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To the Laws enacted at the adjourned session of 1897, being

chapters 375-380 of the foregoing laws.

[For index of chapters 1-374 see post, pp. 1-220.]

Casualty and Suretyship Insurance Com-



against university and normal schools, how
verified and approved, ch. 380, (secs. 383a,


of personal property, how entered on the as-
sessment roll, ch. 380, (sec. 1050).

of bank stock, how made, ch. 380, (sec. 1051).
statement of the, city, village and town clerks
to make, ch. 380, (sec. 1066).

of private waterworks, electric light and gas,
plants, ch. 380, (sec. 1037a).

foreign, of execution of deed, certificate of ASSESSORS. See Assessment.
officer's authority, ch. 380, (sec. 2219).

ACTIONS. See Limitation of Actions.

to recover damages for injury to the person,
notice of, ch. 380, (sec. 4222).

how notice given; when sufficient, ch. 380,
(sec. 4222).

statute not applicable to what actions, ch.
380, (sec. 4222).

[blocks in formation]

duty of, in assessing waterworks, gas and
electric plants, ch. 380, (sec. 1037a).


of claim to a mechanic's lien, effect of, ch.
380, (sec. 3314).

of time check or order gives right to assignee
to claim lien, ch. 380, (sec. 3333).

of claim for lien on lumber, etc., ch. 380, (sec.


additional duties of, sec. 2, ch. 380.


drainage of, sec. 1, ch. 375.

floors and walls of, authority of local officers
concerning, sec. 2, ch. 375.

cleanliness of, and of utensils in, secs. 2, 3, 4,
5, ch 375.

penalty for not complying with order of board
of health, sec. 6, ch. 375.

notice of order, how given, sec. 7, ch. 375.
law may be printed and copies posted, sec. 8,
ch. 375.

[blocks in formation]

[For index of chapters 1-374 see post, pp. 1-220.]

[blocks in formation]


accident companies, how formed, ch. 380, (sec. 196627).

capital stock required, and how invested, ch. 380, (sec. 196627).

deposit and exchange of securities, ch. 380, (sec. 196627).

foreign, conditions on which may do business, ch. 380, (196632).

service of process on, ch. 380, (sec. 196632). liabilities of agents of, ch. 380, (sec. 196632). certificate of authority, effect as evidence, ch. 380, (sec. 196634).

[blocks in formation]


additional, for second circuit, sec. 1, ch. 377. when to be elected, sec. 2, ch. 377.

term of office, time of election, and salary, sec. 3, ch. 377.

place for holding court and officers, sec. 4, ch. 377.

phonographic reporter for, sec. 4, ch. 377. business of court, how divided between judges, sec. 4, ch. 377.

proceedings for disposal of infants' estates may be had before, ch. 380, (secs. 3504, 3505, 3506, 3507, 3508, 3511, 3513, 3514, 3516).

CITIES. See City Clerks; Garbage Reducing Works.

officers of, having 150,000 population or more, payrolls for clerical assistance, how made, sec. 4, ch. 376.

under general charter, school government in, ch. 380, (sec 925113).

assessments for sewerage purposes, how made, ch. 380, (sec 925216).

schools in, subject to the provisions of the general law, when, ch 380, (sec. 515) re-assessment of special assessments for sewer and street improvements, ch. 380, (secs. 1210d, 1210e, 1210f).


salaries of, in cities of 150,000 or more, sec. 1, ch. 376.

to pay fees to treasurer, sec. 2, ch. 376. assistance in making tax roll, sec. 3, ch. 376.


notice to attorneys of time of attendance of judge to hold court for presiding judge, ch. 380, (sec. 2625).

COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCElicense to life insurance comparies and revocation thereof, ch. 380, (sec. 1947).

when to license foreign casualty or suretyship insurance companies. ch. 380, (sec. 1966,32).

effect of his certificate to foreign suretyship company, ch. 380. (1966,94).


'CORPORATIONS. See Casualty and Suretyship Insurance Companies.

articles of, what to contain, ch. 380, (see 1772).

verification and recording of articles. ch. 380, (sec. 1772).

filing articles with secretary of state, ch. 380, (sec. 1772).

fees for filing articles and amendments thereto, ch. 350, (sec. 1772).

operating waterworks, electric and gas plants, assessment and taxation of, ch. 380, (sec. 1037a).

organized under ch. 146, laws of 1872 validity of, ch. 380, (sec. 1772a).

to file list of principal officers with register
of deeds,'ch. 380, (sec. 1775b).

service of process on, ch. 380, (sec. 1775b).
for doing a trust, annuity, safe deposit and
guarantee business, organization and capi-
tal of, ch. 380, (sec. 1791d).

