1. Resolution to appoint a committee to wait upon his Excellency, the Governor, to notify him of the organization of the General Assembly 2. A joint resolution in honor of W. D. Gaster and Honorable George M. Rose 3. Resolution inviting his Excellency, the Governor, to deliver his biennial message to the General Assembly 611 611 612 612 4. Resolution for joint session to open election returns for State officers 5. Resolution providing for an extension of the time in which the Budget Commission shall make its report to the presiding officers of the General Assembly 6. A joint resolution pertaining to the printing of the Governor's message 7. A joint resolution concerning the death of Honorable J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State ___613 613 613 8. A joint resolution for the investigation of the State printing-------- 614 9. A joint resolution inviting Honorable D. R. Crissinger, Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, to address this Legislature in joint 615 10. Joint resolution for the celebration of General Robert E. Lee's birthday 616 11. Joint resolution of the House and Senate inviting the Governor to address a joint session of the House and Senate at twelve o'clock noon on the second day of February, 1923 12. Joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives authorizing an investigation of the financial condition of the State 13. Joint resolution for the investigation of the management of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis 14. Resolution relating to special committee---- 616 616 617 618 15. A joint resolution for providing runways at the dams across Dan River in the State of Virginia to permit fish to go up said river into Rockingham and Stokes counties__ 618 16. A joint resolution providing for the visitation of a delegation from the House and Senate to certain colonization settlements in Eastern North Carolina 619 1 NO. 17. Joint resolution in honor of Honorable Frank Thompson of Onslow PAGE 619 18. A joint resolution by the House of Representatives and Senate, 19. Joint resolution defining and enlarging the duties of the special 20. Resolution directing the State Treasurer to reimburse former Com- 21. A joint resolution to memorialize the birthday of Thomas Walter 22. A joint resolution calling a joint meeting of the House of Repre- 621 623 625 626 626 627 627 23. Resolution in behalf of the clerks of the General Assembly 25. Joint resolution in behalf of Mrs. Frank Mitchell, telephone operator 628 26. A joint resolution to pay expenses of the House and Senate committee visiting the Caswell Training School at Kinston, North Carolina 629 27. Joint resolution relative to extra compensation of the night watch man of the State Capitol 28. Joint resolution of sympathy and respect relative to the death of Representative C. A. Gosney's father 629 630 29. Joint resolution to pay the expenses of the House educational subcommittee while visiting the Cullowhee Training School at Cullowhee, North Carolina 630 30. A resolution authorizing the University of North Carolina to convey its interest in ten (10) acres of land to the board of school trustees of Roanoke Rapids 31. A resolution of respect in regard to the death of Colonel P. M. 631 632 32. A resolution to provide for J. P. Matthews to receive compensation for service rendered as clerk to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House 633 33. Resolution to pay expenses of the House committee visiting the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton 633 34. Resolution 634 35. Joint resolution relative to janitor service in the State Adminis tration Building 634 NO. 36. A joint resolution in regard to the death of Governor Thomas W. Bickett, late Governor of the State of North Carolina PAGE 635 37. Joint resolution to pay expenses of the subcommittee of the joint committee on appropriations in visiting sanatorium and Greenville, N. C. 636 38. Joint resolution to pay expenses of visiting committee to the North Carolina College for Women 636 39. Resolution 637 637 40. Joint resolution providing compensation for Henry Hockaday, jani- 42. A joint resolution in behalf of the State central telephone operators 45. Joint resolution relative to janitor service in the State Capitol Building 46. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of State to make use of the stenographers in the various governmental departments in the enrollment of bills 47. A joint resolution relating to the dismemberment of the Atlantic and 48. Joint resolution to pay the expenses of the subcommittee of the 49. A joint resolution corcerning adjournment 638 638 639 639 640 640 641 642 642 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Adopted April 24, 1868, with amendments to 1921. PREAMBLE We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Preamble. Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union, and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do for the more certain security thereof, and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution: Const. 1868. ARTICLE I DECLARATION OF RIGHTS That the great, general and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, and that the relations of this State to the Union and government of the United States, and those of the people of this State to the rest of the American people, may be defined and affirmed, we do declare: Const. 1868. SECTION 1. That we hold it to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, the enjoyment of the fruits of their own labor, and the pursuit of happiness. Const. 1868; Decl. Independence. State v. Hay, 126-1006; State v. Hill, 126-139. The equality and rights of men. SEC. 2. That all political power is vested in, and derived from, Political power and government. the people; all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. Const. 1868; Const. 1776, Decl. Rights, s. 1. Quinn v. Lattimore, 120-428; Nichols v. McKee, 68-430. SEC. 3. That the people of this State have the inherent, sole Internal government of the State. and exclusive right of regulating the internal government and police thereof, and of altering and abolishing their Constitution and form of government whenever it may be necessary for their P. L.-1 |