information contained in such annual statements to be arranged in tabular form, and publish the same with his annual report as commissioner of insurance; and he shall cause such statements to be, in his discretion, condensed and summarized, showing briefly, but intelligibly, the capital, assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, and business done within the state, of and by such corporations, and cause such condensed statement to be published in the official state paper for six successive days, and for a like period in one other daily newspaper, or for six successive weeks in one weekly newspaper, published in the state, at the expense of such corporations. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and pubiication. Approved Feb. 26, 1897. No. 22, S.] [Published March 4, 1897. 12. CHAPTER AN ACT to regulate the manner in which inmates in the several penal, reformatory and charitable state institutions may be removed from one of these institutions to another. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: mates from state institu by order of the SECTION 1. Any inmate, committed by any Removal of incourt or judicial officer, or by the state board one charitable of control to the industrial school for boys, tion to another the industrial school for girls, the state hospi- may be made tal for the insane, the northern hospital for state board of the insane, the state public school, the home for the feeble-minded, the Milwaukee county hospital for the insane, or any county asylum control. for the chronic insane, or to any other state penal, reformatory or charitable institution that may hereafter be established, may be removed, in a proper case, from any one of these institutions to any other of them by the state board of control. Provided, however, that the power of removal from either of the hospitals for the insane is subject to the exception contained in section 591, revised statutes, in respect to persons committed by courts awaiting trial or sentence for felony. And provided further, that whenever any such removal is made to the home for the feeble-minded, it shall be made by order of the board acting as a commission in luracy, after reasonable notice of the application therefor to the court or judge by whom such inmate was committed. superintendent of the institution from which any such removal is made shall notify the court or judge who committed such inmate of the fact of such removal. The board, acting as a commission in lunacy, may also adjudge any prisoner in the state prison, in any county jail, or in the Milwaukee house of correction, to be insane, and may, with the approval of the gov ernor, remove him or her to one of the state hospitals for the insane. When a prisoner thus removed recovers his reason, he shall, by order of the board, be returned to the prison from whence he was taken. The SECTION 2. Whenever an order of removal is made pursuant to the preceding section, the board shall designate in the order the person or officer who shall make such removal, or under whose direction it shall be made, and no mileage or per diem shall be allowed for making the same. The board may designate for such purpose the superintendent of the institution from which or to which such removal is made, or any other discreet citizen, who shall be paid therefor his actual and necessary trav eling expenses and those of the person removed and of any necessary assistant, to be adjusted by the board, and paid out of the current expense fund of the institution from which such removal is made. If some county is chargeable with any portion of the expense of maintaining the person so removed, such county shall pay the expense of such removal. Payment thereof by such county will be enforced in the same manner that charges for the maintenance of such persons are enforced. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 3, 1897. No. 60, S.] [Published March 4, 1897. CHAPTER 13. AN ACT to amend section 1346a, Sanborn and Berryman's annotated statutes, relating to sidewalks in towns. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: repair of side -notices, how SECTION 1. Section 1346a, Sanborn and Ber- Relating to the ryman's annotated statutes, is hereby amended walks in towns by adding the following: Whenever the pub- given and by lic convenience or safety requires any sidewalk whom. to be repaired, the board of supervisors shall give written notice to the parties owning the property in front of which such sidewalk is laid, if known and residing in said town, and if unknown or not residents thereof, shall post written notices in three or more public places in said town that unless such sidewalk therein to be specified be repaired to the satisfaction of the board of supervisors within three days thereafter, they will repair the same at the expense of the property; and if the same be not in such time repaired, the board of supervisors shall so repair it, and shall certify to the town clerk the cost of the repairs, together with a description of the property in front of which the repairs are made, and said town clerk shall add the amount of the cost of such repairs to the next tax roll, opposite to the description of property returned, and the said cost of repairs shall be collected as other taxes. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publi. cation. Approved March 3, 1897. No. 114, S.] [Published March 4, 1897. Registers in probate may administer oaths in ab CHAPTER 14. AN ACT to amend section 2, chapter 303, laws of 1895, entitled, "An act to provide clerks of county courts." The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2, of chapter 303, laws of 1895, is hereby amended by adding thereto sence of judge. the following words, to-wit: "Such register shall have authority to administer any oath or affidavit required or authorized by law in proceedings in the county court and shall certify to copies of records and files in said court," so that when so amended section 2 shall read as follows, to-wit: Section 2. It shall be the duty of such register to perform such duties as he is directed to by said county judge and whenever said county judge shall be absent from the county seat, or is otherwise disabled, and any application shall be made to the county court, requiring notice of hearing to be given by the court, the register in probate may cause such notice to be given, and an order directing such notice shall be signed as follows: "By the court: Register in Probate." And the notice given accordingly, when so signed by the register in probate, shall have the same force and effect as if signed by the county judge. Such register shall have authority to administer any oath or affidavit required or authorized by law in proceedings in the county court and shall certify to copies of records and files in said court. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 3, 1897. No. 65, S.] [Published March 5, 1897. CHAPTER 15. AN ACT to authorize the joint special committee on the revision of the statutes to employ a clerk and a stenographer, and making an appropriation therefor. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: revision of re employ clerk rapher. SECTION 1. The joint special committee to Committee on which has been referred bill No. 33, S., entitled, vised statutes "a bill to revise the general statutes," is authorized to hereby authorized to employ a clerk and sten- and stenogographer; the compensation of the clerk to be four dollars per day; that of the stenographer to be three dollars per day, the compensation for services of such stenographer to commence from date of employment by committee, viz.: |