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district had been operating under the general school laws, rather than a special Act or charter, at the time such fund was created.

APPROVED June 27, 1913.


AN ACT to prohibit the use of a common drinking cup, glass or other utensil used for public drinking purposes in public and private schools, State educational institutions, halls used for public meetings or entertainments, hotels, lodging houses, theatres, factories or public or municipal buildings, on railroad trains and stations and in other public places in the State of Illinois.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, directly or indirectly, connected in any public or private school or in any State institution, halls used for public meetings or entertainments, hotels, lodging houses, theatres, factories or public or municipal buildings in the State of Illinois to use or permit for use a common drinking cup, glass or other utensil used for public drinking purposes.

§ 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation in charge of or in control of any railroad trains or any station to permit the use of a common drinking cup, glass or other utensil used for public drinking purposes in or about any trains operated by it or in any building or premises used by it whatever.

§ 3. No person, firm or corporation in charge of or in control of any railroad train or railroad station, or any public or private school, or any State educational institution, or of any hall used for public meetings or entertainments, or hotel, lodging house, theatre, or factory, or of any public or municipal building in the State of Illinois shall furnish any drinking cup, glass or other utensil used for public drinking purposes for public use, nor shall such person or corporation or institution use or have for use in or upon its premises any such common drinking cup.

§ 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, be fined for each offense the sum of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars.

APPROVED June 5, 1911.


AN ACT concerning the levy and extension of taxes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That in determining the amount of the maximum tax authorized to be levied by any statute of this State the assessed valuation of the current year of the property in each taxing district, as equalized by the State Board of Equalization, shall be used. And if the amount of any tax certified to the county clerk for extension shall exceed the maximum allowed by law, determined as above provided, such excess shall be disregarded, and the residue only treated as the amount certified for extension.

§ 2. The county clerk in each county shall ascertain the rates per cent required to be extended upon the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the respective towns, townships, districts, incorporated cities and villages in his county, as equalized by the State Board of Equalization for the current year, to produce the several amounts certified for extension by the taxing authorities in said county (as the same shall have been reduced as hereinbefore provided in all cases where the original amounts exceed the amount authorized by law): Provided, however, that if the aggregate of all the taxes (exclusive of State taxes, village taxes, levee taxes, school building taxes, high school taxes, district school taxes and all other school taxes in school districts having not more than 100,000 inhabitants, road and bridge taxes, and for a period of three years beginning with the year 1913 taxes levied for the payment of the principal of and the interest on bonded indebtedness of cities, and exclusive of taxes levied pursuant to the mandate or judgment of any court of record on any bonded indebtedness), certified to be extended against any property in any part of any taxing district or municipality, shall exceed three per cent of the assessed valuation thereof upon which the taxes are required to be extended, the rate per cent of the tax levy of such taxing district or municipality shall be reduced as follows: The county clerk shall reduce the rate per cent of the tax levy of such taxing district or municipality in the same proportion in which it would be necessary to reduce the highest aggregate per cent of all the tax levies (exclusive of State taxes, village taxes, levee taxes, school building taxes, high school taxes, district school taxes and all other school taxes in school districts having not more than 100,000 inhabitants, road and bridge taxes, and for a period of three years beginning with the year 1913 taxes levied for the payment of the principal of and the interest on bonded indebtedness of cities, and exclusive of taxes levied pursuant to the mandate or judgment or any court of record on any bonded indebtedness), certified for extension upon any of the taxable property in said taxing district or municipality, to bring the same down to three per cent of the assessed value of said taxable property upon which said taxes are required by law to be extended: Provided, further, that in reducing tax levies hereunder the rate per cent of the tax levy for county purposes in counties having a population of over 300,000 shall not be reduced below a rate of forty cents on each one hundred dollars assessed value, and in counties having a population of less than 300,000 the rate of the tax levy for county purposes shall not be reduced below a rate of forty-five cents on each one hundred dollars assessed value, and the rate per cent of the tax levy for city or village purposes (exclusive of library, school and park purposes and for a period of three years beginning with the year 1913 exclusive of the taxes levied for the payment of the principal of and the interest on bonded indebtedness) in cities and villages having a population of over 150,000 shall not be reduced below a rate of one dollar and ten cents on each one hundred dollars assessed value, and the rate per cent of the school tax for educational purposes shall not be reduced below a rate of one dollar and five cents on each one hundred dollars assessed value, and the rate per cent of the tax levy for city or village purposes (exclusive of library, school and park purposes, and exclusive of the taxes levied for the payment of the principal of and the interest on bonded indebtedness) in cities and villages having a population of less than 150,000 shall not be reduced below a rate of one dollar and twenty cents on each one hundred dollars assessed value, and the rate per cent of the school tax levy for educational purposes shall not be reduced below a rate of one dollar and fifty cents on each one hundred dollars assessed value, but the other taxes which are subject to reduction under this section shall be subject only to such reduction respectively, as would be made therein under this section if this proviso were not inserted herein: And, provided, further, in reducing tax levies hereunder all school taxes levied in cities exceeding 150,000 inhabitants, with the exception of the levy for school building purposes, shall be included in the taxes to be reduced.

