The Mining Magazine: Devoted to Mines, Mining Operations, Metallurgy, &c., &c, Volume 1

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Page 271 - ... but the person pledging such stock shall be considered as holding the same, and shall 1» liable as a stockholder accordingly, and the estates and funds in the hands of such executor, administrator, guardian or trustee, shall be liable in like manner, and to the same extent as the testator or intestate. or the ward or person interested in such trust fund would have been, if he had been living and competent to act, and held the same stock in his own name.
Page 272 - ... when so filed, the capital stock of such corporation shall be increased or diminished, to the amount specified in such certificate...
Page 268 - Any corporation formed under this act may purchase mines, manufactories or other property necessary for its business, or the stock of any company or companies owning, mining, manufacturing or producing materials, or other property necessary for its business, and issue stock to the amount of the value thereof in payment therefor...
Page 612 - To divide, withdraw, or in any manner pay to the stockholders, or any of them, any part of the capital stock of the corporation ; or to reduce such capital stock without the consent of the legislature ; or 3.
Page 272 - ... of residence, the number of shares of stock held by them respectively, and the time when they, respectively, became the owners of such shares, and...
Page 272 - ... no transfer of stock shall be valid for any purpose whatever, except to render the person to whom it shall be transferred liable for the debts of the company, according to the provisions of this act, until it shall have been entered therein as required by this section, and entry showing to and from whom transferred.
Page 270 - States and of this territory, and prescribing the duties of officers, artificers, and servants that may be employed; for the appointment of all officers, and for carrying on all kinds of business within the objects and purposes of such company.
Page 152 - ... of capital and of the proportion actually paid in, and the amount of its existing debts ; which report shall be signed by the president and a majority of the trustees...
Page 611 - ... in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the principal place of business of the company is intended to be located, and a duplicate thereof...
Page 270 - AH the stockholders of every company incorporated under this act, shall be severally individually liable to the creditors of the company in which they are stockholders, to an amount equal to the amount of stock held by them respectively...

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