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Report of Trustees of the City Hospital, Boston,

Special Pathological Anatomy, Zeigler, 734.
Surgical Delusions and Follies, Roberts, 701.
Textbook on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi-
cology Reese, 611.

Transactions of the American Otological So-
ciety, 612.

Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical
Faculty of the State of Maryland, 467.

Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene, Hutchin-

son, 467.

Biliousness in blood poisoning, 297.

Black tongue, 61.

Blindness in facial erysipelas, 60.

Borax and iodide of potash for the voice, 217.

Borocitrate of magnesia as a solvent of urinary

calculi, 57.

Boro-glyceride in trachoma, 164.

in aural diseases, 252.

Coca leaf and its al aloid, 743.

Cocaine, muriate of, 504.

as an anesthetic and analgetic for the phar-

ynx and larynx, 660.

Coccygodynia. 304.

Colds, treatment of, 554.

in the head, by cold ablutions of the feet, 103.

Collective investigation of disease, address on,

applied to pneumonia, 318.
Collodion for red and broken noses, 184.
Color perception, theories of, 216.
Colotomy, modification of, 308.

in the treatment of vesico-intestinal fistula,

Combined diseases of the anterior cornua and
lateral columns of the cord, 681.

Comparative frequency of eye diseases in the
white and colored races in the U. S., 216.

action of the different alkaloids of aconite on

the heart, 644.

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Care of the lower limbs and feet, 355.

Catarrhal laryngitis, 150.

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1884, 499.

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investigations of the European epidemics of Destruction of infectious germs by heat, 402.

Detached retina. mechanical treatment of, 215.

Development of gray substance of spinal cord, 92.

Diabetes, 621.

Diagnosts of mitral constriction, 253.

of pleuritic exudations by the tuning fork,

Chronic irritable ulcer, treated by excision, skin- Diagnostic value of the bacillus tuberculosis, 559.

meningitis, 93.

Difficult labor. 444.

Dilatation of the stomach, 235.

Disposal of refuse in cities, 96.

Disseminated sclerosis, 253.

Does death sting? 366.

Double aneurism of the common carotid arteries,
cured by ligating both arteries, 463.

Draught of amyl nitrite, 722.

Dysentery with bismuth per rectum, 613.

Dyspeptic neurasthenia, 758.

Birmingham, Eng, 754.

Göttingen letters, 263, 285, 442.

Form of diarrhoea in children. 118.

of numbness, chiefly of the upper extremities,


Fracture of the skull, 127.

Frujahr-catarrh, 650 690.

Functional independence of the two cerebral hem-
ispheres, 580.

GALL bladder, opening of the, for calculi, 459.
stones, two cases of, 690.

Galvanopuncture in anaurism of the aorta. 336.

Dystrophia and of spontaneous fall of the nails in Gangliar disease of joints, 327.

progressive paralysis, 303.

Gangrene of lung, drainage, recovery, 733-
Garbage disposal, 401.

EARLY operation in tuberculosis of lymphatic Gastro-enterostomy, 637.

glands, 586.

Etiology of cancer, 365.

of diphtheria, 582.

Epileptic automatism, 60.

Epilepsy, osmic acid in, 359.

Epileptiform neuralgia or the so-called incurable

facial tic-treatment, 179.

Epithelia, cancer, treatment of, 183.

Guaiac in the treatment of acute sore throat, 681.
Guarana, 247.

Gunshot wound of the stomach, successful laparo-
tomy, 119.

Gynecological uses of hot water, 336.

HÆMATEMESIS, mechanical treatment of, 335-
and melena, obscure case of, 439.

Epithelioma of the anus and lower part of the Haste and waste, 171.

rectum, treatment 258.

Ergot in the treatment of constipation, 669.
Erysipelas of a phlegmonous character, 9.

Excellent advice regarding the use of the catheter,

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Hay fever, treatment, 82, 242.

Hemichorea, localization of, Greiff, 681.

Hemin sthesia, 682.

Hemopthysis, treatment of, 302.

Hemorrhoids, treatment of, 208.

Hemorrhage, arrest of, 363.

Hereditary progressive muscular atrophy, 301.
Hiccough. 120.

Hints for hot weather, 96.

