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Jeffersonville, Indiana.

James G. Read............... Receiver..................Febʼy 21, 1835.

Danville, Illinois.

Samuel McRoberts........... Receiver.......

Augusta, Mississippi.

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Griffin H. Holliman........... Receiver.................Febr'y 6, 1835.

Detroit, Michigan Territory.

John Biddle................... Register........

Bronson, Michigan Territory.

.. Jan'y 10, 1835.

Abraham Edwards............ Register...................March 3, 1835. Thomas C. Sheldon........... Receiver..................March 3, 1835.

PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY, -page 361, &c.

Foxhall A Parker, Edward R. McCall, Daniel Turner, David Conner, Captains, 3d March, 1835.

Thomas Crabb, Edward B. Babbitt, James Armstrong, Joseph Smoot,
Masters Commandant, 3d March, 1835.

Arthur Sinclair, Edwin W. Moore, Robert B. Hitchcock, Charles H. A.
H. Kennedy, Thomas W. Brent, George M. Bache, Ezra T. Doughty,
Joseph Lanman, John W. Cox, Lieutenants, 3d March, 1835.
Robert Woodworth, William W. Valk, David Harlan, Victor L. Gor-
don, Assistant Surgeons, 3d March, 1835.

William L. Young, Second Lieutenant of Marines, 23d February, 1835.
William Morris McArdle, Second Lieutenant of Marines, (vice Edgar
Irving, resigned,) 3d March, 1835.

PAY OF THE NAVY,-page 369.

An Act to regulate the pay of the Navy of the United States.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the passage of this act, the annual pay of the officers of the Navy of the United States shall be as follows:


At all times when in service, four thousand five hundred dollars. When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, three thousand five hundred dollars.


When in command of squadrons on foreign stations, four thousand dollars.

When on other duty, three thousand five hundred dollars.
When off duty, two thousand five hundred dollars


When attached to vessels for sea service, two thousand five hundred dollars.

When attached to navy yards, or on other duty, two thousand one hundred dollars.

When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, one thousand eight hundred dollars.


Commanding, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

On other duty, one thousand five hundred dollars.
Waiting orders, one thousand two hundred dollars.


Waiting orders, six hundred and fif y dollars.

At sea, nine hundred and fifty dollars.

After passing and found qualified for promotion to surgeon, eight hundred and fifty dollars.

At sea, one thousand two hundred dollars.

When stationed at navy yards, hospitals, rendezvous, and receiving ships, nine hundred and fifty dollars.

After being passed, and stationed as above, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.


For the first five years after the date of his commission, one thousand


For the second five years, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the third five years, one thousand four hundred dollars. For the fow th five years, one thousand six hundred dollars. After he shall have been commissioned as a surgeon twenty years and upwards, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

All the surgeons of the navy under orders for duty, at navy yards, receiving vessels, rendezvous, or naval hospitals, shall have an increase of one fourth of the foregoing amount of their respective annual pay, from the date of their acceptance of such orders.

All surgeons of the navy ordered to any of the ships or vessels of the United States, commissioned for sea service, shall have an increase of one third of the foregoing amount of their respective annual pay, from the date of their acceptance of such orders.

All surgeons of the navy, ordered as fleet surgeons, shall have an increase of one half of their respective annual pay, from the date of their acceptance of such orders.


When attached to vessels for sea service, or at navy yards, one thousand two hundred dollars.

When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, eight hundred dollars.


When attached to vessels for sea service, or in a yard, one thousand two hundred dollars.


To commanders of squadrons, when commanding in chief, one thousand dollars.

To commanders of squadrons, when not commanding in chief, nine hundred dollars.


Of a ship of the line, for sea service, one thousand one hundred dollars. When on other duty, one thousand dollars.

When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, seven hundred and fifty dollars.


When attached to vessels for sea service, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

When on other duty, five hundred dollars.

When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, four hundred dollars.


On duty, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Waiting orders, six hundred dollars.


When attached to vessels for sea service, or at navy yards, four hundred and fifty dollars,

When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, three hundred dollars.


When attached to vessels for sea service, four hundred dollars.

When on other duty, three hundred and fifty dollars.

When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, three hundred dollars.


Of a yard, nine hundred dollars

First clerk to a commandant of a navy yard, nine hundred dollars. Second clerk to a commandmant of a navy yard, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

To commanders of squadrons, captains of fleets, and commanders of vessels, five hundred dollars.


Of a ship of the line, for sea service, seven hundred and fifty dollars. Of a frigate for sea service, six hundred dollars.

When on other duty, five hundred dollars.

When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, three hundred and sixty dollars.

Officers temporarily performing the duties belonging to those of a higher grade, shall receive the compensation allowed to such higher grade, while actually so employed.

No officer shall be put on furlough, but at his own request, and all officers so furloughed shall receive one half only of the pay to which they would have been entitled if on leave of absence.

If any assistant surgeon shall have been absent from the United States, on duty, at the time others of his date were examined, he shall, if not rejected at a subsequent examination, be entitled to the same rank with them; and if from any cause, his relative rank cannot be assigned to him, he will retain his original position on the register.

One ration per day, only shall be allowed to all officers when attached to vessels for sea service

SEC 2, And be it further enacted, That no allowance shall hereafter be made to any officer, in the naval service of the United States, for drawing bills, for receiving or disbursing money, or transacting any business for the Government of the United States, nor shall he be allowed servants, or pay for servants, clothing or rations for them, or pay for the same, nor shall any allowance be made to him for rent of quarters, or to pay rent for furniture, or for lights or fuel, or transporting baggage. It is hereby expressly declared that the yearly allowance provided in this act is all the pay compensation, and allowance, that shall be received under any circumstances whatever, by any such officer or person, except for travelling expenses when under orders, for which ten cents per mile shall be allowed. [Approved, March 3, 1835.]

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Commissioners of Insolvency

relief of Insolvent Debtors


Act to revive and amend the act for the

93 Projected Fortifications

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