(2) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may likewise by order notice of which shall be published in the official gazette remove any such suspension or cancel any such revocation and restore any registration so suspended or revoked. 1903, 1st session, c. 14, s. 15. Lieutenant Governor may alter forms Ordinance not to apply to FORMS. 16. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe and from time to time alter forms of certificates, powers of attorney, applications, statements, returns and other documents relating to applications and other proceedings under this Ordinance. 1903, 1st session, c. 14, s. 16. 17. This Ordinance shall not apply to the corporation Hudson's Bay known as "The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay." 1903, 1st session, c. 14, 8. 17. Co. Short itle CHAPTER 65. An Ordinance respecting the Manufacture of Butter and Cheese. THE SHORT TITLE. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as Ordinance." C.O., c. 65. s. 1. "The Dairymen's Mode of incorporation Restriction as to name of company Places of business to be stated Corporate powers At least $1000 to be subscribed PART I. ASSOCIATIONS FOR MANUFACTURE OF BUTTER AND CHEESE. 2. Any five or more persons who desire to associate themselves together for the purpose of manufacturing butter or cheese or providing cold storage for the safe keeping therein of any farm product may make, sign and acknowledge before any person empowered to administer oaths or affidavits to be used in the Supreme Court of the Territories and file in the office of the Territorial secretary a declaration in writing in form A in the schedule hereto or to the same effect and such declaration shall state the name of one of the persons signing the same as having been appointed provisional secretary of the association. C.O., c. 65, s. 2. 3. No association under this part shall be incorporated under a name identical with that by which any other existing association has been registered or so nearly resembling such name as to be likely to deceive the public. C.O., c. 65, s. 3. 4. Any declaration so to be filed shall designate any one or more places in the Territories where business is to be carried on. C.O., c. 65, s. 4. 5. Upon the filing of the declaration the members of the association shall become a body corporate by the name therein described with power to purchase, hold, pledge or mortgage such lands as are required for the convenient management of their business, with full power to do all necessary acts and enter into all necessary contracts for the purpose of managing and conducting their said business but no such declaration shall be filed unless shares to the extent of $1,000 have been subscribed by the persons signing such declaration and evidence of such subscription shall be filed with such declaration by statutory declaration of the provisional secretary in form B in the schedule hereto showing what amounts have been taken by the subscribers respectively and what amounts have been paid on account of their respective subscription and whether in cash or otherwise. C.O., c. 65, s. 5. of filng 6. The Territorial secretary shall indorse on a copy of the said declaration if sent or delivered to him for that purpose a Certificate certificate of the original having been filed in his office with declaration the date of filing and every such declaration with such certificate signed by the Territorial secretary shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein and of the incorporation. of the association. C.O., c. 65, s. 6. association 7. Within one month after the filing of such declaration as aforesaid a meeting of the members of the association shall be Rules of called by notice to be mailed or delivered to each member by the provisional secretary at least ten days before the day of meeting and at such meeting or at any adjournment thereof the members of the association shall agree upon and frame a set of rules for the regulation and management of the association which may declare and provide among other things: 1. The amount of the whole capital stock of the company if it is to be limited and the amount of each share; 2. The highest number of shares which may be allotted to any one person; 3. The mode and terms of payment of shares and the manner of making calls thereon and the mode and conditions of the transfer of the shares; 4. The conditions on which new members may be admitted; 7. The appointment of directors and other officers and their respective duties and a provision for filling vacancies caused by death, resignation or other causes and a copy of all such rules signed by the secretary, shall forthwith be filed in the office of the Territorial secretary with a statutory declaration by the secretary that the same is a true copy of the rules adopted and such rules shall not take effect until filed as aforesaid, and they shall be framed and filed before the association shall carry on any operations. C.O., c. 65, s. 7. 8. All rules made by any association formed under this part Amendment may be repealed, altered or amended or new rules may be made of rules at a regular meeting called for that purpose: Provided no new amended rules shall have any force or effect until a copy verified by statutory declaration of the president or other head officer or of the secretary of the association to be a true copy of such new or amended rules passed Books Members Rules to bind members Members' debts to _association Capital stock Mode of election Disputes may he decided by arbitration Liability of shareholders by the association at a meeting specially called as aforesaid has been filed in the office of the Territorial secretary. C.O . 65, s. 8. 9. The association shall cause a book to be kept by the secretary or by some other officer especially charged with that duty wherein shall be kept a duplicate of the said declaration mentioned in section 2 hereof and of all rules filed as aforesaid in the office of the Territorial secretary and all members of the association shall sign the said declaration in the said book. C.O., c. 65, s. 9. 10. Any person desiring to become a member of or a stockholder in any such association after incorporation as aforesaid may subject to the provisions of the said rules sign the said declaration in the said book and shall thereupon become such member and shall be entitled to the rights and privileges thereof and shall become liable as such member as fully as though he had signed the declaration prior to the incorporation of the association. C.O., c. 65, s. 10. 11. The rules of every association incorporated under this part of this Ordinance shall bind the association and members thereof. And all moneys payable by any member to the association in pursuance of the said rules shall be deemed to be a debt due from such member to the association. C.O., c. 65, s. 11. 12. The capital of the association shall be in shares of such denominations as mentioned in the rules. C.O., c. 65, s. 12. 13. All elections at meetings of shareholders shall be by ballot and each member shall have one vote for each share held by him in respect of which he is not in default for any calls made thereon. C.O., c. 65, s. 13. 14. Any dispute between members or between members and any association established under this part, or any person claiming through or under a member or under the rules of such association, and the directors, treasurer or other officers thereof relating to matters coming within the business of the association may be decided by arbitration in manner directed by the rules of the association, and the decision so made shall be binding and conclusive on all parties without appeal. C.O., c. 65, s. 14. 15. The liability of the shareholders shall be limited, that is to say, no shareholder in such association shall be in any manner liable for or charged with the payment of any debt or demand due by the association beyond the amount unpaid in respect of his share or shares subscribed for and any share 640 |