Homeopathy becoming extinct, 33.

How to prepare corrosive sublimate gauze, 121.
Hydrastis canadensis, 656.

Hydriodide of hyoscin compared with atropine
and extraction of, 14.

Hydrocele, antiseptic incision in 184.
Hydrochlorate of cocaine in obstetric practice,
552, 656.

Hyoscyamus, 14.

FASCIA in Duyputrens contraction, ex ection of, Hypodermic injections of amyl followed by epilep-


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Infantile paralysis. recovery, 643.

Infectious diseases, antiseptic treatment, 57.

germs. destruction of by heat, 402.

Infectiousness of the air in rooms occupied by
phthisical persons, 371.

Inflammation, general and local treatment of,


Medulla oblongata in its relation wi h sexual dis-

orders, 117.

Mental therapeutics, 734

Mercury in pleurisy, 177.

Metallic bodies in the eye, 109.

Metaplasia, address on, 322.

Meteorological medicine of Cincinnati, notes on,
530, 562, 596.

Metrorrhagia, treatment of, by Savin and Rue,

Microscopic changes in a tattooed cornea, 141.

Influence of the magnet on the animal organism, Microcephalous girl, 589.


ataxia, 575.

Nitrite of amyl, 224.

Normal relative heights and weights of individ-
uals, 371.

Locomotor ataxy occurring in an individual 70 OAKUM as a surgical dressing, 514.

MALENA, obscure case of hæmatemesis and,


Malt extracts as food, 735.

Making a squint to improve vision, 207.
Masked septicemia, 513.

Mastoid process, opening of, 764.
Mechanism of the downward displacement of the
clavicle following fracture of its shaft, 325.
Medicines, abuse of, 352.

and medical men in Denmark, 107.
in the past and present, 373.

Membranous and diphtheritic conjunctivitis, 252.

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Ophthalmic migraines, treatment of, 164.
Oral hygiene in the new-born, 116.
Origin of general miliary tuberculosis, 84.
Osmic acid in epilepsy, 359.

Outward rotation of the lower extremities, 258.
Ovariotomy at three months of age, 551.

in a child eight years old, 215.

in cows, increasing the supply of milk, 168.
Over pressure in elementary schools, 462.
Oxalic acid and the oxalates in medicine, 465.
Oxaluria, 683.

Oxygen on the activity of the lower organisms,


Ozaena treatment, 15.

PARALDEHYDE as a hypnotic, 15.

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Pseudo-journalism, 436.
Ptomaines, 280..

Puerperal mania, two cases of, 534.

and acetal in the treatment of mental dis- Pulse wave, velocity of, 354.

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Peyrusson on the treatment of cholera by boracic
acid 251.

Pharmacology in cantharidin, 198.

Phenic acid as an injection to abort buboes, 183.
Pheno and gaulthero, III.

Phlebitis complicating rheumatism, 117.
Phosphorus in tubercula disease, 90.
Physiology of the vaso-dilator nerves, 143.
Pilocarpine in ascites, 233.

Placenta prævia, 311.

Plaster posterior splint in the treatment of fract-

ures of the leg, 146.

Pleurisy in diseases of the heart, 710.

Pleuritic exudations by the tuning fork, diagnosis

of, 279.

Pneumonia, Donovan's solution in, 756.

Pneumothorax, 98.

Pupillary symptoms in general diseases, 141.
Purpura, 324.

Purulent inflammation of the middle ear, 157.
peritoneal exudation simulating ascites cured
by paracentesis, 712.

Putrefaction does not kill the tubercle bacillus,

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for rhus poisoning, 91.

Reminiscenses of the cholera epidemic of 1833,

Removal of the thyroid gland, effect of, 514.

by the magnet of foreign body in the vitre-
ous, 293.

of eyeball and conjunctiva, 60.

of astragalus for fungous osteo-arthritis, 94.
of naso-pharyngeal tumors, 231.

Renal circulation, 165.

Resolvent action of calomel, 661.

in minute doses in the treatment of pneu-
monia, 613.

Points concerning the nature and contagion of Resorcin as an anodyne, 253.

cholera, 169, 193.

Poisoning by duboisia, 141.

from Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup, 654.
from veratrum viride, 320.

