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(3) Immersion for 4 hours in solution of carbolic acid. 2 ounces to a gallon, then boiling or exposure to superheated steam; or

(4) Formalin in air tight box, at the rate of 8 ounces

to 1,000 cubic feet.

(b) Mattresses, blankets, etc.;

(1) Destruction by fire; or

Exposure, 24 hours.

(2) Immersion in boiling water for one hour; or
(3) Immersion in solution of mercuric chloride, 1
drachm to the gallon, for 24 hours; or

(4) Formalin in air tight box, at the rate of 8 ounces
to 1,000 cubic feet. Exposure, 24 hours.

5. Disinfection of furniture and articles of wood, leather, and porcelain:

Thorough washing with

(1) Mercuric chloride solution, 2 drachms to the gallon; or

(2) Fresh chloride of lime solution, 2 ounces to the gallon; or

(3) Solution of carbolic acid, 2 ounces to the gallon; or

(4) Formalin in air tight box or room at the rate of 8 ounces to 1,000 cubic feet Exposure 24 hours.

6. Disinfection of houses:

(1) Solution of mercuric chloride, 1 drachm to the gallon, to be used in washing floor, walls, and ceiling at intervals: and when final disinfection is made every surface to be thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water and then with above solution, and afterwards fumigated with sulphur as above directed for 24 hours; or

(2) Formalin at the rate of 8 ounces to 1,000 cubic feet sprayed or sprinkled on sheets in the various rooms.

7. Disinfection of the person :

Hands and general surface of the body of attendant of
sick and of convalescents to be washed with-

(1) Solution chlorinated soda, 1 pint to the gallon; or
(2) Solution carbolic acid, 2 ounces to the gallon; or
(3) Solution mercuric chloride, 1 drachm to the gallon --
for the hands only.

8. Disinfection of the dead:

Envelop the body in a sheet thoroughly saturated with-(1) Mercuric chloride solution, 2 drachms to the gallon;


(2) Carbolic acid solution, 5 ounces to the gallon; and place in a coffin and close up permanently, and inter within 24 hours if possible.

9. Precautions to be taken by physicians visiting cases of contagious and infectious diseases:

(1) Either disinfection of clothing and exposed parts of body after leaving the sick room; or

(2) The wearing of a rubber, linen, or cotton garment to completel cover the ordinary clothing and removal of same and disinfection of exposed parts of the body.


An Ordinance to regulate Public Aid to Hospitals.

THE Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories, enacts as follows:


1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Hospitals Ordi-Shor rance." 1901, c. 8, S. 1.


2. In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires Interpretation 1. The expression "commissioner" means the Commissioner "Commisof Agriculture;


2. The expression "department" means the Department of Department" Agriculture;

3. The expression "patient" means every person admitted "Patient" to a hospital for actual treatment and stay upon the order of a duly qualified medical practitioner. 1901, c. 8, s. 2.


3. Such hospitals in the Territories as the Lieutenant Gov- Aid to ernor in Council may designate upon complying with the provisions of this Ordinance, and of all regulations made thereunder shall receive public aid at the rate of twenty-five cents per day for each day's actual treatment and stay of every patient in such hospital during the calendar year next preceding the year for which such aid is given. 1901, c. 8, s. 3.

account from

4. The Territorial Treasurer may advance and pay by such Advances on periodical payments as the Lieutenant Governor in Council time to time may from time to time fix and determine all sums which any hospital may be entitled to receive under this Ordinance out of any moneys in his hands applicable to general purposes or specially appropriated for the purpose by the Legislative Assembly. 1901, c. 8, s. 4.

Governor in


5. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe Lieutenant regulations respecting the management, maintenance and ac- Council may commodation of all hospitals receiving public aid under this regulations Ordinance. 1901, c. 8, s. 5.


how returns to

6. The commissioner may from time to time fix and direct When and the particulars to be contained in and the form, manner and be made

Inspection of hospitals

Penalty for making false




time of making returns; and shall fix and direct the form and manner of oath, affirmation or declaration required for the verification of any such return and the person or persons by whom such oath shall be made. 1901, c. 8, s. 6.


7. The commissioner may appoint one or more inspectors to inspect and report upon every such hospital; and for such purpose such inspector or inspectors shall make all proper inquiries as to the maintenance, management and affairs thereof, and by examination of the registers and by such other means as may be deemed necessary satisfy himself or themselves as to the correctness of any returns made under this Ordinance.

(2) If any inspector should report that any patient was not a fit subject for hospital treatment for all or part of the time during which he was kept in the hospital the commissioner may refuse to make any payment in respect of such patient for the time during which he is so reported as not being a fit subject for hospital treatment. 1901, c. 8, s. 7.


8. Any person who knowingly and wilfully makes or is a party to or procures to be made directly or indirectly any false return under this Ordinance shall thereby incur a penalty of $100, which penalty may be recovered with costs by civil action or proceeding at the suit of the Attorney General in any form allowed by law in the supreme court of the Territories. 1901, c. 8, s. 8.

9. The Hospitals Ordinance being chapter 20 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898 is hereby repealed. 1901, c. 8, s. 9.

10. This Ordinance shall come into force on the first day of July, A.D. 1901. 1901, c. 8, s. 10.






An Ordinance respecting the Administration of Civil


HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows:


1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Judicature Ordi-Title nance." C. O., c. 21, s. 1.


2. In the construction of this Ordinance and the rules of Interpretation Court, unless there is anything in the subject or context repugnant thereto, the several expressions hereinafter mentioned or referred to shall have or include the meanings following:

1. "Cause" includes any action, suit, or other original pro- "Cause" ceeding between a plaintiff and a defendant;

2. "Action" includes suit and means a civil proceeding com-“Action” menced by writ or in such other manner as may be prescribed by this Ordinance or by rules of Court;

3. "Matter" includes every proceeding in the Court not in "Matter"

a cause;


4."Originating summons" means a summons by which pro- "Originating ceedings are commenced without writ;

5. "Plaintiff," "petitioner," "defendant," "party," "per- "Parties" son," include bodies politic or corporate holding the relation of plaintiff. defendant or party;

6. "Receiver" includes consignee or manager appointed by "Receiver" or under an order of the Court;

7. "Plaintiff" includes any person asking any relief (other-"Plaintiff " wise than by way of counterclaim as a defendant) against any other person by any form of proceeding, whether the same be taken by action, suit, petition, motion, summons or otherwise;

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