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Bond and sureties to be

filed for faith

ful perform

with the clerk of said county of Buffalo, a bond to the supervisors of said county of Buffalo, with two or more sufficient sureties to be ap- ance of duty proved by the county treasurer of said Buffalo county in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned that they will perform all the duties imposed upon them by this act, and in case they shall fail to file such bond they shall forfeit all the benefits that might accrue to them

from its passage.

granted to

way, etc.

SECTION 4. The said Erik Alme, his associ- Permission ates or assigns, may land their boat or boats, and passenpassengers and property on any public highway gers on highwhich now does or hereafter may terminate within points above specified, or on the lands of any person or persons owning the same, they having first procured the permission so to do from said owners.

SECTION 5. The rates charged for crossing Rates of ferrisaid ferry shall not exceed the following rates: age. For each foot passenger, ten cents; for each horse or mule with rider, twenty-five cents; for each two horses, two mules or yoke of oxen with vehicle of any kind, loaded or unloaded, with or without driver, fifty cents; for each single horse or mule with vehicle of any kind, with or without driver, forty cents; for each horse, mule, ox, or cow, not included in the above, fifteen cents; for each sheep or swine, five cents; for merchandise or other articles not conveyed by teams, per hundred pounds, ten cents; for lumber, per thousand feet, fifty cents.


SECTION 6. If said Erik Alme, his associates Penalty for or assigns, shall demand or charge any greater sum or sums for ferriage than are hereby allowed, said party and the sureties on said bond shall be liable to the party aggrieved in the sum of twenty dollars for each and every such act. SECTION 7. If any person or persons shall Penalty for after the establishment of said ferry as afore- rival ferry. said, set up, keep and maintain any ferry, or shall carry any person or persons for hire or pay across the Mississippi river from any point in Buffalo county, Wisconsin, situated on lots

establishing a

three, four and five, section thirteen, town twenty-two, range fourteen west, on the east side of the shore or waters of the Mississippi river in said county of Buffalo, to the said city of Wabasha, every person shall for every such of fense forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars to the said Erik Alme, his associates or assigns, and may also be restrained by injunction at the suit of said Erik Alme, his associates or assigns.

SECTION 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

SECTION 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 17, 1897.

No. 13, A.]

[Published March 18, 1897.

City author

ized to vacate cemetery grounds.


AN ACT to vacate a cemetery in the first ward of the city of Watertown, Wisconsin.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The cemetery consisting of about two acres of land near the east end of, and on the north side of Western avenue in the First ward of the city of Watertown, having been for many years past, and now being in a ruinous and abandoned condition, no persons or association having any charge or care thereof for the past twenty years, all the remains having been removed therefrom but a very few, and being in the neighborhood of private residences,

and said city having prohibited interments therein as being against the public health, the same is hereby vacated and said city is authorized to take charge of the grounds therein, and after six months from the passage of this act to remove all the remains to suitable lots in Oak Hill cemetery, situated in the northeast quarter of section three in township eight north, of range fifteen east, in the city of Watertown, in Jefferson county, state of Wisconsin.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 17, 1897.

No. 267, S.]

[Published March 18, 1897.


AN ACT to submit to the people an amendment to section 7, of article 7, of the constitution of the state of Wisconsin.

the constitu

counties with

itants to elect

Whereas, at the biennial session of the legis- Amendment to lature of this state for the year 1895, an amend- tion allowing ment of the constitution of this state was pro- 100,000 inhabposed and agreed to by a majority of the mem- two circuit bers elected to each of the two houses, which judges. proposed amendment was in the following language: Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That section 7, article 7, constitution of Wisconsin, relating to circuit courts be amended so as to read as follows: "Section 7. For each circuit there shall be chosen by the qualified electors thereof, one circuit judge, except that in any circuit composed of one county only, which county shall contain a popu

Date of election.

Form of ballot.

Deposit and canvass of ballots.

lation according to the last state, or United States census, of one hundred thousand inhabi tants or over, the legislature may, from time to time, authorize additional circuit judges to be chosen. Every circuit judge shall reside in the circuit from which he is elected, and shall hold his office for such term and receive such compensation as the legislature shall prescribe." And whereas, said proposed amendment has been agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each house of the present legislature,

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The foregoing proposed amend ment to the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, shall be submitted to a vote of the people of the state at the next election for a justice. of the supreme court, to be held on the first Tuesday of April, A. D. 1897.

SECTION 2. Such vote shall be by ballot. Each ballot cast in favor of the adoption of such amendment shall have written or printed thereon the words: "For amendment to section 7, of article 7, of the constitution of Wisconsin." And each ballot cast in opposition to the adop tion of such amendment shall have written or printed thereon the words: "Against amendment to section 7, of article 7, of the constitution of Wisconsin."

SECTION 3. Such ballots may be deposited in separate boxes, or in the same boxes in which ballots for the justice of the supreme court are deposited, as the election officers may provide. Such votes shall be returned and canvassed at the same time and in like manner as votes for the election of circuit judges, and the result shall be determined and published, and shall take ef fect as provided in sections 100, 101, and 102. of chapter 288, laws of 1893, except that the canvass therein provided for shall be had on or before the 15th day of May, instead of December, and said amendment, if found and certified

to have been adopted, shall immediately thereafter go into effect.

SECTION 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication

Approved March 17, 1897.

No. 23, S.]

[Published March 17, 1897.


AN ACT to amend section 25, of chapter 312, laws of 1893, entitled, "An act to amend chapter 326, of the general laws of 1889, entitled, 'An act dividing cities into classes, and providing for their incorporation and government.""

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

the election of officers in

cities of the

fourth class.

SECTION 1. Section 25, of chapter 5, of chap- Relating to ter 326, of the laws of 1889, as amended by section 13, chapter 312, laws of 1893, is hereby amended by adding to said section the following: In cities of the fourth class, the city clerk, and any and all other officers, in addition to those herein before specified, may be elected by the qualified electors, at the same time and in the same manner other officers are elected, upon a petition asking therefor being filed in the of fice of the city clerk fifteen days prior to any regular municipal election, signed by a majority of the electors of such city who voted at the last general election then next preceding as appears from the poll list. And it shall be the duty of the common council of any city of the fourth class, and proper officers of such city, to

*Amended by chapter 95, laws 1897.

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