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Palm-Sunday, March 26th, 1809. INCLOSE you two poetical effusions, which suggested themselves during a quarter of an hour of profound emotion, on the distribution of palms on Palm Sunday, and the wished-for benediction on Maundy Thursday. You know my way from my childhood, and that my capricious Muse will not be wooed, but visits me just when she pleases. At such times my heart throbs violently and my eyes often overflow, so that I scarcely see the paper or hold my pen.

her soul, burned six solitary tapers while a reddish twilight yet penetrated from the top of the dome. At the door of the temple I turned about once more, and my soul was divided between grief and hope.

"Whence comest

Easter Sunday. thou, Magdalen, beaming with joy?" "From the grave of the Lord! I have seen the living conqueror of death!" Such were the words of life that salu us to-day at St. Peter's. The organ the orchestra were in front of the high Good Friday evening. We are just tar, where a spacious quadrangle of se come from St. Peter's, where to-day all received the clergy; the rest of the co has been silent mourning. Long did we gregation stood. This way of perforn walk there under the echoing vaults till ing the music is not so favourable for the the gloom of night with all its mysterious execution, as when it is given in ong c terrors began to envelop us. The hun- the side chapels; but it admits of a great dred lamps, at other times constantly er number of hearers, and the effect is burning round the grave of the apostles, more solemn. The tones are often lost gradually expired: the altars of the saints in the prodigious space, or break against also were wrapped in darkness at the the massive pillars; on the other hand, it hour in which the Redeemer cried It is is rendered more impressive, by the idea finished! The victorious cross, which of the vastness of the place. The tone used to be so resplendent, threw not to- die away, and you meet them again in day its light through the vast space for walking, like harmonies wafted from the church herself mourns, bowed down higher world: they escape you where in the dust, and needs consolation. Be- you expected them; but all at once a fore the altar of the mother only, who has

her dead son on her lap, and a sword in


* Michael Angelo's celebrated Madrò


Mrs. Brun's Letters from Rome.

[VOL. 24

food of melede pours down upon you the whole neighbourhood to the windows, from the cupoles. You must recollect, and many even from their beds, to listen Grother, how often our late father used to to his strains. By degrees, these sweet on.cnt that thos. means which work upon strains became less frequent, and more the nobler of the sensual feelings of man, melancholy; till at length one evening a hose which exalt the soul and the peculiarly doleful farewel song called the hong ts, were so little employed in the cruel maiden to the grave of her miseraLothian worship, though they are by no ble lover,* in tones so moving and pa1. Gous excluded from it. thetic that all the hearers burst into tears. Baldini was seen no more at Rome, and his obdurate charmer soon gave her hand to another.

Apr 6th. The great benediction was not given-but listen to the history of my two poems. I showed them to my friend the Cavaliere Gérardo de' Rossi, one of "Some years afterwards," continued the first poets and .terati, as well as one my friend, "I was present in a church at the best men in Rome. He immedi- Rome, during a procession of priests who ately made a spirited translation of them passed me singing. A voice, the sweetiato Itahan, which we sent on Wednes- ness of which awakened certain indistinct day in the Passion Week to the Pope, recollections, attracted my notice. Iliswith only this signature: Da una Signora tened, and looked more attentively - It Forastere. Tue author however was was Baldini. His pale emaciated face, soon guessed, and some days afterwards illumined by the soft light of the taper, his floriness gut to me his private secre- he glided past me like a shadow, with tary, th. Abbate Baldini, to thank me in down-cast eyes-or rather rose, as if from

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ame, and to say, that "it gave him the grave, before me. I hastened to him, prcal pleasure to find that a foreigner, a and found him calmly resigned, having Forestant, an ingenious poetess, and an received comfort from above. He rewoman,thought so well of him."* turned by degrees into the world, visiting Bat ow I was desired to send him the in a few select circles, especially where Genon orginal cel proprio pugno-"in he meets with music." my own band-witing." This I did, and end a liter I translation of it made into opag nda.

