FORM A.-No. 15. XII. Charter for Building and Loan Associations and Mutual To the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: In compliance with the requirements of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," approved the 29th day of April, A. D. 1874, and the several supplements thereto, the undersigned, of whom are citizens of Pennsylvania, having associated themselves together for the purpose of organizing a building and loan association, and desiring that they may be incorporated, and that Letters-Patent may issue to them and their successors according to law, do hereby certify: First. The name of the proposed corporation is Second. Said corporation is formed for the purpose of accumulating a fund by the periodical contributions of the members thereof, and of safely investing the same. in Third. The business of said corporation is to be transacted years. Fourth. Said corporation is to exist for the term of ber of shares subscribed by each are as follows: NAME. RESIDENCE. NO. OF SHARES. Sixth. The number of Directors of said corporation is fixed at and the names and residences of the directors who are chosen directors for the first year are as follows : $ $ NAME, RESIDENCE. Seventh. The amount of the Capital Stock of said corporation is divided into shares of the par value of Eighth. That in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An Act relating to Mutual Saving Fund, Building and Loan Associations, regulating the mode of charging premiums, bonus or interest in advance, of withdrawals, of repayment and collection of loans, also restricting the power to levy excessive fines, and defining the rights and liabilities of married women, stockholders, and prescribing the non-application to these associations of the bonus tax Supra, p. 98. and registry laws for corporations," approved April 10, 1879; the premium or bonus bid for the prior right to a loan shall ["be deducted therefrom in advance," or "paid in periodical instalments," or "interest in advance shall be deducted from the loan in lieu of premiums or bonus."]1 Before me, the Recorder of Deeds in and for the county aforesaid, personally came the above named [three or more of the subscribers] who in due form of law, acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their act and deed for the purposes therein specified. Witness my Hand and Seal of office, the day of A. D. 189 Recorder. State of Pennsylvania, 88. Personally appeared before me, this day of A. D. 189 , [the foregoing three or more subscribers] who, being duly sworn, according to law, depose and say that the statements contained in the foregoing instrument are true. Sworn and subscribed before me, this day of A. D. 189 Recorder. [Advertisement and proof of publication as supra, p. 156.] [Endorsed.] EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, Harrisburg, 189 To the Secretary of the Commonwealth : Having examined the within application and found it to be in proper form, and within the purposes of the class of corporations 1 Supra, p. 99. specified in section two of the act, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," approved April 29, A. D. 1874, and an act, entitled, "An Act relating to Mutual Saving Fund, Building and Loan Associations," etc., арproved April 10, 1879, I hereby approve the same, and direct that Letters-Patent issue according to law. Pennsylvania, ss. [Endorsed.] SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Enrolled in Charter Book No. , page Witness my Hand and Seal of office at Harrisburg, this day of Governor. A. D. 189 Secretary of the Commonwealth. [Record in proper county.] XIII. Acceptance of Act of 10 April, 1879, by Mutual Saving Fund and Building and Loan Associations. RESOLUTIONS OF STOCKHOLDERS. Resolved, That this association hereby accepts the provisions of an act, entitled "An Act relating to Mutual Saving Fund, Building and Loan Associations, regulating the mode of charging premiums, bonus, or interest in advance, of withdrawals, of repayment and collection of loans; also restricting the power to levy excessive fines, and defining the rights and liabilities of married women, stockholders, and prescribing the non-application to these associations of the bonus tax and registry laws for Corporations," approved April 10, 1879. Resolved, That this association further certifies, as required by the ninth section of said act, that their mode or plan of charging premiums, bonus, or advance interest, as set forth in the first section of said act is [as stated supra, p. 99]. Resolved, That the president be and he is hereby instructed to file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth a certificate in writing, under the seal of said Corporation, of the acceptance by this association of the aforesaid act of the General Assembly, praying that the same may be submitted to the Governor for his approval, and for the issuance of letters-patent to said association. FORM A.-No. 19. Certificate of Acceptance. To the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I, incorporated on the president of the day of association, A. D. 18 , and under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act having its location and place of business in and State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify under the seal of the said corporation, That at a meeting of the stockholders of said association, held pursuant to due and legal notice, at the office of the said association, the day of of the stockholders of said association were present, when the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That this association hereby accepts the provisions of an act, entitled "An Act relating to Mutual Saving Fund, Building and Loan Associations, regulating the mode of charging premiums, bonus, or interest in advance, of withdrawals, of repayment and collection of loans; also restricting the power to levy excessive fines, and defining the rights and liabilities of married women, stockholders, and prescribing the non-application to these associations of the bonus tax and registry laws for corporations," approved April 10, 1879. Resolved, That this association further certifies, as required by the ninth section of said act, that their mode or plan of charging premiums, bonus, or advance interest, as set forth in the first section of said act is Resolved, That the president be and he is hereby instructed to file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth a certificate in writing, under the seal of said corporation, of the acceptance by this association of the aforesaid act of the General Assembly, praying that the same may be submitted to the Governor for his approval, and for the issuance of Letters-Patent to said association. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and caused the Seal of said association to be affixed this day of A. D. 189. [SEAL,] Attest: President. Secretary. [Endorsed.] EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, Harrisburg, A. D. 189. I hereby approve of the within acceptance, and direct that LettersPatent issue according to law. Governor. Filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, at Harrisburg, on day of A. D. 189 • Secretary of the Commonwealth. XIV. Certificate for Foreign Corporation becoming Domestic.1 To His Excellency, Sir: The Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. a Cor In compliance with the requirements of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to authorize foreign Corporations to become Corporations of Pennsylvania, and to prescribe the mode of their so doing," approved the 9th day of June, 1881: The undersigned, The poration created under the laws of the State of doing business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having [three or more] stockholders who are citizens of Pennsylvania, and being embraced within Corporations of the second class, as defined in section two of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," approved the 29th day of April, A. D. 1874, and desiring to become a Corporation of the State of Pennsylvania and that letters-patent therefor may issue to it and its successors according to law, hereby certifies I. The name of the Corporation is II. Said Corporation is formed for the purpose of III. The business of said Corporation is to be transacted in |