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Page 13.-Section la, line 1, for "person" read "persons." Page 35.-Insert:



"The evidence you shall give on this examination shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God.


"You do solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare that the evidence you shall give on this examination shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."


Page 90.-Section 16, for line 2 read "petitioner may apply to the judge to appoint a time and place for."


Page 259.-Rule 207, line 2, for "produced" read "produce." Page 263.-Rule 229, line 4, for "as" read "he."

Page 285.-Rule 348, marginal note, for "eay" read "may." Page 286.-Rule 352, line 1, for "quercle" read "querela."


Page 381.-In last line for "1901, c. 6, s. 1," read "1901, c. 16, s. 1."


Page 500.-Section 37, interchange lines 12 and 13.


Page 674.-Insert as section 8 (a):

"Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance the Lieutenant Governor in Council may, from time to time, by Order in Council

"1. Sever any portion of the Territories forming part of a municipality from such municipality;

"2. Annex to any municipality any outlying area forming one continuous area with such municipality;

"3. Settle and adjust any rights, liabilities or matters which in consequence of the exercise of any of the foregoing powers, require to be adjusted.

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(2) Every such order shall be published in the Gazette, and shall take effect according to its tenor.

"(3) A municipality shall not be severed unless a petition of the council of the municipality and of a majority of the resident ratepayers of the portion proposed to be severed have been presented to the Lieutenant Governor in Council, nor shall any area be annexed to any municipality unless a petition of the council of the municipality and of the majority of the owners of land in the area proposed to be annexed have been presented to the Lieutenant Governor in Council." (See 1904, chapter 6, section 5.)

Page 717.-After clause 11, section 121, insert "12 (repealed).” Page 742. In the tenth line of section 213, strike out the word "assessable," and substitute therefor the word "rateable." (See 1904, chap. 6, sec. 1.)

Page 743.-Strike out section 218. (See 1904, chap. 6, sec. 3.) Page 744.-Insert as section 218 (a):


'Any by-law to be passed for contracting a debt by borrowing money for any purpose may provide if the municipal council sees fit

"(a) For the repayment of the principal of the debt, and interest in equal aggregate yearly sums, during the currency of the period, within which the debt is to be discharged, or during the years in which principal is payable; or

"(b) For the repayment of the principal of such debt by equal annual instalments or principal during the years in which principal is payable, and in such case the municipal council shall issue one or more of the debentures or the municipal corporation for the amounts and payable at the times corresponding with such instalments of principal and such of each debentures shall have coupons attached for payment of the interest annually, or semi-annually, as the by-law may provide, on the principal sum secured by such debenture during the currency thereof." (See 1904, chap. 6, section 3.)

Insert as section 218 (b):

"The powers conferred by this Ordinance are not to be accounted as diminishing the powers now possessed by any municipal corporation under any existing Ordinance." 1904, chap. 6, section 4.)

Page 767.-Insert:

"FORM H. (Section 82j).


"I, A. B., hereby declare that I am of the full age of twentyone years, and have owned or occupied land situate within the limits of the town of....

for a period of at least three months, immediately prior to the date of this election.


Returning Officer.

(See 1901, chap. 23, section 19.)


Page 1158. Chapter 114 was included in error. Its provisions will be found consolidated in chapter 06/05

NOTE. Amendments are inserted in brackets, thus: [].



North-West Territories of 1898

And Amendments




An Ordinance respecting the Form and Interpretation of


HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows:


1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Interpretation Or- Short title dinance.". C.O. c. 1, s. 1.




2. This Ordinance and following series of Ordinances shall What constitute and may be cited for all purposes as "The Consoli- consolidated dated Ordinances of the Territories 1898," and any chapter of Ordinances the said consolidated Ordinances may be cited and referred to for all purposes whatever either by its title as an Ordinance or by its short title or by using the expression "The Ordinance (or The Consolidated Ordinance) respecting (adding

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the remainder of the title given at the beginning of the par

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