THE AUSTRALIAN JURIST REPORTS. Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria. EDITED BY JAMES L PURVES, ESQ., & WILLIAM MCKINLEY, ESQ., BARRISTERS-AT-LAW. VOL. I. From FEBRUARY 1 to DECEMBER 23, 1870. MELBOURNE : STILLWELL AND KNIGHt, printerS, 78 COLLINS STREET EAST. MгCCCLXXI. EDITORIAL NOTE When the mammoth task had been completed of reprinting the early Victorian nominate reports of Wyatt and Webb and Wyatt Webb and a'Beckett and the reports being the Victorian Reports of 1870-1872 and the Victorian Law Reports of 1875-1956, it was apparent that there was a gap of approximately two years between the last year of the early Victorian Reports (1872) and the first year of the Victorian Law Reports (1875). The reprint of the Australian Jurist Reports (18701874) virtually closes that gap, by making available modern copies of these old reports, which otherwise are quite unobtainable, being long out of print. The only way of obtaining access to the Jurist Reports (which consist of Victorian cases) for example was by attending at the Supreme Court Library. It was thought that a reprint was desirable, both for those practising the law as barristers or solicitors, and for teachers of law in the universities: It was thought also that a reprint of a'Beckett J.'s reserved cases of 1846-51, of the Victorian Law Times of 1856-1857, and of the practically unknown Williams' Practice Cases of 1847 would be of interest to the profession. Together with the reprinting of Australian Law Times cases from 1879-1928 (these are Victorian decisions) which have not been reported in the Victorian Law Reports series during the same period, the profession will have for the first time a readily available and practically complete set of Victorian Supreme Court decisions, including Port Phillip decisions before Separation. May 1970 ERIC E. HEWITT JUDGE OF THE VICTORIAN COUNTY COURT TABLE OF CASES REPORTED A Adams, R. v.; Ex parte Ewart . Adelaide Fire and Marine Assurance Co., Finlayson v. 160 116 . 133 Agnew v. McGregor 5 Atkinson v. Belfast Town Council Attorney-General v. Rogers Attorney-General v. Sanderson Attorney-General and, Bungaree Road Board, Ballarat and Ballarat East Council v. Avon Shire Council v. Royle B Bailey and, Hardcourt, Re Trust Estate of Balcombe, R. v. Ballarat and Ballarat East Council v. Bungaree Road Board and Attorney-General Ballarat and Chiltern G.M. Co. v. Cleeland Ballarat and Chiltern G.M. Co. v. Kerr Ballarat and Chiltern G.M. Co. v. Roberts Ballarat Banking Co., Hinchcliffe v. Ballarat Shire Council v. Bungaree District Road Board Band of Hope and Albion Consols v. St. George United Co. 2 172 120, 149 21 33 166 76 . 152 33 . 142 . 142 142 . 167 49 . 174 . 131 90, 131 127, 166 55 57 31 8 . 160 10 |