorizing formation of corporations for purpose of excavating,

etc., water courses, and supplying power, (effective July 1, 1912.)

185. Appropriation for the Northern Michigan Asylum.

186. Appropriation for the Industrial School for Boys.

187. Act providing for insurance against loss by breakage of plate glass.

188. Amending act providing for the incorporation of mutual fire insurance companies,

insuring in contiguous counties.

189. Amending act providing for the incorporation of mutual fire insurance companies,

suits at law.

190. Act relative to the distribution of the compiled laws of 1897, and reports, etc., of

the supreme court.

191. Amending act entitled, "Of evidence," authenticity of affidavits.

192. Amending act prescribing the manner of conducting elections.

193. Amending act authorizing business of banking and establishing a banking depart-


194. Act protecting persons in the organized militia from injury in person or property.

195. Act grading certain clerical positions in the several state departments, and regulating

compensation of department clerks.

196. Act establishing board for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United


197. Amending act allowing mutual fire insurance companies of other states to do business

within this state.

198. Act relative to cost of bonds required of any person who acts as disburser for United

States funds for organized militia.

199. Act encouraging rifle practice in the organized militia of Michigan, and regulating

street car, etc., fares charged to members.

200. Act preventing unexpended portion of the "Armory Building Fund" from reverting

to the general fund.

201. Act prohibiting wearing of the uniforms of the United States army, etc.

202. Amending act withdrawing from sale agricultural college lands in the counties of

Iosco and Alcona.

203. Amending act providing for the protection of children.

204. Amending act entitled "Trials and proceedings incident thereto."

205. Amending act regulating the practice of horseshoeing.

206. Act authorizing women to vote in certain cases.

207. Amending act providing manner of paying members of the legislature, and making

an appropriation therefor.

208. Act establishing uniform weights and measures of the various products of cereals.

209. Act providing for the sale of real estate or any interest therein.

210. Act providing for sanitary conditions in railroad trains, vessels, etc.

211. Amending act entitled "Of offenses against chastity, morality and decency."

212. Amending act providing for construction, etc., of drains, and assessment of taxes


221. Amending act providing for election of a county school commissioner, etc., appoint-

ment of examiner.

222. Amending act providing for election of a county school commissioner, etc., qualifi-

cations required.

223. Act authorizing selling of sites to school districts, etc.

224. Amending act revising laws relative to the State Board of Education.

225. Act permitting use of voting machines in primary elections.

226. Act prohibiting the manufacture, etc., of adulterated cigarettes.

227. Repealing act to revise the laws authorizing the business of banking, and establish-

ing banking department.

228. Act providing for a state commission on industrial education.

229. Act prohibiting furnishing of food, without charge, where malt, etc., liquors are

sold at retail.

230. Amending act for the prevention of foul brood among bees, and making an appro-

priation therefor.

231. Act providing for a deficiency appropriation for the Industrial Home for Girls.

232. Amending act relative to public instruction and primary schools, schoolhouse sites.

233. Act providing for commission to represent the state of Michigan at centennial

anniversary of battle of Lake Erie.

234. Amending act entitled "Of evidence," information acquired by physicians.

235. Amending act relative to the solemnization of marriage.

236. Amending act establishing standard provisions to be contained in life insurance

policies, annuities.

237. Act authorizing payment of equipment allowance for certain officers of the Michigan

national guard.

238. Act fixing salary of chief of the corporation division of the Department of State.

239. Amending act relative to limitations of personal actions.

240. Regulating practice in circuit court in certain counties.

241. Amending act to set apart certain swamp lands in Huron county for public shooting


242. Amending act refunding to purchasers price paid to the state on sale of certain lands.

243. Amending act preventing the introduction of a dangerous communicable disease in

any township, etc.

244. Amending act relative to the interests of the state in escheated estates.

245. Act providing for fees of circuit court commissioners, etc., in certain counties.

246. Amending act designating holidays.

247. Amending act providing for election of a county school commissioner, etc., com-

pensation of commissioner.

248. Act relative to payment of deposits of money by minors, etc.

249. Appropriation for furnishing, etc., armory at Ionia.

250. Act authorizing appointment of a clerk of the supreme court.

251. Act for the protection of quail.

271. Act defining bills of lading to be issued by common carriers, etc.

272. Act authorizing township boards of health to acquire burying grounds.

273. Act punishing making, etc., statements, etc., derogatory to financial condition of a


274. Appropriation for the State Board of Library Commissioners.

275. Appropriation for the Michigan State Agricultural Society.

276. Appropriation for the Michigan State Prison.

277. Appropriation for the West Michigan State Fair.

278. Act providing for incorporation of villages and for changing their boundaries.

279. Act providing for the incorporation of cities, and for changing their boundaries.

280. Act creating Public Domain Commission.

281. Act relative to nomination of party candidates for public office, etc.

282. Appropriation for the State Asylum at Ionia.

283. Act relative to establishment, etc., of the public highways, etc.

284. Amending act entitled "Of divorce."

285. Act creating Department of Labor.

286. Amending act entitled "Of title to real property by descent."

287. Amending act authorizing formation of corporations for prevention of cruelty to


288. Amending act providing for incorporation of railroad, etc., companies, liabilities.

289. Act regulating sale of agricultural seeds and fruit trees.

290. Amending act providing for adjustment of rights of cities and townships.

291. Amending act relative to manufacture, etc., of spirituous, etc., liquors.

292. Amending act providing for assessment of property, and levy, etc., of taxes, (Act

206, 1893).

293. Act relative to the public health in this state.

294. Act legalizing purchase of certain heating apparatus and machinery for Northern

Michigan Asylum.

295. Act providing for erection of fish shutes.

296. Amending act providing for the formation of corporations for purpose of owning,

etc., certain lands.

297. Amending act relative to life, etc., insurance companies.

298. Act relative to the collection of inheritance taxes in certain cases.

299. Act regulating practice on appeal in chancery.

300. Act regulating common carriers and establishing of Michigan Railroad Commission.

301. Act relative to telephone companies.

302. Amending act prescribing manner of conducting elections.

303. Act providing for uniform warehouse receipts.

304. Amending act relative to destruction of wolves and other noxious animals.

305. Amending act relative to depositories for public funds.

306. Act relative to the disease of rabies among dogs.

307. Act authorizing parties litigant to cross examine witnesses.

308. Amending act providing for incorporation of railroad, bridge and tunnel companies,

(fences and crossings).

309. Amending act providing for assessment of property and levy of taxes thereon, (Act

206, 1893).

310. Amending act relative to treatment of dependent, etc., children.

311. Act providing for renewal of bonds of guardians, etc.

312. Amending act providing for protection of the reputation and good name of certain


313. Amending act relative to incorporation of manufacturing and mercantile companies.

314. Amending act authorizing incorporation of homes for aged, etc., men or women.

315. Act enlarging powers and duties of circuit courts.

316. Amending act providing for appointment, etc., of circuit court stenographers,

(34th circuit).

317. Amending act defining powers and duties of local health officers, etc., relative to


318. Act providing for registration, etc., of motor vehicles.

319. Act providing for examination, etc., of nurses.

320. Amending act providing for construction of drains and assessment of taxes therefor,

application for drain.

321. Act providing for depositing of public money belonging to villages.

322. Amending act defining duties of boards of supervisors.





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