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issued the second time to the same person. At the option of the county superintendent this certificate may be issued without examination to persons who have successfully completed two years of work in recognized normal school, or one year of such work if the applicant is a graduate of the tenth grade.

Second-A second grade elementary school certificate valid for two years in the first eight grades of the common schools of the county and in the ninth and tenth grades when endorsed for the same by the county superintendent. This certificate shall be renewable on evidence satisfactory to the county superintendent of six months' successful teaching or twelve weeks' professional training, and a second time if in the period following the date of issue the holder shall have acquired eighteen weeks' professional training in any recognized school providing such training. The applicant for this certificate shall be examined in orthography, civics, Illinois history, physiology, penmanship, reading, grammar, geography, United States history, arithmetic, elementary science, pedagogy, and the principles and methods of the State course of study. At the option of the county superintendent this certificate may be issued without examination to persons who have completed the junior year's work in a recognized normal school, or its equivalent.

Third-A first grade elementary school certificate, valid for three years in the first ten grades of the common schools of the county, and in the high school when endorsed for the same by the county superintendent. This certificate shall be renewable indefinitely for periods of three years, upon evidence of successful teaching and professional growth satisfactory to the county superintendent. The requirements for this form of certificate shall be: (1) Graduation from a recognized high school, or an equivalent preparation; (2) six months of successful teaching, and (3) an examination in orthography, including spelling, civics, Illinois history, physiology, penmanship, reading, grammar, geography, United States history, arithmetic, pedagogy, English, algebra, general history, and any three of the following natural sciences: Botany, zoölogy, physics, chemistry, and physiography. This certificate shall be issued to graduates of a recognized normal school, or from an institution offering an equivalent preparation, provided the applicant has had one year of successful practice teaching, and applies for the certificate within three years after graduation.

Fourth-A high school certificate, valid for three years in the high schools of the county. This certificate shall be renewable indefinitely for periods of three years on evidence satisfactory to the county superintendent of successful teaching or supervision and professional growth. The requirements for this form of certificate shall be: (1) Graduation from a recognized high school, or an equivalent preparation; (2) a certificate showing the completion of at least two years' successful work in any recognized higher institution of learning, and (3) an examination in English, pedagogy, and six high school subjects, three majors and three minors, chosen from a list prescribed by the examining board hereinafter provided, for: Provided, however, the graduates of a recognized normal school, college or university may offer within three years after graduation, certified credits in lieu of examination in the above subjects accompanied by faculty recommendations of ability to teach in the high school.

Fifth-A supervisory certificate, valid for three years for supervisory work in any district in the county and for teaching in the schools supervised by the holder. This certificate shall be renewable for three-year periods on satisfactory evidence of successful teaching or supervision, and of professional growth. The requirements for this certificate shall be: (1) Graduation from a recognized high school and at least two years' work in a recognized higher institution, one of which shall have been in a normal school, or an equivalent preparation; (2) two years' successful teaching or supervision, and (3) a successful examination in English, educational psychology, the history of education, and school administration.

Sixth-A kindergarten primary certificate, valid for two years in any kindergarten and in the first two grades of the common schools of the county, providing the kindergarten training school of which the applicant is a graduate gives adequate preparation for the first two grades of work. This certificate shall be renewable for two-year periods on evidence of successful teaching satisfactory to the county superintendent. The requirements for this form of certificate shall be graduation from a recognized high school and from a recognized kindergarten training school, or the completion of an equivalent course; or in lieu of graduation from such training school, such examination in English, and the theory and practice of kindergarten and primary work as may be prescribed by the examining board.

Seventh-A special certificate, valid for two years in the common schools of the county, renewable for two-year periods. Such certificate shall be issued in music, drawing, agriculture, manual training, domestic science, domestic art, physical training, penmanship, bookkeeping, German, and such other subjects as may be added by the examining board and shall authorize the holder to teach only the subject or subjects named in the certificate. The requirements for this form of certificate shall be graduation from a recognized high school, or an equivalent preparation, and a certificate showing the completion in a recognized higher institution of learning of at least two years' special training, and an examination in English and the principles and methods of teaching, and satisfactory evidence that the applicant has taught or can teach such subjects successfully.

§ 7. The county superintendent is hereby authorized to issue a third grade elementary certificate to persons of his or other counties who fall below the required average, but the number of such certificates issued in any one year shall not exceed ten per cent of the number of teachers employed in his county. Such certificates shall be designated on their face, "Provisional," and the same shall not be renewable or issued the second time to the same person. The county superintendent is also authorized to issue at any time, upon evidence satisfactory to himself, that the applicant possesses the prerequisites and qualifications for such certificate, a county certificate of any grade, such certificate to be designated on its face, "Emergency." This certificate shall be valid only until the next regular examination, and in the county of issue.

Third grade and second grade certificates are valid for teaching only. A first grade certificate is valid for supervision in all positions where the principal or superintendent teaches one-half or more of the time. County certificates issued without examination as herein provided shall have that fact stated on the certificate and a certified copy of credits shall be filed with the application.

