EDWARD Lord THURLOW, Lord High Chancellor.
Sir THOMAS SEWELL, Knight, Master of the Rolls.
JAMES WALLACE, Esq. Solicitor-General.
GWYNNE 7. HEATON and others.
S. C.
11 Serj. Hill's
MSS 549.
Grant of a rever-
sionary rent-
charge, after the
death of plain.
tiff's father (who
was old and in-
firm) upon un-
reasonable terms,
THIS was a bill filed to be relieved against a bargain, as un-
conscionable, under the following circumstances:-By the
will of the plaintiff's grandfather, the family estate was left to the
plaintiff's father for life, the remainder to first and other sons in
tail-male; the estate was £2,000 per annum.-The father being
eighty-one years of age, and the son twenty-three, seised of this
estate tail in reversion, having offended his father by an imprudent set aside, but to
match, in consequence of which he and his wife were turned out remain as a secu
of doors, advertised in the public papers, a reversionary annuity rity for the mo-
of £300 after the death of a man of great age. The defendant's
father (who knew the age of the plaintiff's father) applied, and
the annuity was sold to him on the following terms: the rever-
sionary annuity in fee, after the death of the father, was valued
at seventeen years purchase, amounting to £5,100.-Heaton was
to grant to the plaintiff an annuity of £400 for the life of the
father, which was valued at seven years purchase £2,800, and to
pay to Gwynne the remaining sum of £2,300.—Accordingly, by
VóL. I.
ney really ad-
vanced, and costs
to be paid as in
redeeming a