NOTE ON REPRINT In selecting copies of the Journal of the Constitutional Convention of 1850-1851 for use in making this reprint, two variant printings were found. No intimation of a second edition or of a second printing has been discovered in titles pages, in the proceedings of the Convention, in the records of the General Assembly which passed upon the expenses of printing and binding, or in tradition. Five hundred copies seem to have been printed without any recorded interruption, by the printer to the Convention, Austin H. Brown, Indianapolis. It is apparent, however, that after a number of copies had been run off some changes were made before the remaining copies were printed, and that both groups were bound and distributed. Variations between the two groups, while numerous, are, so far as ascertained, of little or no significance. The official manuscript Journal, preserved in the office of the Secretary of State, has been compared with a considerable number of pages in the two variant groups of printed copies. The comparison seems to indicate that the group represented in our examination by one copy in the State Library, the copy in the Indianapolis Public Library, and the copy in the collection of John G. Rauch of Indianapolis was the first printing. The second group was represented by three copies in the State Library, one of which was signed by Horace P. Biddle of Logansport (representative of Cass, Howard, and Pulaski counties in the Convention), by the two copies in the Law Library of the Supreme Court of Indiana, and by the copies in the Legislative Reference Bureau and in the Indianapolis Bar Association Library. From this latter group Judge Biddle's copy and another, apparently identical with it, were chosen for the reprint. This group made some slight omissions and some of its variations are not improvements, but it contains some obvious corrections (as noted below in one case it follows the official Journal in giving a wrong initial). A few of the many differences noted in the two variant printings will suffice to identify them. Page Line First Group Second Group [used in Reprint] Clement E. Babb [correct] Clement C. Babb [official Journal] abjourned until 2 o'clock P.M. adjourned inserting the fol 27 last 75 34 83 last 84 1 lowing: inserting the following: Brookbank [official Journal] incompetent [official Journal] committee CHRISTOPHER B. COLEMAN Director Historical Bureau Gindiana. Constitutional con JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, ΤΟ AMEND THE CONSTITUTION. ASSEMBLED AT INDIANAPOLIS, OCTOBER, 1850. INDIANAPOLIS: AUSTIN H. BROWN, PRINTER TO CONVENTION. 1851. K 5625 .1850 A23 1536 INDIANA HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS REPRINT for INDIANA HISTORICAL BUREAU REPRINTED BY OFFSET PROCESS INDIANAPOLIS FORT WAYNE: FORT WAYNE PRINTING CO., CONTRACTORS FOR STATE PRINTING AND BINDING 1936 568066-013 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION OF THE PEOPLE OF INDIANA, Begun and held at the Capitol, in the City of Indianapolis, on Monday, the seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty; being the time and place fixed for it to meet by an Act of the General Assembly entitled, “An Act to provide for the Call of a Convention of the People of the State of Indiana, to revise, amend, or alter the Constitution of said State." The Convention having been called to order by the Hon. CHARLES H. TEST, Sesretary of State, who was in attendance in obedience to the aforesaid act for that purpose, the following named Delegates appeared, produced their credentials, and, being duly sworn by the Hon. ISAAC BLACKFORD, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Indiana, as required by law, took their seats, viz.: FROM THE DISTRICTS OF Allen, Adams, and Wells-James W. Borden; Benton, Jasper, Pulaski, and White-Jonathan Harbolt; Carroll and Clinton-Hiram Allen; Cass, Howard, and Pulaski-Horace P. Biddle; |