private secretary of Pius VII. is en extremely interesting man, especially us won on. Since I have got into the ative style offemale memoirs, I must rete you the history of the Abbate Balyes communicated to me by a mutual nearly the following words :--I esined." said he, " near the Roada, when Bəʼlini, a young Roman of promiting abolitics was engaged in the ydy of the w. He conceived a passion

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ng female, who also lived near *Te Pancheon, but from whom he met with Do 14tura. This attachment revived his extraordi y talent for music, which had lued to raver studies, and every eventum Ple of the Pantheon was enlipod wha Balini's songs, both the ards and masie of which were his own Its enchanting voice, ac3 masterly guitar, drew

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* * the repetition of these compli

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Thus far my friend. We actually found this generous victim of love at the house of the Countess Carradori, a native of Vienna. She is the best singer off the stage at Rome. In her early youth, she sung at the theatre in Vienna. There she was seen and heard by Count Carradori, and the celebrated air in Cimarosa's Horatii-Belle pupille tenere, performed by a most exquisite voice, and accompanied by eyes not less beautiful than those are supposed to be to which this enchanting song is addressed, made a conquest of the heart of the Roman Count. Their union has been peculiarly happy. There we saw for the first time the yet pale and mildly melancholy Baldini. When the Countess Carradori, who is quite a Roman in her encouragement of promising talents, sung Mozart's sweetest duet, Deli perdoni al primo affetto, with my Ida, who is yet no more than fourteen years old, Baldini said-Questa Ragazza non sa la musica, ma è la musica-" she is not a musician, she is music itself." Thus

n of his Holiness, especially Quivi il suo deluso amore, accompanied by
infallible, and of course the guitar, has become a popular song of the
criticize them.

VOL. 2.]

Mrs. Brun's Letters from Rome.

you see this Baldini is destined to tell healthy, though he subsists almost entireme what I am fondest of hearing-but ly upon eggs, milk, and vegetable diet→ nothing from him affords me so much so that I frequently call him in joke, pleasure as his heart-thrilling strains.

Before I close this letter I will put up for you a print-an indifferent one indeed-engraved from a miniature of the Pope, and which appeared last summer while I was in Tuscany. In a few days 12,000 copies of it were sold: the French general then caused it to be bought up, fearing lest the contagion of this enthusiasm might spread over all Italy. It has no other merit than that of being a striking likeness.

our Brahmin. Lately, indeed, he has been prevailed upon by the remonstrances of the physicians, who have for some time past suspected a weakness of his optic nerves, to admit some animal food and a small quantity of generous wine to his hermit-like table. I never quit the sacred shades about his habitation without feeling myself better than when I went thither-and let me leav Rome when I will, among my many greatsorrows, the keenest will be the parting from D'Agincourt. What must be the sentiments of this excellent old man on the part which his countrymen are now performing at Rome you may easily conceive.

July 4. Will you hear a pretty legend?-On the day when the proclamation of the complete, occupation of the Roman states on the part of the French emperor appeared, a white pigeon flew in at one of the windows of the Pope's apartments. The attendants endeavoured to drive it out again, but in vain ; the bird flew to and fro in the lofty rooms far above their reach. As their efforts were fruitless, and served only to disturb the Pope, the bird was left in quiet possession, and food and drink were placed for it, that it might not perish for want. The etherial creature, however, would not touch any thing earthly; neither would it quit the place till the bull of excommunication was prepared, when it suddenly darted out at the same window by which it had entered thrice 'twentyfour hours before!