§ 8. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act with regard to county certificates there is hereby created an examining board to consist of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall be ex officio chairman, one person who is engaged in educational work, to be appointed by him for a term of four years, and three county superintendents, each to serve for three years, one to be appointed annually by the Superintendent of Public Instruction upon the recommendation of the county superintendents' section of the State Teachers' Association at its annual meeting. The first year of the terms of the members of the board shall end on January 1, following the going into effect of this Act. The necessary traveling expenses of the board and such other expenses as are necessary in carrying out the provisions of this Act shall be provided through the State Department of Education. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have the power to fill vacancies until the next annual meeting of the State Teachers' Association. If a member of this board ceases to be a county superintendent he ceases to be a member of the board. Examinations for county certificates shall be held at the various county seats on the same day at least three times each year and under such rules as may be prescribed by the examining board. Questions for each examination shall be uniform throughout the State and shall be prepared by said board and forwarded to the county superintendents under seal, to be broken only at the time of opening the examination and in the presence of the applicants. The county superintendent shall conduct the examination in his county, and at the close of the same shall forward all papers to the examining board. The grades shall be returned to the county superintendent, who shall issue the certificate of the kind designated to each applicant in his county who has passed the examination, if in his judgment the personality of such applicant and his general qualifications other than scholarship, fit him for the work which the certificate would authorize him to perform. The papers shall be kept on file for six months for reference by the applicant or the county superintendent.

§ 9. A first and second grade elementary school certificate, a high school certificate, a supervisory certificate, a kindergarten-primary certificate, or a special certificate, shall be valid in the county of issue, and in any county of the State when endorsed by the county superintendent of such county, upon evidence of successful teaching, certified by the county superintendent in whose county the teaching has been done. A certificate shall not be renewable until its expiration or within sixty days thereafter, and no certificate shall be renewed except at the option of the superintendent issuing or endorsing it and on evidence satisfactory to such superintendent of successful teaching and professional growth.

§ 10. An applicant for a certificate who has not completed a high school course, when such is required, shall be admitted to a preliminary examination, set by the examining board, on subjects announced in advance, for the purpose of determining whether such applicant possesses an equivalent preparation.

§ 11. Any person who holds, at the time this Act goes into effect, a valid county certificate, may, with the approval of the county superintendent, exchange the same for a certificate of equal grade-a second grade for a second grade elementary; a first grade for a first grade elementary, high school, or supervisory county certificates; a special certificate for a special certificate.

§ 12. In the examination of teachers for certificates higher than those which they shall have received in exchange for certificates in force when this Act goes into effect, and in the renewal of their certificates, successful experience in teaching or supervision shall be accepted as an equivalent for high school and professional training.

§ 13. Every applicant for a county certificate shall pay a fee of one dollar for each examination. All county certificates shall be annually registered and endorsed, and a fee of one dollar shall be charged for the same.

§ 14. Any person who shall sell, barter, trade, or give away, or offer to sell, barter, trade, or give away, to applicants for teachers' certificates or to any other person, or any person who shall buy, purchase, bargain or trade for or accept, any of the questions prepared for the examination of teachers, or in any way dispose of or accept any of such questions, in violation of the rules prescribed by the examing board, or any person who shall reveal or give information which shall reveal the identity of any writer of an examination paper, shall, on conviction, be fined not less than $25 nor more than $100.

§ 15. By the word "recognized," as used in this Act in connection with the word "school," "college," or "university," is meant such school, college or university as maintains an equipment, course of study and standard of scholarship approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction or the examining board, according to the certificate to which it pertains. The term "equivalent preparation," as used in this Act, shall be interpreted and determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction or the examining board, according to the certificate to which it pertains.

§ 16. The first year of all certificates shall expire on June 30 following the date of issue. Certificates earned in May or June shall be dated July 1, following.

§ 17. Any certificate issued under this Act may be suspended by either the county superintendent or Superintendent of Public Instruction upon evidence of immorality, incompetency, unprofessional conduct, or other just cause, and revoked for the same reasons by the county superintendent issuing it. When a certificate is suspended by the superintendent not issuing the same, the right of appeal shall lie to the issuing superintendent. When an appeal is taken within ten days after notice of suspension it shall act as a stay of proceedings for a period not to exceed sixty days. Refusal to attend, participate in, or an indifferent or antagonistic attitude toward institutes, teachers' meetings, professional reading, or other reasonable requirements of the county or State superintendent, including the making of statistical and other reports, may be considered as unprofessional conduct.

§ 18. Under the rules of the examining board provisions may be made for granting certificates of lower grade than the one applied for, when so requested by the applicant, and also for giving credit toward higher certificates for grades recorded upon lower certificates.

An applicant for a county certificate may write in any county and apply for a certificate in another county.

§ 19. When a person applies for his first county or State certificate he shall file as reference to character, the names of three competent persons.

§ 20. The Superintendent of Public Instruction may recognize and honor any State certificate of another state obtained under conditions similar to those in Illinois. The county superintendent of schools may recognize and honor any certificate of another state obtained under conditions similar to those in Illinois, under such rules as may be prescribed by the examining board, except that certificates the equivalent of the third grade elementary and second grade elementary certificates described in this Act shall not be subject to recognition.

§ 21. Sections 176, 177, 178 and 180 of an Act entitled, "An Act to establish and maintain a system of free schools," approved and in force June 12, 1909, and any other section, Acts or parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

§ 22. This Act shall take effect and be in force on and after July 1, 1914. APPROVED June 28, 1913.


AN ACT to regulate the employment of children in the State of Illinois, and to provide for the enforcement thereof.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That no child under the age of 14 years shall be employed, permitted or suffered to work at any gainful occupation in any theatre, concert hall or place of amusement where intoxicating liquors are sold, or in any mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, passenger or freight elevator, factory or workshop or as messenger or driver thereof, within this State. That no child under 14 years of age shall be employed at any work performed for wages or other compensation, to whomsoever payable, during any portion of any month when the public schools of any town, township, village or city in which he or she resides are in session, nor be employed at any work before the hour of 7:00 o'clock in the morning or after the hour of 6:00 o'clock in the evening: Provided, that no child shall be allowed to work more than eight hours in any one day.

§ 2. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation, agent or manager of any firm or corporation employing minors over 14 years and under 16 years of age in any mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, theatre,

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