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Relating to insuring state

to provide


armory, etc.

shall be the duty of the district attorney of the proper county to prosecute every such action. SECTION 4. Section 35, chapter 292, laws of 1893, is hereby repealed.

SECTION 5. Section 50, chapter 292, laws of property. Com- 1893, is hereby amended by inserting after the pany and band word "company," in the first line thereof, the words "and band," so that said section, when so amended shall read as follows: Section 50. Each company and band shall provide, at its own expense, a suitable room or building for an armory, and proper racks, frames and other needful provisions for the safe keeping of the arms, accoutrements and stores, issued by the state, and shall therein keep the same when not in lawful use.

Armory rent and other ex

pany and band.

SECTION 6. Section 51, chapter 292, laws of penses for com- 1893, is hereby amended by inserting after the word "company," in the first line thereof, the words "or band," and by inserting after the word 'company," in the ninth line thereof, the words, "or the officer or non-commissioned officer in charge of such band," and by inserting after the words, "eight hundred dollars," in the thirty-second line thereof, the words, "and the bands each the sum of one hundred dollars," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 51. When such company or band shall be found by means of the annual inspection, provided for in this act, to be prop erly organized; to have at least the minimum number of members to be well uniformed; to be well equipped with the necessary arms and accoutrements, and to have its arms, accoutrements and stores in good condition; to have assembled for inspection and drill as provided by law; and if the commanding officer of such company, or the officer or non-commissioned officer in charge of such band, shall have made all the muster rolls, and returns required by law or order, all of which shall be evidenced by the certificate of the adjutant general; and when such certified inspection report shall be approved by the governor, each such company

propriation for

in various

shall annually be paid out of the state treasury, upon the receipt of its commanding officer, the following appropriations in addition to those otherwise provided for in this act: Each com- Amount of ap pany, stationed in a city containing less than each company twenty thousand inhabitants, according to the cities allowed last state or national census, the sum of three for expenses. hundred dollars. Each company, stationed in a city containing more than twenty thousand, and less than fifty thousand inhabitants, according to the last state or national census, the sum of four hundred dollars. Each infantry company, stationed in a city containing more than fifty thousand inhabitants, according to the last state or national census, the sum of five hundred dollars. The troop of cavalry and battery of light artillery, each the sum of eight hundred dollars, and the bands each the sum of one hundred dollars. The above mentioned appropriations shall be full compensation for armory rent, and for all other expenses not otherwise provided for in this act.

SECTION 7. Section 68, chapter 292, laws of 1893, is hereby amended by inserting after the word "care," in the fifth line thereof, the word "enlargement," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 68. There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund, to be paid on the voucher of the quartermaster general, with the approval of the governor, the sum of three thousand dollars annually, for the maintenance, care, enlargement and improvement of said military reservation.

$3,000 annually ance and care reservation.

for mainten

of military

require com

to leave part of

treasury for

SECTION 8. Section 70, chapter 292, laws of Governor may 1893, is hereby amended by inserting after the pany or band word "company," in the second line thereof, the its funds in the words "or band" and by inserting after the word certain pur"thereon" on the fifth line thereof, the words "or poses. for insurance," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 70. The governor may require, by orders, any company or band, to leave all or any part of such funds in the treasury on deposit, and may direct the same to be expended for uniforms or re

Amount to be allowed a troop or battery.

Board of visitors to be ap

governor to


pairs thereon, or for insurance, when, and in such amount as he shall direct, and make such orders or regulations or require such security from officers, from time to time, as he may deem necessary for the proper care or expenditure of said funds or the clothing procured therewith.

SECTION 9. Section 71, chapter 292, laws of 1893, is hereby amended by striking out after the words "sum of," in the fourth line thereof, the word "three" and inserting in place thereof the word "fifteen," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 71. In addition to all other appropriations and allowances, provided for in this act, the troop and battery shall each receive, subject to the approval of the governor, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars annually, as extra allowances for the extraordinary expenses incident to drills and instruction of mounted organizations; provided, that not more than three hundred dollars of this amount shall be paid annually, to said troop or battery, unless said troop or battery shall have present at each annual inspection not less than fifty-five enlisted men in complete uniform, and at each annual encampment, not less than forty-five enlisted men properly mounted and equipped; and each regimental commander shall receive annually the sum of one hundred dollars, for the incidental expense of regimental headquarters, and each such commander shall annually report to the adjutant general the disposition made of such fund.

SECTION 10. Section 68, chapter 292, laws of pointed by the 1893, is hereby amended by adding thereto the visit National following, which shall be known as "Section Guard when in 68a:" Section 68a. A board of visitors to the Wisconsin National Guard, is hereby created, which shall consist of six members, two of whom shall be appointed biennially from the senate, by the lieutenant governor; two to be appointed biennially from the assembly, by the speaker; and two to be appointed annually by the governor from the public at large. The duties of this board shall be to visit, once each

summer, the Wisconsin National Guard when in camp, observe its condition, equipment, instruction and discipline and make full report thereof to the governor, together with such recommendations as it may see fit to make. The board to receive no compensation but all its expenses to be paid by the state, on voucher of the adjutant general, approved by the gov


employment of

SECTION 11. Section 40, chapter 292, laws of Relating to the 1893, is hereby amended by inserting after the clerks and word "clerks," in the third line thereof the other help. words, "and other help," and by substituting for the word "offices," in the fourth line thereof the word "departments," and by inserting after the word "clerks" in the twelfth line thereof, the words "and other help," and by striking out the word "and" after the word "officers" in the thirteenth line thereof, and by inserting after the word "clerks" in the thirteenth line thereof, the words "and help," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 40. The governor, and the adjutant general, and the quartermaster general, with the governor's approval, may employ such clerks, and other help in their departments, and shall be furnished with such blanks, and blank books, as may be necessary to the proper discharge of their duties under this chapter. The governor may, by orders, duplicates of which shall be filed with the secretary of state, fix the pay of the quartermaster general, and the pay of any member of his staff, or other officer or of ficers, for any special service under orders, and the pay of all clerks and other help, above referred to. The pay of such officers, clerks and help, and their actual and necessary expenses when on special duty under the orders of the governor, shall be paid out of the state treasury.

SECTION 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved April 1, 1897.

Appointment of assistant

city attorneys authorized in cities of the first and second class.

No. 218, S.]

[Published April 2, 1897.


AN ACT to authorize the appointment of assistant city attorneys in cities of the first and second class, as defined by section 1, of chapter 312, of the laws of Wisconsin for 1893, whether such city be incorporated by special act of the legislature or under the general laws of the state.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The city attorney of each city in this state of the first class or second class, as defined by chapter 312, of the laws of Wisconsin for 1893, whether such city be incorporated by special act of the legislature or under the general laws of the state, is hereby authorized, on or before the first day of July, 1897, or the first day of July in the year next following the first national or state census, showing such city to belong to either said first or second class, and every four years from said July first thereafter, to appoint a special assistant in the law depar ment of such city, who shall be known as the special assistant city attorney, who shall hold his office for the term of four (4) years, and until his successor shall have been appointed and have qualified. It shall be the duty of such special assistant city attorney to draw all the pleadings and try all such cases to which such city may be a party, as shall be assigned to him by the city attorney. He shall also aid and assist the city attorney in other matters pertaining to the law department of such city when called upon by him so to do, and for his services the said special assistant city attorney shall receive an annual salary of thirty-six hundred (3600) dollars, payable in like manner as the salary of

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