TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING ON State Banks, Mutual Savings Banks and OF WISCONSIN SHOWING THE CONDITION OF ALL STATE BANKS, TRUST COM- 6.93- 3-179 Names and Compensation of Employes Schedule Showing Disbursements and Receipts Statement of Banks, Trust Companies, and Land Mortgage Asso- 22-380 381-383 384-394 395-396 397-469 State Banking Department TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT To His Excellency, EMANUEL L. PHILIPP, Sir: In conformity with section 2024-5 of the statutes, I have the honor to submit to you this, the twenty-second annual report on banks in Wisconsin. The compilation was made on the basis of the last call for statement, November 17, 1916, and exhibits the financial condition of seven hundred and eighteen state banks, four mutual savings banks, and fifteen trust companies, doing business under our state laws on the date mentioned. State banks and trust companies represent an aggregate capital investment of $23,672,350, and a gain during the twelve month period in capital invested of $774,100. Their total resources were $298,617,175.61, which shows an increase in resources of $44,675,247.15. My report itemizes abstracts of reports of each of the three groups of Wisconsin institutions, land mortgage associations, and national banks of the state. GENERAL CONDITION A very satisfactory condition of Wisconsin banks is shown by an analysis of the statements submitted. The phenomenal increase in deposits during the year just closed, amounting to $43,424,626.33, and the decrease in rediscounts and bills payable of $575,163.92, is evidence of the prosperous conditions existing throughout the state. The relatively small increase in loans and discounts, amounting to $24,129,911.53, in comparison with the abnormal increase in deposits during the same period, manifests a disposition on the part of banks to avoid overinvestment of funds. A general policy of conservatism is indicated by the increase |