Expense of preparing to be fixed by the secretary of state. Repealing section. The remainder shall be kept by the secretary of state, who shall deliver to the superintendent of public property at the commencement of each regular séssion of the legislature, one hundred and thirty-seven copies, to be by him distributed to the members of the legislature and to the chief clerks and sergeants-at-arms of each house at the opening of the session; the remainder to be kept for sale and exchange. One copy of such blue book for each justice of the supreme court, state officer and each member of the senate and assembly and the chief clerks thereof, and each senator and member of congress, newspaper reporter in regular attendance upon the legislature, assistant clerks and assistant sergeants-at-arms, shall be bound in half morocco and be lettered with the name of the person entitled to receive it. The blue books delivered to the public libraries, county clerks, and county superintendents of schools, shall be for the use of all persons desiring to use the same. The expense of preparing and publishing such blue book, other than such as is covered by contract with the state printer, shall be fixed by the secretary of state, and paid out of the state treas ury. SECTION 2. All acts or parts of acts in any manner conflicting with any of the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved April 12, 1897. No. 85, A.] [Published April 13, 1897. CHAPTER 214. AN ACT to authorize the proper state officers to pay the special assessments for the year 1888, against the property of the state, in the city of Milwaukee, commonly known as the "Wisconsin Industrial School for Girls." The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: ments for the paid by the priation of SECTION 1. The proper state officers are Special assess hereby authorized and directed to issue, deliver year 1888 to b and pay to the city treasurer of the city of state; approMilwaukee, upon the passage and publication of $37. this act, a state warrant in the sum of five hundred and forty-three dollars and thirty-seven cents, being in full for amount claimed upon receiving from the city treasurer his certificate of redemption of said lands hereinafter described for the special assessments thereon for the year 1888, against the land owned by the state, commonly known as the Wisconsin Industrial School for Girls, and described as a piece of land bounded northwesterly by Prospect avenue, northeasterly by Hydraulic avenue, southeasterly by Lake avenue and southwesterly by an unnamed street, all in the southwest quarter of section fifteen, in the Eighteenth ward of the city of Milwaukee. Said city treasurer of the city of Milwaukee is hereby authorized to receive said amount in full redemption of said lands from the sale thereof for the non-payment of said special assessments for the year 1888. And the said treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the owner and holder of the said special certificate, upon presenting the same to him, the amount due thereon. Said special assess ments and certificates are as follows: Number fifty being for a sewer in Prospect avenue, four hundred and thirty-eight dollars and twenty cents and interest from February 4, 1889, at seven per cent., and the sum of twenty-three dollars and twenty-eight cents, for sprinkling the roadway for the season of 1888, shall be credited to the Eighteenth ward fund of said city. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved April 12, 1897. No. 236, A.] [Published April 13, 1897. CHAPTER 215. AN ACT to amend section 1184, of the revised statutes, relating to lands sold for taxes. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1184, of the revised statutes of 1878, is hereby amended by adding to said section the following: "But no sale, certificate or conveyance shall be deemed invalid within the meaning of this section, by reason of any mistake or irregularity in any of the tax proceedings not affecting the groundwork of the tax; nor shall any county be liable to pay or refund any moneys, by reason of any such mistake or irregularity," so that said section when so amended shall read as follows: Section 1184. If after the sale or conveyance of any lands sold for the non-payment of taxes, and within the time hereinafter prescribed, it shall be discovered that the sale, or the certificate issued thereon, was invalid, the county board shall make an order briefly stating the reason therefor, directing that the money paid for such certificate on the sale, and all subsequent charges thereon, and all subsequent taxes paid on the lands described therein, by the purchaser or his assigns, be refunded with interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, to such purchaser or his assigns, upon the delivery of the certificate or deed to be cancelled; and if the county treasurer shall, in pursuance of such order, offer to the person entitled thereto his money, as aforesaid, and he shall refuse to receive the same and cancel the certificate or deed, he shall not be entitled to receive any interest on the money so paid by him, after the day of such offer and refusal; nor shall any recovery ever be otherwise had against the county on such deed or certificate. But no sale, certificate or conveyance shall be deemed invalid within the meaning of this section, by reason of any mistake or irregularity in any of the tax proceedings not affecting the groundwork of the tax; nor shall any county be liable to pay or refund any moneys, by reason of any such mistake or irregularity. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved April 12, 1897. No. 558, A.] [Published April 12, 1897. Municipal amended. CHAPTER 216. AN ACT to amend chapter 96, laws of 1891, relating to municipal court in and for the county of Langlade. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 96, of the laws of 1891, is hereby amended by striking out section 11, of said act. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved April 12, 1897. No. 635, A.] [Published April 13, 1897. Assignee of a judgment may enforce the same in man ner as pro CHAPTER 217. AN ACT to amend section 2965, of the revised statutes, relating to executions. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2965, of the revised statutes, is hereby amended by inserting after "given" in the second line of said section, the vided by law. words "or the assignee of such judgment," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 2965. The party in whose favor a judgment shall have been given, or the |