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" Oh! raise us up, return to us again; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart: Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea: Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common... "
New Outlook - Page 315
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Sabrinae corolla in hortulis regiae scholae Salopiensis contextuerunt tres ...

Shrewsbury (England). Royal School - 1801 - 368 pages
...selfish men : Oh ! raise us up, return to us again, And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart; Thou had'st a voice...the sea ; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free. So didst thou travel on life's common way In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties...
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Poems,: In Two Volumes,, Volume 1

William Wordsworth - 1807 - 180 pages
...selfish men ; Oh ! raise us up, return to us again; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a Star and dwelt apart : Thou hadst a voice...the sea; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way, In chearful godliness; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties...
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Poems by William Wordsworth: Including Lyrical Ballads, and the ..., Volume 2

William Wordsworth - 1815 - 412 pages ; Oh ! raise us up, return, to us again ; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a Star and dwelt apart : Thou hadst a voice...the sea Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way, In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Wordsworth - 1815 - 416 pages ; Oh ! raise us up, return to us again ; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a Star and dwelt apart : Thou hadst a voice...the sea ; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way, In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties...
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Philosophical Essays: To which are Subjoined, Copious Notes, Critical and ...

James Ogilvie - 1816 - 436 pages
...up, O come to us again! And gire us, knowledge, freedom, virtue, power' Thy soul was like a star mid dwelt apart! Thou had'st a voice, whose sound was like the sea' So did'st thou travel o'er life's eommon road In cheerful godliness: and yet thy heart, The lowliest...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volume 76

1854 - 758 pages
...selfish men : Oh ! raise us up, return to us again, And give ui manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart ; Thou hadst a voice...the sea ; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free. So didst thou travel on life's common way In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties...
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The Miscellaneous Poems of William Wordsworth, Volume 3

William Wordsworth - 1820 - 360 pages ; Oh ! raise us up, return to us again ; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a Star and dwelt apart : Thou hadst a voice...the sea ; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way, In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties...
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Specimens of sacred and serious poetry, from Chaucer to the present day ...

John Johnstone - 1827 - 596 pages
...Or as the pearls of morning's dew, Ne'er to be found again. MILTON. units 160S—DIED 1674. Thy'soul was like a star, and dwelt apart; Thou hadst a voice...the sea; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel, in life's common way In cheerful tnxlllness. WORDSWORTH JOHN MILTON, who is pre-eminently...
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The Quarterly Christian Spectator

1836 - 698 pages ; Oh ! raise us up, return to us again ; And give us mii1iners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart; Thou had'st a voice...the sea ; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So did'st thou travel on life's common way, In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest...
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The Sonnets of William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth - 1899 - 308 pages ; Oh ! raise us up, return to us again ; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart : Thou hadst a voice...the sea : Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way, In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties...
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