April 20. Difficult as it is in these times to form acquaintance with the higher clergy, I have nevertheless had the pleasure to see Cardinal Erskine several times at my house. He is a most amiable, accomplished, and elegant old man, combining the most polished manners with the dignity of his station. But the crown and heart of my acquaintance here is the Chevalier d'Agincourt, now 80 years of age. We are as much attached to him as though we were his children, and he loves us with paternal affection, This gentleman possesses all the qualities which in la bonne vielle France most advantageously distinguished individuals at his time of life-buoyant vivacity, delicacy of feeling, that gallantry of the heart in the intercourse with our sex which is peculiar to the southern nations, and which the French expressed more tenderly than any other. Such is he as a Frenchman; but the qualities which adorn him as a man are of far greater importance, and do not belong exclusively to any nation. D'Agincourt has that St. Peter's was never so thronged as lofty purity of soul above the reach of at the late festival of the Apostles. Great all profanation, that pious simplicity of numbers of country-people were there; heart which a highly favoured few alone but even the Romans are growing devout preserve amid the storms of life, and from attachment to this Pope; aud that, which surround them already here below you well know, is saying a great deal. with the radiance of immortality-In a Among the many altars of the vast cathepretty house on the Trinita di Monti he dral, the most frequented by the people lives retired from the bustle of the world, was the tomb of the holy Pope Leo, devoting himself to the study of antiqui- where Algardi's prodigious basso-relievo, ty, and the care of a charming garden representing the appearance of the two which he planted himself at the age of Princes of the Apostles to Attila, is seventy, and in the shade of which he placed. Hence ascended the most fer now delights to walk. There we find vent prayers for "deliverance fre bim among his flowers which he is fond scourge of mankind, and succr of cultivating with his own hands. Not- above in the absence of all ea withstanding his advanced years, he is

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From the Gentleman's Magazine.


Feb. 10, 1817. so distinct as to raise a blush on the


AS I have long known and loved the cheeks of those who were thus betrayed. harmony of your spirit, and that In the second Act many fans were held although we are neither of us very able up to hide a gape as long as when the performers in the Science of Music, yet thumb and fore-finger are stretched wide we have sometimes, as the "Laborum apart; however, until this time I had dulce Lenimen," sought the concord of been suffered to enjoy the concert in sweet sounds-you are, therefore, the quiet; but a lady near me began now to fittest friend I have to sympathise with grow very uneasy, and leaned across me me in the following case: During the to her friend, and talked of a visit the last recess I had the pleasure of being day before, and most rapidly quizzed all present at a celebrated annual festival of the company while Milton's "Sweet Music, where the first Performers were Echo" engaged the performers. met, the highest harmony preserved, and changed seats with her, which, as the the most fashionable audience assembled. lady was remarkably fat, occasioned a Indeed I had been informed that so con- disturbance to the rows before and bevinced were every family for many miles hind, for which, of course, I alone was to round, that both taste and execution blame. The Orchestra lost no time, nor would curpose 'most the Commemora- any credit, for the whole selection was Nor Handel, that the most eager so- the most judicious I had ever heard; hesans for tickets of admission had but it did not secure them from the unbet man vested; and those who had governed propensity of the people to talk recapparu early, and others who had not about any thing the most foreign to the pond at all, were actually despised, as purpose; and when the whole closed not worthy of being associated with or with the grand Chorus in the Messiah, noticed by their neighbours, and they the company rejoiced more at the close were, in short, become less than nothing. than the performance, which they neverSuch was the Christian consolation of theless most candidly applauded. Now, these friends. Animated by this ardent Sir, all this led me to reflect whether the expectation, I esteemed every family I power of Music is real or imaginary. If saw in this crowded assembly equal in there were not something genteel in the musical skill to Cramer or Beethoven entertaintment, I doubt whether any asthemselves and as I boast the taste of semblage would ever be collected to hear an Amateur, it was very gratifying to it. It moves the passions; but as soon me, to anticipate the profound attention as it ceases, nay, indeed, when but little and the scientific observations of those of it has been given, ennui seems to prenear whom I had the honour to be placed. vail, and it leaves nothing for the mind. When the Orchestra first opened, the Like a steam-engine, it has all the effect, the silence with which the first part of till the heat evaporates, or, like a gasthe Grand Overture was heard, afforded light it is extinguished.-The want of me the most satisfactory hopes that equal National Music at a battle has been attention would be paid to the whole; the known cause of that Nation failing. but no sooner was it closed, than a gen- Orpheus and Pan, and Apollo himself, tleman who appeared to understand it, have done wonders amongst the brutes remarked it was very fine, but his lady and human animals of heathen mytholothought it rather too long. The first gy; but, Sir, such enlightened auditors Act proceeded. and was accompanied are not reserved for modern tires;with remarks not more profound: the and every pasterai shepherd that piped bacares furnished rare opportunities his lay to ins flock while his Colmet was Lossip of the day to begin; and kind, let them to their animal recien taure was a rest or an abrupt, tions, and hung his lute upon some bendices of half whisper were ing willy whenever she frowned-M=

