THE CHAPTER 7. An Ordinance Respecting the Department of the HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: SHORT TITLE. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Territorial Secre- Short title tary's Ordinance." C.O., c. 7, s. 1. ORGANISATION AND FUNCTIONS OF DEPARTMENT. 2. There shall be a department of the public service of the Organisation Territories to be called the department of the Territorial Secretary over which the member of the Executive Council appointed by the Lieutenant Governor under the seal of the Territories to discharge the functions of the Territorial Secretary for the time being shall preside. C.O., c. 7, s. 2. 3. The powers, duties and functions of the Territorial Secre- Duties tary are as follows: (a) He has all the powers, duties and functions which are (b) He is the keeper of the seal of the Territories; and (c) He is the keeper of all registers and archives of the To be 4. The Territorial Secretary shall be the Registrar of the Territories; and as such shall register all instruments of sum- Registrar mons, commissions, letters patent, writs and other instruments and documents issued under the seal of the Territories; and his signature shall be proof of the fact that such registers, archives, instruments of summons, commissions, letters patent, writs Officers and and other instruments and documents exist and are lawfully in his possession; and any copy (signed by him) of any document shall be equivalent to the original instrument itself in any court in the Territories; and every document or copy of a document purporting to bear his signature shall be deemed so to do until proof of the contrary. C.O., c. 7, s. 4. 5. The Lieutenant Governor may at any time appoint such other officers, clerks and servants as are requisite for the proper conduct of the business of the department, all of whom shall hold office during pleasure. C.O., c. 7, s. 5. Fees FEES. 6. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may from time to time make a tariff of fees which shall be paid for the issuing and registering of commissions, letters patent, licenses and other instruments and documents and for the delivery of certified copies thereof or of certified extracts from the registers and archives in the Territorial Secretary's department as hereinbefore mentioned; and the said Territorial Secretary shall account to the Territorial Treasurer for all moneys received in virtue of such tariff or of any Ordinance in force in the Territories in such manner as may be prescribed by law or by the Lieutenant Governor in Council as the case may be. C.O., c. 7, s. 6. CHAPTER 8. An Ordinance Respecting the Department of Agriculture. THE HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: SHORT TITLE. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Agriculture Depart- Short title ment Ordinance." C.O., c. 8, s. 1. ORGANISATION, OFFICERS AND FUNCTIONS OF DEPARTMENT. 2. There shall be a department of the public service of the Organisation Territories to be called the department of Agriculture, over which the member of the Executive Council appointed by the Lieutenant Governor under the seal of the Territories to discharge the functions of the Commissioner of Agriculture for of Agriculture the time being shall preside. C.O., c. 8, s. 2. Commissioner department 3. All that part of the administration of the government of Province of the Territories which relates to agriculture, statistics and the public health (including hospitals) shall be under the control of the department. C.O., c. 8, s. 3. clerks 4. The Lieutenant Governor may at any time appoint such officers and other officers, clerks or servants as may be required to carry on the business of the department all of whom shall hold office during pleasure. C.O., c. 8, s. 4. 5. It shall be the duty of the department to institute in- Duties of quiries and collect facts and statistics relating to agricultural, department manufacturing or other interests of the Territories; and to adopt measures for circulating and disseminating the same in such manner and form as may be found best adapted to promote the progress of the Territories; and to see to the observance and execution of the propositions contained in all Ordinances relating to agriculture, statistics and public health. C.O., c. 8, s. 5. 6. A report of the work of the department shall be prepared Annual yearly and laid on the table of the Legislative Assembly with- report in fifteen days after the commencement of the next ensuing session thereof; and it shall be the duty of the department from time to time to issue such reports, circulars and other publications as the minister may deem advisable. C.O., c. 8, s. 6. Persons required to furnish information to department 7. All officers of all agricultural societies, municipal councils, villages, local improvement districts, school boards, public institutions, incorporated companies and all public officers of the Territories and all medical practitioners and veterinary surgeons shall promptly answer all communications from the department; and shall from time to time collect and tabulate facts according to instructions to be furnished them from the department; and shall make diligent efforts to supply correct information on all questions submitted to them; and any such person neglecting or refusing to comply with the aforesaid provisions of this section (when requested to so comply by the minister) shall be guilty of an offence and on summary conviction thereof before a justice of the peace be liable to a penalty not exceeding $25. C.O., c. 8, s. 7. CHAPTER Q. An Ordinance Respecting Public Works. THE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: SHORT TITLE. 1. This Ordinance may be known and cited as "The Public Short title Works Ordinance." 1901, c. 4, s. 1. INTERPRETATION 2. In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires 1. The expression "department" means the Department of "Department" Public Works for the North-West Territories; 2. The expression "commissioner" means the Commissioner "Commissioner of Public Works for the Territories; 3. The expression "deputy commissioner" means the deputy "Deputy comcommissioner or the person performing his duties for the time missioner" being; engineer" 4. The expression "chief engineer" means the chief engineer "Chief of the department or the person performing his duties for the time being; surveyor and 5. The expression "district surveyor and engineer" means "District the district surveyor and engineer for any public works dis- engineer" trict appointed as herein provided or any surveyor or engineer employed from time to time by the commissioner to perform any of the duties imposed upon district surveyors and engineers by this Ordinance; district" 6. The expression "public works district" means any portion "Public works of the Territories which may from time to time be set aside as a public works district with a distinctive name; 7. The expression "surveyor" means a land surveyor duly Surveyor” authorised under the provisions of The Dominion Lands Act or any Ordinance to survey lands in the Territories; allowance" 8. The expression "road allowance" means any road allow- "Road ance laid out under the provisions of The Dominion Lands Act; 9. The expression "public road" means any road surveyed "Public |