district that lies within such city, village or incorporated town, and in such schcol district, when the same lies wholly within any such city, village or incorporated town, the election for such board of directors or board of education shall be conducted by the board of election commissioners of such city, village or incorporated town and in accordance with the provisions of the said Act of June 19, 1885, and the amendments thereto: And, provided, further, when such school district lies partly within and partly without any such city, village or incorporated town, the said board of election commissioners shall certify the returns received by them from the polling place or places without such city, village or incorporated town, to the proper officer or officers; and all the returns so certified and returned by the said board of election commissioners shall be canvassed, together with the returns certified from the polling places within such city, village or incorporated town, by the same canvassing board and the results thereof declared, and certificates of election shall be issued thereon the same as if all such votes had been cast in, certified and returned from such city, village or incorporated town: And, provided, further, that the regular election for the members of such board of education in any such school district lying wholly within or partly within and partly without any such city, village or incorporated town, which city, village or incorporated town has adopted or may adopt said Act of June 19, 1885, and Acts amendatory thereof, shall be held on the first Tuesday of the month of Aprit of each and every year after the passage of this Act: And, provided, further, that nominations of candidates for the office of member of said board of education to be voted for at all elections provided for in this Act shall be made only by petition in like manner as is provided for nominations of candidates by petition for town offices in counties under township organization by an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the printing and distribution of ballots at public expense, and for the nominations of candidates for public offices, to regulate the manner of holding elections, and to enforce the secrecy of the ballot," approved June 22, 1891, in force July 1, 1891, and Acts amendatory thereof; such petitions to be addressed to and filed in the office of the said board of education of such city, village or incorporated town, which board may certify to the said board of election commissioners the petitions so filed; except, however, that such petitions for nominations at the election which may be held on the fourth day of April, 1911, may be filed on or before five days before such election; the said elections in other respects to be held under the provisions of the said Act of June 22, 1891, and Acts amendatory thereof, so far as the same may apply and may not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. 1. The foregoing section affects only the school districts in which the cities of Quincy and Springfield are situate. § 2. WHEREAS, An emergency exists, therefore, this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED March 29, 1911. ADDITIONAL ACTS ΑΝΝΕΧATION OF TERRITORY AN ACT to provide for the annexation of cities, incorporated towns and villages, or parts of same, to cities, incorporated towns and villages. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That where an incorporated city, town or village adjoins another incorporated city, town or village, it may be annexed thereto in the manner following, that is to say: § 4. The city, village or incorporated town to which the whole or another city, village or incorporated town is annexed under the provisions of this Act shall assume and pay any and all debts, liabilities, bonds or obligations and interests thereon of the city, incorporated town or village so annexed and shall become vested with title and ownership of all property belonging to said city, village or incorporated town so annexed, to be held for the same purposes and to the same uses, subject to the same conditions as theretofore, and if the public schools of such enlarged city, village or incorporated town are all in charge and under the control of one board of education, the said enlarged city, village or incorporated town shall assume and pay the indebtedness of each school district or township lying wholly therein, and shall become vested with the title and ownership of all property belonging to any school district or township lying wholly therein, to be held for the same purposes and to the same uses and subject to the same conditions as theretofore. If the bonds of said city, village or incorporated town so annexed, or of any school district or township lying wholly therein have been registered in the office of the State Auditor of Public Accounts, in accordance with the statute, the county clerk shall certify the fact of such annexation forthwith to said State Auditor, and said State Auditor shall not thereafter certify any rate per centum to the county clerk, nor shall the county clerk thereafter extend any such rate for the payment of said bonds or interest thereon upon the taxable property of such city, town or village so annexed, or school district or township. All debts, bonds and obligations of the united municipality to be paid by the enlarged city, village or incorporated town. And if there be a portion of a school district or township lying within, and a portion lying without such annexed territory, the debts of such school district or township shall be paid, and the property divided in the same manner as is provided for paying debts and dividing property in section eight of this Act where parts of cities, villages or incorporated towns are annexed to other cities, villages or incorporated towns. § 8. When a part of the territory of a city, village or incorporated town is taken therefrom and annexed to another city, village or incorporated town, under the provisions of this Act, then the proportionate share of any indebtedness, contract or liability of such city, village or incorporated town from which such territory is taken shall be assumed and paid by such enlarged city, village or incorporated town according to the taxable property in such disconnected territory as the same existed immediately before such annexation, and if the public schools of such enlarged city, village or incorporated town shall be in charge and control of one board of education, then the proportionate share of any indebtedness of any school district or township shall be assumed and paid by such enlarged city, village or incorporated town, according to the taxable property in such part of such disconnected territory within such school district or township as the same existed immediately before such annexation, and if the whole of a school district or township is annexed then such municipality shall assume and pay all the indebtedness of such school district or township. The amount of the said indebtedness to be paid by said enlarged city, town or village shall be determined and agreed upon by the city council of the city or trustees of the village or incorporated town to which such territory is annexed, and the city council of the city or trustees of the village or incorporated town from which such territory is taken, or the school authorities of the school district or township of which such disconnected territory was a part, as the case may be, in such manner as they shall elect; if they cannot agree, then the matter shall be determined by the circuit or county court of the county in which such municipal corporation may be to which such annexation is made by petition of either municipal corporation or of any taxpayer of either municipality. The court shall hear and determine the matter in a summary manner, without pleadings, and shall pronounce judgment as the right and equity of the matter may demand. If