SCHEDULE. FORM A. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION ORDINANCE, A.D. 1 VOTING PAPER FOR ANNUAL ELECTION. I, John James Brown, a registered medical practitioner, vote for the five persons hereinafter named to form the members of the Medical Council of the North-West Territories: 1. George Courtney, Banff. 2. William Jenner, Calgary. 4. John Mitchell, Moose Jaw. 5. Francis Jones, Qu'Appelle. And I declare that I am entitled to vote at this election and am not in default in payment of my fees to the council. A. B. Banff.... C. D. Calgary. E. F. Regina.. G. H. M.A., M.D., Toronto University. Qu'Appelle..... M.D., New York, U.S. CHAPTER 53. An Ordinance respecting Dentistry. THE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: SHORT TITLE. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Dental Profession Short title Ordinance." 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 1. INTERPRETATION. 2. In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires Interpretation The word "college" shall mean "The College of Dental Surgeons of the North-West Territories" incorporated by this Ordinance; The word "council" shall mean the "council" of the said college provided for by this Ordinance; The word "secretary" shall mean the secretary of the said council; The words "legally qualified," "dental practitioner" or "duly qualified dental practitioner" or any other words implying legal recognition of any person as a dental practitioner or member of the dental profession shall mean a person registered under the provisions of this Ordinance. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 2. COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGEONS. Dental constituted 3. The members of The Dental Association of the North- College of West Territories as constituted by The Dentistry Ordinance Surgeons being chapter 53 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898 and all persons registered as members as hereinafter provided are hereby constituted a body corporate under the name of "The College of Dental Surgeons of the North-West Territories" and shall be deemed a body politic and corporate and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal with power to sue or be sued and to acquire, hold or dispose of chattel property and real estate for the purpose of this Ordinance. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 3. 4. There shall be a council of the said college to be appoint- Council ed in the manner hereinafter provided and hereinafter referred to as the council. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 4. Qualified voters Members of council Five members Conduct of elections Votes Method of voting Scrutineers Voters may be present Term 5. The persons entitled to vote at elections of members of the council shall be persons registered as dental practitioners in pursuance of this Ordinance. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, 8 5. 6. No person shall be eligible to be elected as a member of the council unless he is registered in pursuance of this Ordinance. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 6. 7. The council shall consist of five members to be elected as hereinafter provided. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 7. 8. The charge and conduct of the election for members of the council shall be under the management of the secretary of the council and the time and place of such election shall be determined by the council so that however there shall be an election in every odd numbered year. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16. s. 8. 9. Every person entitled to vote may vote for five members and in case of any person placing more than five names on his voting paper the first five only shall be counted. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 9. 10. Such votes shall be given by closed voting paper in the form A in the schedule to this Ordinance signed by the voter and delivered to the secretary on the day of election or within the twenty days preceding it. Any voting paper received by the secretary by post shall be deemed to be delivered to him. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 10. 11. The council shall appoint two persons who with the secretary shall act as scrutineers at the election. O. the day succeeding the day of election the secretary shall in the presence of the other two scrutineers proceed to open the voting papers and count the votes and record the same in a book of record to be provided by the council. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 11. 12. Any person entitled to vote at an election shall be entitled to be present at the opening and counting of the voting papers. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 12. 13. The five persons who have the highest number of votes. shall be the members of the council for the two years from the first day of January next after the date of the election or until their successors are elected. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 13. votes 14. In case of an equality of votes between two or more Equality of persons the scrutineers shall forthwith put into a ballot box a number of papers equal to the number of candidates who have an equality of votes the said papers each having the name of one of such candidates written thereon being one paper for each such candidate. The said papers shall be folded so that the name of the candidate shall be on the inside and not distinguishable without the paper being opened. The papers shall be mixed in the ballot box in the presence of the other two scrutineers and the secretary shall draw by chance from such ballot box in the presence of the other two scrutineers one or more papers sufficient to make up the required number of persons and the persons whose names are so drawn shall be deemed to be elected members of the council. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 14. 15. No person shall be entitled to vote at such elections Eligibility after the first election unless his fees to the council are paid. No person shall be eligible unless qualified to vote at such election and the votes cast for any person who is ineligible to vote shall be null and void. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 15. made out 16. The secretary shall one month previous to the day on List to which the election is to be held make out an alphabetical list of the registered practitioners entitled to vote and forward by mail prepaid a copy of the said list together with a copy of the voting paper in form A in the schedule hereto to each registered practitioner. (2) In case any registered practitioner complains to the secretary in writing of the improper insertion or omission of any name in the said list it shall be the duty of the secretary to examine into the said complaint and rectify the error it there be any; and in case the party complaining is dissatisfied with the decision of the secretary he may appeal to a judge of the Supreme Court provided such appeal is made within ten days before the day on which the election is to be held; and such judge shall hear and decide such appeal in a summary way and such notice as the said judge shall direct shall be given to the persons specified in the notice before the said hearing and if he deem necessary evidence may be taken by him viva voce under oath or by affidavit according as he shall direct and the decision of such judge shall be final. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 16. 17. The list so made out by the secretary with any amend- voters' list ments that may be made thereto by a judge of the Supreme conclusive Court as aforesaid provided shall be held to be the register of the persons entitled to vote and no person shall be entitled to vote whose name is not on such register or list. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 17. Election regulations Voting papers to be preserved Disputed election Inquiry into disputed election Vacancies in council, how supplied Officers Executive 18. The members of the council may make such regulations as they consider expedient not inconsistent with this Ordinance for regulating the procedure in such elections. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 18. 19. The voting papers belonging to any election shall not be destroyed until after petitions in respect to such election have been decided but the same together with all other papers in connection with such election shall be retained by the secretary for three months after such election. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 19. 20. No petition against the return of any member shall be entertained by the council unless such petition is filed with the secretary within sixty days after such election and unless a copy of such petition is served on the member whose election is disputed within sixty days after such election. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 20. 21. Upon receipt of any such petition against the election of any member by the secretary he shall upon proof that notice as aforesaid has been served on the member whose election is disputed forthwith notify the council and the council shall meet within one week after said notice and the council shall hold an inquiry into the said disputed election and shall decide the same and their decision shall be final. If the election is found to be illegal the council shall thereupon order a new election. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 21. 22. In case of the failure to elect the requisite number of duly qualified members of the council or in case of the death or resignation of any of the members or in case of a vacancy by any other cause then it shall be the duty of the remaining members of the council to supply the deficiency by appointing to such vacant place or places as may thus occur any person duly qualified under this Ordinance to become a member. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 22. PRESIDENT AND OFFICERS.- -MEETINGS OF COUNCIL. 23. The council shall from among its members annually appoint a president, vice president and secretary treasurer and such other officers as may from time to time be deemed necessary for the carrying out of this Ordinance who shall hold office for the term of the council and until their successors are appointed and the council may by by-law affix the salaries of such officers and of the board of examiners hereinafter appointed. 1903, 2nd session, c. 16, s. 23. 24. The council shall annually appoint from among its members an executive committee who shall take cognizance of |