STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, RALEIGH, March 6, 1923. I, W. N. EVERETT, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, hereby certify that the foregoing (manuscript) are true copies of the original acts and resolutions on file in this office. wn. Evrutt Secretary of State. INDEX TO THE PUBLIC LAWS SESSION 1923 A Acknowledgments before notaries public, defects cured PAGE 239 240 Automobiles, to prevent persons under sixteen years of age from operat- ing 514 license tax made uniform 565 protection to title and regulation of transfer, facilitation of recovery- 554 B PAGE Bail and appeal bonds, cash deposits in lieu of Balew, David, grant to, corrected Banking Law amended Banks, industrial, examination and supervision of to publish State deposits and deposits of State officers 238 298 445 542 518 502 63 of private corporations, issue at 8 per cent, law repealed 267 of State, sinking fund for, created and to be maintained 500 259 Brick, sale by State's Prison directors 517 Budget Commission, laws relating to, amended 486 Budget request and reports of State institutions to be mailed to mem- PAGE Canova's statue of Washington, commission on reproduction 577 Carr, P. S.; Lewis, W. H., Jr., and E. H. Page, acts as notaries validated. 219 519 Carteret and New Hanover counties, practice of law by commissioners--- 306 Cash deposits in lieu of bonds 238 Caswell Training School, application for admission, age of applicants 223 appropriation for 466 Catawba County Superior Court (jurisdiction) 212 Cattle killed on account of tuberculosis, and horses and mules killed on Children, orphan, establishment and maintenance of homes for 254 Clerks of Superior Court, judgments validated, returns of summons 235 Commissioners and mayors of cities, salaries under commission form of government 514 Commission form of government for cities, salary of mayor and commis- |