[blocks in formation]

[For index of chapters 1-374 see post, pp. 1–220.]


authority of, and procedure on, application
for sale of lands of infant or incompetent,
ch. 380. See Guardian and Ward.

proceedings for disposition of estates of infants
may be had before, ch. 380, (sec. 3519a).
CREMATORY. See Garbage Reducing Works.

violation of law concerning cleanliness in
bakeries, ch. 375.

making solicitation to have name put on jury
list, ch. 380, (sec. 2533f).

assault without design to take life, ch. 380,
(sec. 4374a).


of adverse party in civil action or proceeding,
ch. 380, (sec. 4068).


who may take, and when, ch. 380, (sec. 4102).
notice of taking, ch. 380, (sec. 4102).
what time allowed, ch. 38, (sec. 4102).
who may take when officer designated does
not appear, ch. 380, (sec. 4102).

when notice need not be given, ch. 380, (sec.

how taken by commission in foreign country,
ch. 380, (sec. 4110).

translation of commission, rules, etc., into
foreign language, ch. 380, (sec. 4110).
translation of answers into English, ch. 380,
(sec 4110).

proof of accuracy of translation, and effect
thereof, ch. 380, (sec. 4110).


appointment of persons to assist, ch. 380.
county board may appoint assistant for, in
civil cases, ch. 380, (sec. 750).

ELECTIONS. See Judicial Elections.

private, assessment of, for purposes of taxa-
tion, ch. 380, (sec. 1037a).

EVIDENCE. See Depositions.

of adverse party in civil action, may be taken,
ch. 380, (sec. 4068).

not conclusive on party at whose instance
given, ch. 380, (sec. 4068).

church, parish or baptismal record, record of
physician or person performing marriage as,
ch. 380, (sec. 4160).

entries in books, as, and method of proof, ch.
380, (sec. 4189).

comparison of disputed handwriting, ch. 380,
(sec. 4189a).

certificate of authority to suretyship com-
pany, ch. 380, (sec. 1966,34).

[blocks in formation]


what property is exempt, ch. 380, (sec. 1038).
FEEBLE MINDED. See Home for the Fee ble

FEES. See City Clerks.

payable secretary of state for filing articles
of incorporation and amendments thereto,
eh. 380, (sec. 1772).


of waterworks, electric and gas companies,
assessment and taxation of, ch. 380, (sec.


cities within ch. 288, laws of 1897, may issue
bonds for, how, ch. 380. pp. 1055.

how such bonds disposed of, ch. 380.
authority of council as to acquiring property
for, ch. 380.


affidavit for, what to contain, ch. 380, (sec.

who may be joined as garnishees, ch. 380, (sec.

amendment of affidavit, ch. 380, (sec. 2753).
against partnership, names, how noted, ch.
380, (sec. 2753).

judgmemt not to be rendered against gar-
nishee, when, ch. 380, (sec. 2769).

of debt owing by owner of property subject to
mechanic's lien, ch. 380, (sec. 2769).


assessment of private, for purposes of taxa-
tion, ch. 380, (sec. 1037a).


authority as to printing special reports for
university, ch. 380, (sec. 383).

application for sale of real estate, to what
court and how made, ch. 380, (sec. 3504).
sale of lands on behalf of part of infants, dis-
position of proceeds, ch. 380, (sec. 3504).
appointment of special guardian for infant,
ch. 380, (sec. 3505).

guardian of incompetent to give bond, ch.
380, (sec. 3505).

prosecution in case of breach of bond, ch.
380, (sec. 3505).

proceedings on application to make sale, ch.
380, (sec. 3506).

appointment of referee, ch. 380, (sec. 3506).
terms of final order, ch. 380, (sec. 3507).
lease, sale, etc., to be approved and con-
firmed, ch. 380, (sec. 3508).

validity of sale, lease, etc., ch. 380, (sec.

application and disposition of proceeds of
sale, etc., ch. 380, (sec. 3513).

accounts to be rendered by guardian, ch. 380,
(sec. 3513)

order made by circuit court to be filed with
county court, ch. 380, (sec. 3513).
authority of latter if guardian fails to comply
with order of circuit court, ch. 380, (sec.

[For index of chapters 1-374 see post, pp. 1-220.]

GUARDIAN AND WARD-continued. proceedings on sale of lands subject to dower or an estate for life or years, ch. 380, (sec.


effect of application on infant or incompetent, ch. 380, (sec. 3516).


comparison of disputed, how made, ch, 380, (sec. 4189a).


examination of persons for admission to, ch. 350, sec. 5731).

expense of maintaining inmates chargeable to counties, ch. 380, (sec. 5731)

friends may pay such expense, ch. 380, (sec. 5731).

charges against counties, how collected, ch. 380, (sec. 573m.)

clothing for inmates, what required, ch. 380. (sec. 572n.)

post mortem examination of inmates, ch. 380, (sec 5739.)

discharge of inmates, ch. 380, (sec. 573r). return of persons committed through mistake, ch, 380, (sec. 573r).

transfer of insane inmates to hospital, ch. 380. (sec. 573r).

expense of return and transfer chargeable to counties, ch. 380, (sec. 573r).


for circuit courts, the municipal courts of Milwaukee and Racine, the superior courts of Douglas and Milwaukee counties, how obtained, ch. 380, (sec. 2338). jury commissioners, how appointed, ch. 380, (sec. 2533a).

their qualifications, duties and terms, ch. 380, (sec 2533a).

oath and compensation of commissioners, ch 380, (sec. 2533a).

