A MINING MAGAZINE: DEVOTED TO Mines, Mining Operations, Metallurgy, &c., &c. EDITED AND CONDUCTED BY WILLIAM J. TENNEY. VOLUME ONE. FROM JULY TO DECEMBER, 1853. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED AT 142 FULTON-STREET. John F. Trow, Printer, 49 Ann-street. C1853. Foreign Miners' Tax. since 1793.... 407 Gold Fields Regulation Act of Australia.... 51 Gold Deposits in South Carolina & Georgia 628 Legal Investigation of the Nature of a Mine- Receipts and Exports from Melbourne 625 ral Substance.. Mines in Chihuahua, Mexico.. 681 Local Mining Laws in California. 58 Gold Dust and Coin manifested from San Francisco, in six months of 1858. 407 Gold in New Grenada. 284 502 Gold Region of California. 62 56 Gold in Arkansas.. 69 Gold Mines in Peru.. 283 Gold in the Amazon 512 INTEREST. COMMERCIAL ASPECT OF THE MINING Gold Hill Mine, North Carolina. Boston Mining Share List. 156 How the Great Gold Nugget was found 285 170 275 402 504 Inexhaustibility of Australian Gold... 62 Fluctuations in Mining Stocks at Boston, in Improvements in Gold Washers. 630 May, 1858. 58 in operating on Auriferous June, Quartz, &c.. 621 July, 276 London and Virginia Gold Mining Co..... 167 " " 413 Sept., Fluctuations in do. in Boston for October..: 619 Mining Operations in Australia during win- Fluctuations in Mining Stocks at New-York 274 ter. 626 " " 402 Mining Region of Sonora, Mexico. 509 507 160 279 508 Minerals in Australia.. 411 622 288 68 164 366 518 116 515 629 409 68 New Mining Canal.. Dams and Flumes.. ifornia Gold Fields.. Cost of working a Quartz Mill.. Deposits of California Gold in U. S. Mint... 620 Effects of the Gold Act in Australia Experience of Californians in Australia..... Freehold Gold Mining Co.... Gardner's Magnetic Gold Washer. Garnett and Mosely Mines, Virginia. Gold at Santa Cruz..... 408 Brass Founding.. 174 522 414 70 180 298 639 |