BOOKS SUITABLE FOR PUPIL TEACHERS Manuscript Answers to Government Pupil Teachers' monthly Examinations, each month 8. d. 06 Candidate's Year Book Key to ditto Candidate's Questions and Answers Candidate's Questions only ... Complete Geography, 6d. ; Complete Grammar, 6d.; Complete History FIRST YEAR. Pupil Teachers' Year Book, I. (with all the subjects of instruction) Pupil Teacher's Geography of British Isles ... (for all years) 0 6 ... Pupil Teacher's Government Questions and Answers, I... Scripture Manuals for Pupil Teachers, for all years, Old Test. 2/- complete New ( 2 6 1 0 Pupil Teacher's Notes of Lessons-Old Test. Little Housewife (Domestic Economy) Crown Drawing Books, complete in six books, (Elementary Freehand Pupil Teacher's Year Book, Il. (with all the subjects of instruction) Guide and Text Book to Scholarship and Certificate Examinations Latin, 1/-; French, 6d. ; P. Geography, 6d. ; Algebra Government Science Questions and Answers, Elementary and Advanced 0 2 6 1 0 06 0 2 2 0 2 6 1 0 06 0 2 5 0 0 8 0 6 2 2 6 92 Any of above post free for published price in stamps from H. MAJOR, B.A. B.Sc., Sherwood House, Leicester; London-SIMPKIN & MARSHALL. Excelsior Buildings, Ridgefield, Manchester. London Warehouse: 18, Paternoster Row. John Heywood's New Publications. Stiff cover, price 6d; cloth, coloured, rs. THE BRITISH EMPIRE ATLAS. Containing 37 Maps, showing the Colonies and Dependencies of Great Britain in every part of the World. Cloth, 2s. 6d. THE BRITISH EMPIRE ATLAS AND GEOGRAPHY. Containing 37 Maps, coloured with 144 pp. letterpress, descriptive of the Geography of the Bri ish Possessions. Fcap. 8vo, 96 pp., cloth, 1s. 6d. New and Revised Edition. THE PUPIL TEACHER'S GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY OF THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS. By J. S. Horn. MENTAL ARITHMETIC FOR Price Is., cloth. Specimens of Examination Papers. By R. Sutton. Fcap. Svo., 160 pp., cloth lettered, Is. 6d. AN INSTRUCTION, BY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, IN THE CATECHISM OF Fcan. 8vo, 277 pp., cloth, 2s. 6d. persons preparing for Diocesan, Training College, or Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Fcap. 8vo, 128 pp.. cloth, ts, 6d. NOTES OF LESSONS ON THE CATECHISM OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. By R. Sutton. Crown Svo, 160 pp., cloth lettered, 2s. 6d. First Series, New Edition. THE TEACHER'S MANUAL OF OBJECT LESSONS. By A. Park, F.R.G.S., Head Master, Albion Schools, Ashton-under-Lyne. Price Is. 6d. each, with Key, or complete in 1 val., 6s. HIGMAN'S PUPIL TEACHER'S EXAMINATION PAPERS, according to the Present Code. Candidates' Book-First Year Book-Second Year Book-Third Year BookFourth Year Book. Fcap. 8vo, 272 pp., cloth, 3s. Ed. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND METHOD, in Theory and Practice. By J. J. Prince Author of "The Elements of Physiography." Prepared mainly for Pupil Teachers and Students preparing to be examined for Queen's Scholarships, Certificates, &c. There are nearly 200 Questions previously set at Examinations, with Answers to the same, whilst a number of Questions for the Student to answer himself are also given at the end. EXERCISES IN PENMANSHIP. By a Professor of Wri ing. In which the principles of the Art of Writing are reduced to their simple elements. Engraved on two sides of a small card. This is a veritable multum in parvo on an important branch of every scholar's education, and which he, and even adults wishful to improve their handwriting, may have continually before them as a model. Price id. each. The following Catalogues may be had, post free, on application A CATALOGUE OF EDUCATIONAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS Containing a list of JOHN HEYWOOD's own distinctive publications, with their retail price. This will be found to embrace a great variety of Educational Works (written mainly by practical authors), and from it heads of Schools and others may select books in almost every branch of study. A CLASSIFIED AND ILLUSTRATED EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE, Containing a general list of the leading School Books published, together with the most commonly used articles in Stationery and Materials This Catalogue, comprising 66 pages, 4to size, has been for years appreciated as the best reference list of its kind issued. A CATALOGUE OF JUVENILE AND OTHER WORKS, A CATALOGUE OF DRAWING MATERIALS. For any further particulars respecting terms, &c., please address Mr. JOHN HEYWOOD, Excelsior Buildings, Ridgefield, John Dalton Street, Manchester. London Warehouse-18, Paternoster Square, E.C. Bankers-Manchester and County Bank Limited. P.0.0. paya le at Deansgate, Manchester. No. 53. MAY 1ST, 