appointments heretofore made validated, ch. 380, (sec. 2533a).

lists of names, how made, who may be put on lists, ch. 380, (sec. 25:33b).

names, how drawn from box, ch. 380, (sec. 2533b).

advertisement of drawing unnecessary, ch. 350, (sec. 2533b).

deficiency of, how supplied, ch. 380, (sec. 2533e).

when to be drawn from the by-standers, ch. 380, (sec. 2533d).

exemption from service, ch. 380, (sec 2533e). when may be excused, ch. 380, sec. 253e). penalty for soliciting that name be put on jury list, ch. 380, (sec. 2533f).

for other courts of record, how drawn, ch. 380, (sec. 2544i).

duty of supervisors concerning persons who JURY COMMISSIONERS. See Jurors.
ought to be inmates of the, ch. 3×0, (sec.

INFANTS' ESTATES. See Guardian and

proceedings for disposition may be had in
what courts and before what judges, ch.
380, (sec. 3519a).

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

LANDLORD AND TENANT. See Unlawful Detainer.

former's interest not subject to a mechanic's lien because of latter's acts, ch. 380, (sec. 3314).

LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIESwho may form, ch. 380, (sec. 1947). capital required, and investment of, ch. 380, (sec. 1947).

removal of cause to federal court cause for revoking license, ch. 380, (sec. 1947). service of process upon, ch. 380. (sec. 1947).


what actions to be brought within six years, ch. 380, (sec. 4222).


who may file, and when, ch. 380, (sec. 3187). effect of filing, ch. 380, (sec. 3157).

when to be discharged of record, ch. 380, (sec. 3187).

MARRIAGES. See Evidence.


debt owing by owner of property subject to, when absolutely due, ch. 380, (sec. 2769). who entitled to, and for what, ch. 380. (sec. 3314).

to what property it attaches, ch. 380, (sec. 3314).

priority of, over unrecorded mortgage, ch. 380, (sec. 3314).

petition for, where to be filed, ch. 380, (sec. 3314).

not to attach to landlord's interest, when, ch. 380, (sec. 3314),

assignment of claim to, effect of, ch. 380, (sec. 3314).

[For index of chapters 1-374 see post, pp. 1-220]

[blocks in formation]

of board of health to owner or lessee of bakery concerning unsanitary condition of, sec. 7, ch. 375.

of attendance of judge of another circuit to try cause to be given attorneys, ch. 380, (sec. 2625).

effect of lis pendens as, ch. 380, (sec. 3187). of taking depositions, ch. 380.

[blocks in formation]


to give commissioner notice of beginning of operations, ch. 380, (sec. 1795). notice of action against, for damages to property or stock, when to be given and what sufficient, ch. 380, (sec. 1816b).

REAL ESTATE. See Guardian and Ward; In

fants' Estates; Lis Pendens.

of infants or incompetent persons, sale, lease, mortgage, etc., of, how made, ch. 380, (secs. 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 3508, 3511, 3513, 3514, 3516).

of personal injury, when and how to be given, RE-ASSESSMENTS. See Special Assessments. ch. 380, (sec. 4102).

when such notice sufficient, ch. 380, (sec. . 4102).

not required as to what actions, ch. 380, (sec. 4102).

of assessments for sewerage purposes in cities under general charter, ch. 380, (sec. 925,21). service of legal, on private corporations, ch. 380, (sec. 1775b).

of claim against railroad for damages to property, when to be given, and what sufficient, ch. 380, (sec. 1816b).

[blocks in formation]



by life insurance company to federal court, ch. 380, (sec. 1947).

REVISION OF STATUTES. See Statutes of 1898.

SALARIES. See City Clerks.

of judges of second circuit, sec. 3, ch. 377. how paid, sec. 3, ch. 377.

of additional phonographic reporter for that circuit, sec. 5, ch. 377.

SALES OF LANDS OF WARDS. See Guardian and Ward; Infants' Estates.


annual report of, ch. 380, (sec. 425).

powers of, conferred on boards of education, ch. 380, sec. 515).

in cities under general charter, ch. 380, (sec. 925,113).


annual, time of holding, ch. 380, (sec. 425). report to, what to contain, ch. 380, (sec. 425).

use of names in garnishment proceedings SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. See Circuit against, ch. 380, (sec. 2753).



what is, of waterworks, electric and gas companies, for purposes of taxation, ch. 380, (sec. 1037a).

PLEADING. See Verification of Pleadings. in intervention proceedings and where parties are interpleaded, ch. 380, (sec. 2656a).


of inmates of home for feeble minded, how and when made, ch. 380, (sec. 573q).


SECRETARY OF STATE. See Corporations. duty of. concerning reports of regents of university, ch. 380, (sec. 383).

apportionment of tax on account of inmates in home for feeble minded, ch 380, (sec. 573m).


by state treasury agent and his agents, ch. 380, (sec. 1580).

upon life insurance companies, ch. 380, (sec. 1947).

dismissal of complaint for neglect to make, ch. 380, (sec. 2883).

on private corporations, ch. 380, (sec. 1775b).

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