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ested, by advertisement, for not less than one week, in the official papers of said city, that such assessment has been made and is ready for inspection in their office; and that the same will be open for review and correction by the said board at their office for not less than five days after the publication of said notice, during certain hours and not less than two of each day, and that all persons interested will be heard by the board in objection to such assessment, and generally in the matter of such review and correction. It shall be sufficient to state in such notice in brief for what such assessment has been made, in what locality, and no further notice or publication of such assessment shall be necessary. During the time mentioned in such notice the board shall hear objections and evidence, and they shall have power to review and correct such assessment at any time during such review and for three days thereafter.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 26, 1897.

No. 455, A.]

[Published March 27, 1897.

Penalty for

selling adul


AN ACT amendatory of section 1, chapter 425, laws of 1889, relating to fines for the sale of unmerchantable or adulterated milk.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 1, chapter 425, of the terated milk. laws of 1889, is hereby amended by striking out

the word "ten" where it occurs in said section and inserting the words "twenty-five," so that said section when so amended shall read as foilows: Section 1. Any person who shall seli or offer for sale, or furnish or deliver, or have in his possession, with intent to sell or offer for sale or furnish or deliver to any creamery, cheese factory, corporation, person or persons whatsoever, as pure, wholesome and unskimmed, any unmerchantable, adulterated, impure or unwholesome milk, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than twentyfive nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 26, 1897.

No. 331, A.]

[Published March 27, 1897.


AN ACT to legalize the acts of the secretary of state and state treasurer.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

and state

legalized in

and game law.

SECTION 1. All acts of the secretary of state Acts of secreand state treasurer, done under and pursuant tary of state to the authority purported to be given to and treasurer conferred upon them, or either of them, by regard to fish either of the alleged laws contained in the volume of the laws of Wisconsin for 1895, and entitled, an act to revise, amend and consolidate the laws of the state relating to game and its preservation, fish and the preservation and prop


agation thereof, are hereby fully and completely legalized and declared to be as effectual and binding upon all parties affected thereby, as if said laws or either of them were valid.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 26, 1897.

No. 408, A.1

[Published March 30, 1897.

How name of city may be changed.

What petition


AN ACT to authorize cities of the fourth class operating under general or special charter, to change their names.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Upon request by petition signed by a majority of all the electors of any city of the fourth class operating under general or special charter, the common council of such city may, by two-thirds vote of all its members, change the name of such city.

SECTION 2. The petition mentioned in the shall contain. preceding section shall be directed to the common council, and shall designate the new name for such city, and the common council shall not change the name of such city to any other name than that designated in such petition.

Action of the

common council when name is changed.

SECTION 3. When the name of any such city shall be changed, as provided in the two preceding sections, the common council shall adopt an ordinance carrying such change into effect, and cause such ordinance to be published in some public newspaper in such city, and the

change of name of any such city shall be in effect only from and after such publication of such ordinance.

name to

rights and


SECTION 4. Such city, under its new name, City with new shall have and possess all the rights, powers, possess all privileges and immunities conferred by its powers of eriginal charter, or by the general laws of this state, and all debts, obligations and liabilities of every kind or character whatsoever, existing against such city at the time of such change of name, shall continue with the same force and effect as though such change had not been had, and may be enforced in the same manner under its new name as they might under its old, had such change not been made.

SECTION 5. All laws or parts of laws conflicting with this act are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 26, 1897.

No. 451, A.]

[Published March 29, 1897.


AN ACT to authorize a wider use of the books of free public libraries, and amendatory of section 934, of the revised statutes of Wisconsin.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

rules and regu

SECTION 1. Section 934, of the revised stat- Respecting the utes of Wisconsin, is hereby amended by adding lations for conto it the following words: Provided, that the lic library. board of directors of such library and reading

ducting a pub

room may, under such rules and regulations as they may deem it necessary to make, and upon such conditions as may be agreed upon, allow non-residents of the city, town or village in which the library and reading room are situ ated, to use the books therein, and may exchange such books with any other public library, either permanently or temporarily; and any such board may contract, with the board of supervisors of the county in which the library is situated, or with the board of supervisors, village trustees, or common council of any neighboring town, village or city, to loan the books of said library to the residents of said county, town, village or city upon the terms agreed upon in such contract; and every such board of di rectors, board of county or town supervisors, village trustees or common council, is hereby empowered to make contracts for such purpose, and to pay the consideration agreed upon therein to the board of directors of such library and reading room out of the county, town, village or city treasury, upon the rendering of proper ac counts therefor, so that section 934, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 934. Every library and reading room established under this chapter shall be forever free for the use of the inhabitants of the city, town or village where located, always subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the library board may find necessary to adopt and publish, in order to render the use of said library and reading room of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and they may exclude and cut off from the use of said library and reading room, any and all persons who shall wilfully violate such rules; provided, that the board of directors of such library and reading room may, under such rules and regulations as they may deem it necessary to make, and upon such conditions as may be agreed upon, allow non-residents of the city, town or village in which the library and reading rooms are situated to use the books therein, and may exchange such books with any other public library, either permanently or tem

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