VOL. 2.]

Legends of Lampidosa. The Parisian.

sic then lost its power. I questioned cian, and continued a long time in the much with myself whether it has any same posture, with the air and attitude of general power or not, and, without los- a connoisseur. The ass took no notice ing time, I shall now refer you to a high of us at all, munching his thistles very authority, whose judgment is deservedly demurely. The hind set up her large ranked upon the highest of Moses' seat. broad ears, and seemed to be extremely "Being in the country one day," said attentive. The cows gave us a look, Vigneul Marville, Professor of Music, and then marched off. The little birds "I had a mind to see whether beasts, as in a cage and on the trees strained their it is commonly said of them, take plea- throats and sang with the utmost eagersure in Music. Whilst my companion ness; whilst the cock minded nothing was playing upon an instrument, I con- but the hens, and the hens busied themsidered attentively a cat, a dog, a horse, selves in scratching the dunghill." an ass, an hind, some cows, some little The late Dr. Jortin, who studied birds, and a cock and hens, which were Music for relaxation from his laborious in the court below the window where writings, on reading this description, said, we stood. The cat paid no regard to " Imagine these creatures to be human, the Music, and, to judge by his physi- and you will have no bad representaognomy, he would have given all the tion of any one of our politest assemblies symphonies in the world for a mouse; at a musical performance." be stretched himself out in the sun, and I shall now leave you, dear Sir, to went to sleep. The horse stopped short reflect upon all this; and you shall tell before the window, and, as he was graz- me the result of your thoughts after we ing, he raised his head from time to time. have met at the next Concert of Antient The dog sat him down like a monkey, Music. fixing his eyes stedfastly on the Musi

A. H.

From the European Magazine.



gravely cast his eyes on the letter brought to him by the giver. But the assembly's attention was diverted by the entrance of an aged and blind woman, supported by her children, who led her towards the queen of the festival. She carried a basket filled with Provençal roses, which she kissed and wept over. "I have nothing more to offer, mademoiselle!" said she "but these roses are fresh from the tree your good father planted in my garden."

flowers to-day, but he charged me to of TO one appeared to regard what these fer this substitute--" and he presented a words implied and her character, bouquet of jewels arranged to represent contrasted with Henrielle's, resembled the a poppy and a lily interwoven.. These Provençal rose, whose cold whiteness is symbols, once considered sacred to the scarcely tinged with a blush, compared deity of marriage, caused a smiling change to the bright scarlet tulip. An impene- in the receiver's aspect, while the Baron trable mauvaise honte covered talents which she really possessed, while an air always easy, confident, and caressing, gave her rival that elegance which is said to be the result of conscious dignity and tranquil happiness. The Baroness,once herself the reigning belle of Paris, determined to raise her new favourite to the same height by splendid and incessant galas. On her birth-day, according to the graceful custom still preserved there, Henrielle presided at a festival designed -"Ah, Madelon !" exclaimed Henriafor its celebration; and flowers, the usual na, springing towards her “ I have tributes, were brought in beautiful abun- heard him name his kind nurse a thousand dance to the pavilion where she sat. A times, and that rose-tree was planted on young stranger, pressing thro' the crowd, my birth-day !"-" Who are you?" replaced himself near her. "Your father," plied the old paysanne“ when be plansaid he, "could not send his favourite fed it, he did not tell me that he had a Bee ATH. Vol. I. p. 910.

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