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No. 182, A.]

[Published March 12, 1897.


AN ACT to amend chapter 138, laws of 1881, entitled, "An act to amend section 752, of the revised statutes of 1878, relating to district attorney."

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:


the district attor

bills of excep

tried during

said term has

SECTION 1. Section 1, of chapter 138, of laws of 1881, is hereby amended by adding to ney to settle said section after the word "party," the fol- tions in cases lowing: "And to attend to the settlement of his term, after bills of exceptions in cases which he has tried expired; also during his term of office, after his term of office sation. has expired; for which services, so rendered, he shall receive compensation from the county, where elected, not to exceed twenty-five dollars per day for time actually expended."

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 10, 1897.

fixing compen

No. 202, A.]

[Published March 12, 1897.


AN ACT to authorize the state treasurer to cover certain special deposits into the general fund.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

Whereas, Certain special deposits have been made with the state treasurer, to-wit: David

Special de

posits of volun

names of depositors.

Bullum, company "K," fifth regiment, Wisteer aid fund; Consin Volunteer Infantry: One United States 10-40 bond, with coupons since March, 1866, one hundred dollars. One United States 10-40 bond, with coupons since March, 1866, fifty dollars. Deposit certificate of M. Von Baumbach, Milwaukee, fifty dollars; currency, forty-two dol lars and seventy cents; total, two hundred and forty-two dollars and seventy cents. Charles Heinrich, company "D," thirty-second regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry: Currency, ninety-three dollars. Fred Kirshenbeler, company "F," twenty-first regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry: One United States 10-40 bond, with coupons since March, 1866, one hundred dollars; currency, sixteen dollars and twenty-eight cents; total, one hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-eight cents. Mary Ann Pierson: Volunteer aid fund, draft for five dollars. Harriet C. Knox: Volunteer aid fund, draft for three dollars and sixty-seven cents. Heirs of George Morehead, late company "K," fortieth regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry: Currency, fifty-three dollars and five cents. James Towle, late company "G," sixteenth regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, an insane soldier: Currency, eighty-seven dollars and twenty cents; and,


state treasurer

to deposit into

general fund.


said treasurer

to pay deposits
to depositors
or heirs when
legal proofs
made satisfy
attorney gen-
eral and are
filed in office
of secretary of

Whereas, None of the owners of said special deposits or their heirs have ever claimed said money; and,

Whereas, Said special deposits are kept in separate accounts in the office of the state treasurer, therefore, be it enacted,

SECTION 1. That the state treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to reduce all of said special deposits to cash and deposit the same in the general fund.

SECTION 2. That the state treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay any of said special deposits to the said depositors or their lawful heirs, whenever the proper legal proofs shall have been made to the satisfaction of the attorney general and filed in the office of the secretary of state.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 10, 1897.

No. 247, S.]

[Published March 11, 1897.


AN ACT authorizing the common council of cities to change the number and boundaries of wards by ordinances.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

notice re

change of ward

SECTION 1. The council of any city of the Publication of third or fourth classes, incorporated under quired for special charter, may change the number and and bounboundaries of the wards in such city by ordi- daries. nance adopted by a vote of at least threefourths of its members; provided, that such ordinance shall be introduced at a regular meeting of such council, and before final action is taken thereon shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks in the of ficial paper, if any, and if not, in some newspaper published in such city, if there be one, otherwise in some newspaper to be designated by the council; and when the boundaries and number of wards are fixed by an ordinance under this section the number of wards in such city and the boundaries thereof, or of any of said wards, shall not again be changed for a period of three years, except by adding thereto such territory as may at any time be added to the city, and provided further, that the territory of the wards shall be contiguous and

Number of inhabitants

compact, and that no new ward shall be so created that shall contain less than one thousand inhabitants.

SECTION 2. Whenever a majority of the electors, at least forty per centum of whom order to divide shall be resident freeholders, of any election

necessary in

a ward.

district in any city within the preceding seetion, where the ward has been divided into two or more election districts, and which contains one thousand inhabitants or more, or of any ward which contains a population of two thousand five hundred or more and which has not been so divided, shall file a petition with the city clerk demanding that such precinct be constituted a ward, or that such ward be divided, such clerk shall immediately notify the mayor of the receipt thereof, and the mayor shall thereupon cause to be published in the official paper, if there be one, or if not, in some newspaper published in the city, notice of the receipt of such petition, and cause the same to be laid before the council at the next regular meeting thereof, and such council shall thereupon proceed by ordinance to create such district and any other district or districts in such ward or wards, or to divide such ward into wards; provided, that the council may, by a vote of at least three-fourths of its members, change the boundaries of such district or of such proposed ward. The petition required by this section for the establishment of a ward out of an election district, shall set forth that such district contains one thousand inhabitants or more, and if it is for the division of a ward containing two thousand five hundred inhabitants or more, the fact as to the number of inhabitants shall be stated, and if such ward has not been divided into election districts, a particular description of the territory out of which it is proposed to create the new ward shall be given. Each elector signing either such petition, shall sign and acknowledge his signature in the presence of a notary public or justice of the peace who shall certify to the fact. The question of whether

the required number of electors have signed such petition shall be determined by the number of votes cast in such precinct or ward at the last annual city election, or if such ward has been divided into election districts or the boundaries of the election districts thereof changed since such election, by the last poll list thereof.

have the same

dermen, super

as the old

SECTION 3. Whenever the number of wards New wards to in any city shall be changed in the manner number of alaforesaid, and a new ward or wards created, visors and such ward or wards shall have the same num- ward officers ber of aldermen, supervisors and ward officers wards. as other wards in such city, and shall be in all respects subject to the provisions of the charter. Any ward officer holding office and who resided in any such territory at the time it shall be declared a ward, shall continue in office until his successor is qualified, and shall be an officer of the ward so constituted. The inspectors, election and ballot clerks pointed for any such district shall continue to act in their several capacities when said district is constituted a ward until removed or their successors are appointed. In all other


cases where a new ward is so created and the creation of it shall cause vacancies in the offices to which it is entitled, the council shall forthwith order, in the manner provided by the charter, a special election to fill such vacanies, and, any others existing by reason of the formation of such ward; provided, that if such ward is created within thirty days before any general or the annual city election, such vacancies shall be filled thereat. The council shall, in ordering such election, fix the term for which officers shall be elected.

ready filed

SECTION 4. Any petition which has been Petitions alheretofore made, or filled for the creation of a valid. ward out of any precinct or election district, shall be of the same force and effect as if made under the provisions of this act. Any ordinance or resolution of any common council creating any ward pursuant to any petition

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