Tyrrell County. Lee County. TYRRELL COUNTY Columbia Township-J. S. Brickhouse, Henry Linernan, E. P. Cohoon. Gum Neck Township-N. C. Spencer, W. E. Cohoon. LEE COUNTY West Sanford Township-Will Temple, Charles R. Reid. Scupping Township-M. Armstrong. South Fork Township-H. L. Sexton. Rowan County. ROWAN COUNTY Franklin Township-J. S. Miller, C. L. Kerr. Robeson Scotch Irish Township-James Foster, R. C. Current. Steele Township-C. T. Beeker, Grady Hall. Atwell Township-H. A. McNeeley. Gold Hill Township-R. L. Holshauser. Locke Township-Locke Lingle. China Grove Township-F. E. Wright, P. J. Cress. Sampson ROBESON COUNTY Lumberton Township-J. Ed. Tyson. SAMPSON COUNTY Hall's Township-D. B. Rackley, George F. Britt. WAKE COUNTY Raleigh Township-W. T. Bost, R. E. Powell, Ben Dixon Wake County. Number Eight Township-Miss Jane Stewart, Mrs. Charles S. Hall. Amend by adding the following for Wayne County for six (6) years: Stony Creek Township-O. J. Howell, George K. Vann. Saulston Township-J. B. Roberts, J. Frank Smith. New Hope Township-D. Vinson, Fred Isler. Indian Springs Township-C. F. Herring, A. J. Williams. Buck Swamp Township-E. L. Peele, Melford Aycock. Pikeville Township-L. B. Smith, N. B. Berger. Nahunta Township-R. E. Chase, J. W. Johnson, G. A. Yelverton. Great Swamp Township-Larry Aycock, Oscar Hooks. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Gaston Township-R. H. Joyner. SEC. 2. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this sixth day of March, A. D. 1923. Northampton CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 2, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1921, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: amended. SECTION 1. That section twenty-seven of chapter two, Public Highway act Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, Regular Session, as heretofore amended, is hereby amended by striking therefrom the words, "There shall next be set aside a sum an- Clause struck out. nually sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds issued under this act, the remainder of said fund to be used by the Highway Commission," in lines seven, eight, nine, and ten thereof, and by inserting in lieu of the words so stricken the following words: "From the remainder of said taxes there shall then be set aside annually the following, in order named: (a) a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the first fifty million dollars bonds issued under this act, (b) a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon any bonds issued under this act in excess of fifty million dollars, and (c) any interest or sinking fund payments now or hereafter directed to be made therefrom by the General Assembly. The remainder of such fund shall be used by the Highway Commission." Fund for interest payments. SEC. 2. That section thirty-three of said chapter two be and Motor fuel tax. is hereby amended by striking out the words "one cent," in line ten, and inserting in lieu thereof the words, "three cents," so as to increase to three cents per gallon the tax upon motor fuel. SEC. 3. That section thirty-nine of said chapter two of Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, as amended by chapter seventy-four of the Public Laws of the Extra Session P. L.-39 Additional bond Application of proceeds. Date of bonds issued. Coupon bonds. Registration of bonds. of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, be amended by adding to said section the following: "An additional issue of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) of bonds is hereby authorized. The said bonds shall be issued in the manner and in accordance with the provisions of said chapter two of said act as amended, and the proceeds received therefrom shall be used for the purposes in said act prescribed." SEC. 4. That section forty of said chapter two be and it is amended by striking therefrom, in lines four and five, the words "as the case may be, after the ascertainment is made by the State Treasurer, as provided in this act," and by inserting in lieu of the words so stricken out the words "of the year in which the bonds are issued." SEC. 5. That section forty-one of said chapter two be and is amended by striking therefrom the words "or registered" in line two thereof. SEC. 6. That section forty-two of said chapter two be and is amended by striking out the whole thereof and inserting the following section: "Section 42. That the said bonds shall be subject to registration as to principal alone, or both principal and interest, in accordance with the provisions of the general law governing registration of the State securities as the same may from time to time be in force." SEC. 7. That this act shall be in force and effect from and after its ratification. Ratified this the 2d day of February, A. D. 1923. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT A COMMITTEE TO WAIT UPON Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives That a committee be appointed, and that the same be com- Committee to be Ratified this the 9th day of January, A. D. 1923. RESOLUTION No. 2 A JOINT RESOLUTION IN HONOR OF W. D. GASTER AND Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring: First. That whereas the Honorable Lucian J. Eastin, of Preamble. St. Joseph, Mo., and now the Grand Sire of the Sovereign Grand Second. And whereas, in honor of the said Honorable Lucian Preamble Third. And whereas, at the aforesaid meeting of the Grand Preamble. Lodge, W. D. Gaster, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, who has served in this capacity so efficiently for seven sessions, is a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, and a Past Grand Representative of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the World, and is to be signally honored upon this occasion by the awarding to him of an honorable veteran jewel for his enthu- Preamble. Fourth. And whereas, at the aforesaid meeting of the Grand Resolution to be enrolled and copy sent. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate and the House of Invitation extended. Time set. RESOLUTION No. 3 RESOLUTION INVITING HIS EXCELLENCY, THE GOV ERNOR, TO DELIVER HIS BIENNIAL MESSAGE TO THE Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring: Ratified this the 9th day of January, A. D. 1923. Time set for joint session. Time for inaugural. Proviso: previous qualification. RESOLUTION No. 4 RESOLUTION FOR JOINT SESSION TO OPEN ELECTION Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring: SEC. 2. That the persons so ascertained to be elected shall be i |