Poisons contained in choleraic alvine discharges,

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Respiration of leaves in darkness, 129.
Result of swallowing needles, 16.
Retained pl centa in 535.
Rheumatic hyperpyrexia, 176.

Rodent ulcer in its relations to epithelioma, 200.
Round-celled sarcoma of the mesentery in a boy
aged five, 502.

SALICYLIC acid in food, 197.

as a prophylactic against cholera, 513.
in the treatment of lupus, 92.
Sarcoma of the testicle, 10.

Sanguineous cyst of the neck, I.
Scalp wounds, treatment of, 181.
Sciatica, sign of, 297.

by congelation, treatment of, 581.
Scrofulous buboes, treatment, 94.

cervical glands, by excision, treatment of,


Secondary degeneration in the spinal cord, 676.
Sclerotinic acid in epilepsy, 93.
Sensational journalism, 292.

Septic pneumonia of new-born children, 225.
Septicemia in a child from puerperal infection,


Sewage disposal, 372.

in Canton, 96.

Shellac spirits for hanging paper, 404.
Short-sightedness in schools 234.
Sick headache, treatmeut of, 512.
Simple remedy in diarrhoea, 253.

Academy of Medicine, 6, 75, 341, 378, 407,
531, 567, 606, 635, 661, 722.

American Gynecological Society, 412, 449,

American Public Health Association, 515, 536.
Butler County Medical Society, 725.

Chicago Medical Society, 243, 289, 317, 453,

Cincinnati Medical Society, 445, 469, 534, 690,

Illinois State Board of Health, 46, 79, 639.
International Medical Congress, 673.
Michigan State Board of Health, 101.
Mississippi Valley Medical Society, 217, 313.
Odontological Society of Great Britain, 53.
Philadelphia Pathological Society, 10, 103, 424,

Soft chancres, abortive treatment of, 16.

sores, abortive treatment of, 669.

Some of the work which cholera has done, 292.
Sore throat in children, 143.

Specimens from a case of resection of the humerus,

Splastic spinal paralysis, 680.
Sporadic cholera, 661.

Sprains, 94.

treatment of, by the elastic bandage, 258.
Statistics Nairne, on, 765.

St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal, 79.
Strangulated hernia, albuminuria in, 58.

femoral hernia, 457.

Stretching the spinal cord, 182.

Subcoracoid dislocations, reduction of, 236.
Sublimate intoxication following an operation,

Suggestion concerning the treatment of acne and
acne rosacea in the male, 359.
regarding cholera for the use of the public,

for the easy application of the midwifery
forceps, 121.

Sulphate of calcium to prevent suppuration in
smallpox and chickenpox, 91.

quinia on the blood, action of, 618.
Sulphide of calcium in scabies. 491.
Sulphuric acid in the treatment of lupus vulgaris,


Suppurative arthritis, its conservative treatment,
hepatitis, 582,

Suit against a dentist, 509.
Sunstroke, 134.

Surgical and orthopedic treatment of infantile
paralysis, 360.

interference in affections of the brain, 397.

nail, 612.
nursing, 329.

treatment of gall-stones, 183.
uses of iodoform 182.

Sympathetic neuro-retinitis, 81.
ophthalmia, 19, 110.

Syphilis, treatment of, 228.

TALL guessing, 77.

Tapeworm, pelletierine in the treatment of, 746.
Tariff question, 193.

Tendo-achilles, wound of, 658.

Tertoma of the pituitry glands 366.

Theory of cholera or two theories of the mode of
advance of cholera, 245

of color preception, 216.
Therapeutics, mental, 734.

of horizontal position, 359.
Thermo-cautery in the treatment of anal fistulæ,
93, 400.
Thoracentesis, 39, 128.
Tobacco amblyopia, 252.
Torsion of large arteries, 455-

Total retention of the placenta, 226.
Tow, absorbent, 460,

Transmission of cholera by railway travel, 121.
Trephining the frontal sinuses for catarrhal dis-
ease, 762.

Tubercle bacilli in local scrofulous affections, 325.
Tuberculosis. Influence of on conception and preg-

nancy, 508.

Tumors of the cerebellum and phenomena asso-
ciated herewith, 364.

Typhoid fever, specific treatment of, 756.

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