the respective corporate authorities shall agree as to the amount to be paid by such enlarged city, town or village, then each shall pass an ordinance or a resolution reciting the amount thereof to be paid, a copy of which said ordinance or resolution shall be duly certified by the clerk of the city, village or incorporated town, to which such territory is annexed, and filed with the county clerk of the county wherein such enlarged city, town or village may lie, and by him certified to the State Auditor of Public Accounts, and which said ordinance or resolution shall be final and conclusive in all proceedings as to the amount of indebtedness so to be paid. If a judgment or decree shall be entered by a circuit or county court as herein provided, then a certified copy thereof shall be made by the clerk of said court, and filed with the clerk of each of the said municipal corporations and with the county clerk and by the county clerk certified to the State Auditor of Public Accounts, and such judgment shall be final and conclusive in all proceedings as to the amount of indebtedness to be paid by each municipality. The State Auditor shall not thereafter certify any rate per centum to the county clerk, nor shall the county clerk thereafter extend any rate upon the taxable property of said annexed territory for the payment of any of said bonds or interest thereon so issued by the city, incorporated town or village from which it is disconnected. Said enlarged city, town or village shall be vested with the title and ownership of all the public and school property in such annexed territory, and shall be charged therewith in the division of the public property of such dismembered city. incorporated town or village, or school district, or township, between said municipalities, or between said enlarged city, town or village, and any dismembered school district or township as the case may be, and the territory not annexed shall be charged with all the public property within such territory, and all the public funds in the hands of the corporate authorities, such division to be agreed upon by the same authorities or settled by the court in the same manner and upon the same basis as above provided for in dividing the indebtedness of said dismembered municipality or school district or township. APPROVED and in force April 23, 1889. CERTIFICATES AN ACT to provide for the certification of teachers SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That no one shall be authorized or employed to teach in the common schools of this State or shall receive for teaching any part of any public school fund who is not of good character, at least eighteen years of age and who does not, at the time he enters upon his duties, hold a certificate of qualification covering the entire period of his employment and granted by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, a county superintendent, or, in a city having a population exceeding 100,000 inhabitants, by the board of education of such city: Provided, that nothing in this Act relating to county teachers' certificates shall be applicable to counties having a population of five hundred thousand or over. § 2. State certificates granted by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the requirements for the same shall be as follows: First-A four-year elementary school certificate valid in the elementary schools of the State for which the requirements shall be: (1) Graduation from a recognized high school and from a recognized normal school, or an equivalent preparation; (2) three years' successful teaching, two of which shall have been in the State on a first grade county certificate, (3) a successful examination in English, educational psychology, and the principles and methods of teaching, and (4) the preparation of a thesis on one or more elementary school problems, the subject or subjects of which shall be selected from a list prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Second-A four-year high school certificate valid in any high school in the State, for which the requirements shall be: (1) Graduation from a recognized college or university, or the completion of an equivalent preparation; (2) three years' successful teaching, two of which shall have been in the State on a first grade, a high school, or a supervisory county certificate; (3) a successful examination in English, educational psychology, and the principles and methods of teaching, and (4) the preparation of a thesis on one or more secondary school problems, the subject or subjects of which shall be selected from a list prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Third-A four-year supervisory certificate valid for supervisory work and for teaching in any district in the State. The requirements for this certificate shall be: (1) Graduation from a recognized high school and from a recognized normal school, or an equivalent preparation; (2) three years' successful supervision, two of which shall have been in this State on a county supervisory certificate; (3) a successful examination in English, educational psychology, sociology, the history of education, and school organization, administration, and supervision, and (4) the preparation of a thesis on one or more problems of school administration, the subject or subjects of which shall be selected from a list prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. § 3. At the time of its expiration upon evidence of successful teaching or supervision satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, any four-year State certificate enumerated in this Act shall become valid and be endorsed for life. The validity of State certificates now in force and those issued in accordance with this Act, shall be conditioned upon the good behavior of the holder. § 4. Examinations for State certificates shall be held at such times and places and under such rules as may be prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. To each person who is successful in the examination for a State certificate the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue a certificate of the kind applied for, if in his judgment the personality of such applicant and his general qualifications other than scholarship fit him for the work which the certificate would authorize him to perform. § 5. A life certificate shall be forfeited three years after the person to whom it is issued ceases to engage in educational work unless its life shall have been extended within that time by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The holder of any State certificate, while he continues to teach, shall annually before entering upon his duties, present his certificate to the county superintendent for registration and pay a fee of one dollar for the same, which fee shall be covered into the institute fund. State certificates in force at the time of the passage of this Act shall not have the term of their validity impaired. State elementary certificates shall be valid for teaching in the elementary schools, State high school certificates for teaching in the high schools and State supervisory and general certificates for supervision and teaching in the schools supervised. § 6. County certificates granted by the county superintendent and the requirements for the same shall be as follows: First-A third grade elementary school certificate, valid for one year in the first eight grades of the common schools of the county in which it is issued and in no other county. This certificate shall be renewable once only and on evidence satisfactory to the county superintendent of three months' successful teaching or six weeks' professional training. Applicants for this certificate shall be examined in orthography, civics, Illinois history, physiology, penmanship, reading, grammar, geography, United States history, arithmetic, and the principles and methods of the State course of study. This certificate shall not be |