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The Trade Supplied by The American News Company, New York.

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Computed and arranged expressly for this WORK, by SAMUEL H. WRIGHT, A. M., M. D.,

Penn Yan, Yates County, N. Y.

Eclipses for the Year 1872.

There will be four Eclipses this year, as follows:

I. A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, May 22; invisible in the United States.

II. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, June 5; invisible in North America, except in Washington

Territory and the Arctic Regions.

III. A very small Eclipse of the Moon in the evening of November 14th and morning of the 15th; visible, being only one thirty-third of the Moon's diameter on the northern limb. See the following table:

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IV. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, November 30; invisible In North America.

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MERCURY January 27, May 25, and September 18, rising before the Sun; also April 2, July 31, and November 24, setting soon after the Sun. VENUS and MARS not this year. JUPITER January 15. SATURN July 9.

Jewish Calendar for 1872.

The Jewish year 5632 is the 8th of the 297th Cycle, and began September 16. 1871, and ends October 2, 1872. It contains 55 Sabbaths, and 383 days, being embolismic, and of 13 months. The year 5633 begins October 3, 1872, and ends September 21, 1873.

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Mohammedan Calendar for 1872.

The Mohammedan year 1288, of 354 days, began March 23, 1871, and ends March 10, 1872. The year 1289, of 355 days, begins March 11, 1872, and ends February 28, 1873.

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