Statutes of the State of Nevada Passed at the ... Session of the LegislatureJ. Church, state printer, 1907 |
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Common terms and phrases
Act entitled Act is hereby Acts in conflict amount appoint appropriated Approved February Approved March Attorney Auditor bill Board of County bonds Carson City cents certificate CHAP Churchill County City Council Commission compensation corporation County Commissioners County Treasurer coupons court deemed Deputy dollars per annum duties election Elko County Ely Water enact as follows entitled An Act Esmeralda County ex officio exceed expenses February 26 filed franchise Fund hereby amended hereby authorized holder Humboldt County hundred dollars indorsement instrument interest issued Legislature levy license Lyon County manner March 14 March 29 Mayor ment Nevada notice Nye County oath ordinance paid party payable payment person prescribed purpose railroad read as follows receive record regulate represented in Senate salary Secretary Section Senate and Assembly streets thereof thousand dollars tion Trustees vote Washoe County White Pine County
Popular passages
Page 38 - An Act providing for the cooperation of the State of Nevada with the Secretary of the Interior of the United States in the construction and administration of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands...