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Published by SIMPKIN and MARSHALL, Stationers' Court, and

C. TAYLOR, No. 108, Hatton Garden, Holborn:

Printed by Plummer and Brewis,

Love Lane, Eastcheap.


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HE difficulty of a first address, whether personal or literary, is acknowledged by all; bnt the difficulty of a last address is infinitely greater; and at this moment we find it even oppressive. It is not enough to acknowledge with the utmost deference, the singular favours with which our Work has been honoured from the most illustrious quarters; we should be extremely ungrateful not to recollect, also, that general patronage which has distinguished it, from its commencement. But, mutability is the character of all terrestrial things. In the course of fifteen or twenty years, persons as well as properties change; nor is the LITERARY PANORAMA an exception. Of the Gentlemen originally engaged in conducting it, some have been called to distant situations, which they now fill with honour and advantage, as principals; some have obeyed the call general to mortals, leaving their coadjutors to lament their loss; and the survivors, though still at their posts, plead in declining health an undeniable apology for diminished exertions.

But, our duties are not diminished; and finding ourselves, under existing circumstances, unable to accomplish all the purposes we have ever had, and still have in view, we have coalesced with another Work of the same principles and sentiments as our own; and we trust that the connection will justify the adage, VIS


When the LITERARY PANORAMA was instituted, the condition of Britain was that of extreme pressure from external violence : from a foe at once malignant beyond common malice, aud tyrannical beyond common oppression: we have seen that foe subdued; and we have had the honour to foretell the progress of his downfal, almost step by step, and month by month; we have seen his ruin ensured by his excess, and his friends-friends at

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