1880. PRICE TWOPENCE. で THE Pupil Teacher MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PUPIL TEACHERS, & ASSISTANT MASTERS, CONTAINING Original Articles on Educational Topics; Parliamentary, Training Colleges, and Board School News affecting Pupil Teachers; Reports of Science Lectures; Reviews of Books; Scraps and Items of useful information on Literature, Education, Science and Art; Questions set in Pupil Teachers' Government Examinations; Questions proposed and answered by Pupil Teachers; Popular Science Papers, &c. Price 2d., by post 2 d., or 1s. 3d. for six months; 2s. 6d. a year, IN ADVANCE, FROM H. MAJOR, B.A., B.Sc., Editor, Sherwood House, LEICESTER. Post Office Orders payable to H. MAJOR, Leicester, not Nottingham. LONDON AGENTS: MOFFATT, PAIGE & Co., 28, WARWICK LANE. PRIZES PRIZES-PRIZES. Special Prizes, value Five Shillings, Will be given to Pupil Teachers and Scholars for the best filling in of the Freehand Copies in the six numbers of MAJOR'S CROWN DRAWING BOOKS. These are so simply graduated in Six Books, that NO TEACHER IS REQUIRED, and the Six Books, when well done, would qualify for Second Grade Freehand. The Six Books sent, post free, for One Shilling, FROM H. MAJOR, LEICESTER. The Competitors to send in, post free, the six completed books before July 1, 1880. MAJOR'S EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Every want of a School supplied by cheap reliable treatises on Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History, the Specific Subjects, Books for special use of Pupil Teachers and Assistants, Science Subjects, Drawing Books, Diocesan Scripture Examinations, etc., etc. To extend the sale of these, which have already amounted to many hundred thousands, SPECIMEN COPIES will be sent at half published price and postage. CATALOGUES GRATIS. H. MAJOR, Leicester. CYPRUS: Halfpenny Geography of. For Schools; with Map. 6D. PER DOZEN, post-free. Single Copies, 1d. post-free. H. MAJOR, Leicester; SCHOLASTIC TRADING COS.; and SIMPKIN & MARSHALL. The recent outbreak of another Afghan War once more calls attention to Afghanistan. This country is fully described in the Editor's AFGHANISTAN; single copies 1d. post-free, or 1s. per dozen, for P.T's. and classes taking the Geography of Asia. Pupil Teachers' Examination Paper. * MARCH, 1880. CANDIDATES.- -Arithmetic.-MALES.-1. If a man's yearly income is £194 17s. 6d., what is due to him for 292 days? 2. If a bicyclist travels 42 miles in 4 hours 30 minutes and 30 seconds, how long will he be going 147 miles? 3. What will be charged for flooring a room 23 feet 6 inches long, 16 feet wide, at 51d per square foot? 4. What will be the cost of conveying 17 ton 11 cwt. 3 qrs. weight of goods at 19s. 7 d. per ton ? FEMALES.-1. Make out the following bill:-17 pairs of blankets at 8s. 9d. per pair; 14 pairs of stockings at 1s. 6d. per pair; 4 dozen pairs of gloves at 2s. 34d. per pair; 16 yards of cloth at 8s. 91d. per yard; 15 lbs. of wool at 44d. per lb.; 19 yards of lace at 2s. 7d. per yard. 2. Work by practice: (a) The value of 6,043 lbs. of tea at 3s. 2 d. a lb.; (b) If sugar be bought at £1 19s. 6d. per cwt., and retailed at 6 per lb., what is the profit of a cask containing 7 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lbs.? 3. Find the value of 2,037 cwt. of sugar at £1 19s. 84d. a cwt. Grammar.-1. Parse all the verbs in the following: Out then spake king Edward: "How different are our parts! I may win fair cities, But my queen, she winneth hearts. God bless thee, sweet Philippa, And mayest thou ever be As dear to all the English As now thou art to me!" 2. How is the possessive case in nouns generally formed? How is it formed when the noun ends in an "s" sound (like justice); or when it ends in "s" (like James)? 3. In what instances are adjectives compared (generally) by prefixing 66 more" and "most." Geography.-Explain, as you would to children, the terms, source spring, watershed, affluent, confluence, estuary; and illustrate them from what you know of any river in your own neighbourhood, or from the river Thames. 2. Describe, in words, the two sides of the Bristol Channel, and of the estuary of the Severn. What is the "bore ?" 3. Where are Killarney, Achil Island, Glencoe, the Ochils, Melrose, and St. Abb's Head? Describe each as fully as you can. Penmanship.-Write, in small hand, as a specimen of copy-setting, Wallace was the son of a Welshman, Walays, who held a farm in Renfrewshire. PUPIL TEACHERS AT THE END OF FIRST AND SECOND YEARS.Arithmetic.-MALES.-1. Find the value of £1.9 +7·45 shillings + 17.43 half guineas +85583 of £5. 2. Reduce of 6 dwt. to the fraction of 34 lbs. (Troy). For worked Answers see Manuscript Answers, sixpence each year of apprenticeship, from the Editor only. |