The Cyclopedic Review of Current History, Volume 4Evening News Association, 1895 |
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Common terms and phrases
amendment American American Railway Union anarchist appointed April army August bill Bluefields born Britain British Bulgaria cabinet Canada canal cent Chicago chief Chinese church claims colonies committee congress court December declared democratic died duty early elected England English favor February force foreign France French G. P. Putnam's Sons Germany governor house of lords important interest islands issued January Japan Japanese John July June Korea labor land leaders liberal Lord Lord Rosebery March ment miles minister naval navy Nicaragua Canal November officers Paris party passed persons political port present president proposed quarter question railroad railway recent reform republican result revenue Russia secretary seigniorage senate September ship silver strike strikers sugar tariff territory tion trade treasury treaty troops United United States senate vessels vote York City
Popular passages
Page 349 - We favor an amendment to the federal constitution providing for the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, and we favor direct legislation wherever practicable.
Page 577 - As a unit of resistance, the international ohm, which is based upon the ohm equal to 10" units of resistance of the CGS system of electromagnetic units, and is represented by the resistance offered to an unvarying electric current by a column of mercury at the temperature of melting ice, 14.4521 grams in mass, of a constant cross-sectional area and of the length of 106.3 centimetres.
Page 578 - ... As a unit of electromotive force, the international volt, which is the electromotive force that, steadily applied to a conductor whose resistance is one international ohm, will produce a current of one international ampere...
Page 87 - VI. This convention shall remain In force for a period of ten years beginning with the date of the exchange of ratifications, and, If six months before the expiration of the said period of ten years...
Page 86 - Peking on the 17th day of November, 1880, (the 15th day of the tenth month of Kwanghsii, sixth year) it is hereby understood and agreed that Chinese laborers or Chinese of any other class, either permanently or temporarily residing in the United States, shall have for the protection of their persons and property all rights that are given by the laws of the United States to citizens of the most favored nation, excepting the right to become naturalized citizens.
Page 578 - Henry, which is the induction in a circuit when the electro-motive force induced in this circuit is one international volt, while the inducing current varies at the rate of one ampere per second.
Page 257 - Conn., and the co-operation of the American Library Association and the Library Association of the United Kingdom.
Page 753 - The high contracting parties agree that, in all that concerns commerce and navigation, any privilege, favor or immunity which either high contracting party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant, to the government, ships, subjects...
Page 931 - Crown 8vo., y. net. ^FRANKLAND. — MICRO-ORGANISMS IN WATER. Together with an Account of the Bacteriological Methods involved in their Investigation. Specially designed for the use of those connected with the Sanitary Aspects of WaterSupply. By PERCY FRANKLAND, Ph.D., B.Sc. (Lond.), FRS, and Mrs. PERCY FRANKLAND. With 2 Plates and Numerous Diagrams. 8vo.
Page 86 - Act to be registered as in said Acts provided, with a view of affording them better protection, the Chinese Government will not object to the enforcement of such Acts, and reciprocally the Government of the United States recognizes the right of the Government of China to enact and enforce similar laws or regulations for the registration, free of charge, of all laborers, skilled or unskilled, (not merchants as...