PREFATORY NOTE. The purpose of the Official Bulletin of the International Labour Office, as stated in a Note published in its first weekly issue of 8 September 1920 was to give : 1. The texts of all formal official documents relating to the work of the Office and to the International Labour Organisation. 2. Miscellaneous information relating to the work of the Office and the progress of its activities. 3. Information as to the procedure followed in the various countries with regard to the ratification of Draft Conventions and to legislative action taken in order to give effect to the Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference. The above-mentioned issue of the Official Bulletin was numbered Volume II, No. 1, in order to reserve the title Volume I for the collection of documents relating to the history and activities of the International Labour Organisation from its initiation in the Commission on International Labour Legislation appointed by the Peace Conference in January 1919 to the Second Session of the Conference, held at Genoa in June-July 1920, shortly after which date the weekly publication of the Official Bulletin commenced. The present Volume therefore contains documents relating to (1) the Commission of the Peace Conference on International |