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that, at a meeting of the stockholders of the said Company, held pursuant to due and legal notice, at its principal office in


day of

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A. D.

a majority in interest of such Corporation voted in favor of applying

for the re-charter of said Company.

The present financial condition of said Company is as follows, viz.:

[blocks in formation]

The said Company also, at the same time and place, by a vote of its stockholders, expressly accepted the provisions of the Constitution of this State, and of the Corporation Act of 29 April, 1874, and expressly surrendered all privileges conferred upon it by its original charter that are not enjoyed by Corporations of its class under the said act or the general laws of this Commonwealth.

In testimony whereof the common and corporate seal of the said

Corporation has been hereunto affixed this
A. D. 189


day of



[L. S.]

XXIV. Dissolution of Corporations.


To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
County of

The Petition of


Respectfully represents :


That it is a Corporation for

duly incorporated by 1874, and the supplements thereto. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the said Corporation, duly convened, of which due notice had been given according to the constitution and by-laws, it was resolved by a majority of the meeting of the corporators [or unani

under the Act 29 April, mously resolved by the said Stockholders] to apply to this Honorable Court for a decree of dissolution of the said corporation petitioner. Wherefore the petitioner, showing to the Court that the prayer of its petition may be granted without prejudice to the public welfare or the interests of the corporators, prays the Court for permission to surrender any power contained in its charter, and that the Court will make a decree for the dissolution of the said Corporation. The petitioner further avers that notice of this application has been given by publication in


being two newspapers published in the county and also in published in the said county, in accordance with the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, being the county in which the principal operations of the Corporation are conducted [or in which its principal office is located], and that all taxes due or alleged to be due to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have been fully paid into the State Treasury as appears by the certificates of the Auditor General, State Treasurer, and Attorney General filed herewith.



[Corporate Seal.]

State of Pennsylvania,
County of

of the

being duly sworn, says that he is the Secretary petitioner, and that the statements made in the foregoing Petition are just and true; that the seal of the Corporation affixed to the said petition is the common and corporate seal of the said Corporation, and that the petition aforesaid was signed by and with the consent of a majority of a meeting of the corporators duly convened, and that notice of this application has been given by publication as required by law in the newspapers of general circulation published in said county, and also in as required by the Act of Assembly in such case


made and provided. A copy of the said notice is hereto annexed.

Sworn and subscribed before

me this

1 Supra, p. 139.

day of


And now this

day of

A. D. 189, the petition of for a decree for the dissolution of the said Corporation and the approval of the accounts of the Directors thereof having been duly presented, and proof having been made that notice of such application has been duly given by publication according to law, and it appearing by the proper certificates of the Auditor General, State Treasurer, and Attorney General filed that all taxes due the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have been paid, and it further appearing that the prayer of the said petition may be granted without prejudice to the public welfare or the interests of the corporators, it is on motion of

Esq., for petitioner ordered and decreed that the accounts of the Directors of the said Corporation filed with the petition aforesaid be and the same are approved and confirmed, and that the said Corporation be and the same is hereby dissolved, and all and singular its powers, franchises and privileges be and the same are hereby extinguished and determined. Provided, That this decree shall not go into effect until a certified copy thereof be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Per curiam.

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Withdrawal order of building and loan association not within,

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. 10, 136, 137


Of corporations of first class, ..

Form for,

Second class,

Of gas and water company formed for,



93, n. 1, 177, 179

Title of religious corporations to real estate, after,

Of turnpike companies,

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56, n. 2

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When issue of authorized,

[blocks in formation]

. 14, n. 2







Not affected by invalidity of mortgage,

Condemnation proceedings,

36, n. 2
53, 54

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