The rate per cent of the tax levy of every county, city, village, town, township, park district, sanitary district, road district, and other public authorities (except the State), shall be ascertained and determined (and reduced when necessary as above provided), in the manner hereinbefore specified, and shall then be extended by the county clerk upon the assessed value of the property subject thereto (being one-third of the full value thereof) as equalized according to law. In reducing the rate per cent of any tax levy, as hereinbefore provided, the rates per cent of all tax levies certified to the county clerk for extension as originally ascertained and determined under section one of this Act, shall be used in ascertaining the aggregate of all taxes certified to be extended without regard to any reductions made therein under this section: Provided, that no reduction of any tax levy made hereunder shall diminish any amount appropriated by corporate or taxing authorities for the payment of the principal or interest on bonded debt, or levied pursuant to the mandate or judgment of any court of record. And to that end every such taxing body shall certify to the county clerk with its tax levy, the amount thereof required for any such purposes.

In case of a reduction hereunder any taxing body whose levy is affected thereby and whose appropriations are required by law to be itemized, may, after the same have been ascertained, distribute the amount of such reduction among the items of its appropriations, with the exceptions aforesaid, as it may elect. If no such election be made within three months after the extension of such tax, all such items, except as above specified, shall be deemed to be reduced, pro rata. (As amended by an Act approved May 20, 1913.)

APPROVED May 9, 1901.


AN ACT to provide for the manner of issuing warrants upon the Treasurer of the State or of any county, township, city, village or other municipal corporation and jurors' certificates.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That warrants payable on demand, shall hereafter be drawn and issued upon, the Treasurer of the State or of any county, township, city, village or other municipal corporation, or against any fund in his hands, only when at the time of the drawing and issuing of such warrants, there shall be sufficient money in the appropriate fund in the treasury to pay said warrants.

§ 2. That whenever there is not sufficient money in the treasury of any county, city, town, village or other municpial corporation to meet and defray the ordinary and necessary expenses thereof, including all expenses for building purposes, it shall be lawful for the proper authorities thereof to provide a fund to meet all said expenses by issuing and disposing of warrants drawn against and in anticipation of any taxes already levied by said authorities for the payment of all such ordinary and necessary expenses of such county, city, town, village or other municipal corporation, to the extent of seventy-five per centum of the total amount of any such tax levied: Provided, however, that warrants drawn and issued under the provisions of this section shall show upon their face that they are payable solely from said taxes when collected and not otherwise, and shall be received by any collector of taxes in payment of the taxes against which they are issued, and which taxes against which said warrants are drawn, shall be set apart and held for their payment.

1. Boards of education in cities having a population exceeding 100,000 inhabitants, are authorized to issue warrants against and in anticipation of taxes levied for educational and building purposes upon the credit of the city.

§ 3. Every warrant issued under this Act shall bear interest, payable only out of the taxes against which it shall be drawn, at the rate of five per centum, per annum, from the date of its issuance until paid, or until notice shall be given by publication in a newspaper or otherwise, that the money for its payment is available, and that it will be paid on presentation unless a lower rate of interest shall be specified therein, in which case the interest shall be computed and paid at said lower rate. All jurors' certificates shall hereafter be issued in conformity with the provisions of this Act. The application of this Act, however, shall not relate to school districts.

1. Section 3 is manifestly intended to modify the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of Lansden v. Alexander County Bank, 257-309.

§ 4. "An Act to provide for the manner of issuing warrants upon the treasurer of any county, township, city, school district, or other municipal corporation, and jurors' certificates," approved May 31, 1879, in force July 1, 1879, as amended by an Act approved May 11, 1901, in force July 1, 1901, is hereby repealed.

APPROVED June 27, 1913.

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