| 1675 - 314 pages
...these things 1 do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear, according to the plain and common sence and understanding of the same words, without any equivocation,...mental evasion, or secret reservation whatsoever. And this I do heartily, willingly, and truly, upon the faith of a Christian. So help me God in Jesus Christ.... | |
| Church of England - 1684 - 442 pages
...of the fame words, without any equivocation or mental evaßoa, or fècret reièrvation whatibever : And I do make this Recognition and acknowledgment...heartily, willingly and truly, upon the.. true faith of a Chnftian. So help me God, &c. The Oath of Supremacy. I AB Do utterly teftifie and declare in my confcience,... | |
| 1732 - 582 pages
...Traytorous Confpiracies, which 1 /hall know or hear t» be intended againft his Atajefty or any of them \ and I do make this Recognition and Acknowledgment...heartily^ willingly, and truly, upon the true Faith of a Chriftian. So help me Cody &c. So as by the fame Aft it be further Provided and Enacted, that if any... | |
| 1751 - 396 pages
...fame wor.ds, without any equivocation, or mental evafion, or fe,c/et refervatioi» what•whatsoever. And I do make this recognition and acknowledgment...heartily, willingly^ and truly, upon the true faith of a chriilun. So help me God. The oath, which contains nothing repugnant to the eflential articles of the... | |
| 1853 - 876 pages
...commencement and conclusion of the form given are in the very words of the present abjuration oath : — " And I do make this recognition and acknowledgment...upon the true faith of a Christian : So help me God. " It is apparent from this, as well as many other Acts of Parliament, that an idea then, and long afterwards,... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 556 pages
...of the fame words, without any equivocation or mental evaßon, or fe er et reßrvationwhatfoever : and I do make this recognition and acknowledgment...heartily, willingly and truly, upon the true faith of a chrißian. So help me God. Noindiflment (6) Unto which oath fo taken, the faid perfon (hall fubfcribe... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 570 pages
...of the fame words, without any equivocation or menial evafion, or Jeer et refervation whatfoever : and I do make this recognition and acknowledgment...heartily, willingly and truly, upon the true faith of a chrißiqn. , So help me God. Noindiameut (6) Unto which oath fo taken, the faid perfon ihall fubfcribe... | |
| Archibald Bruce - 1780 - 492 pages
...underftanding of the fame words, without any equivocation, mental evafion, or fecret refervation whatfoever. And I do make this recognition and acknowledgment heartily, willingly, and truly, ирон the true faith of a Chriitian. So help me God. No. 'ÎXVriï. Tke Judgment of the Archbiftiops... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 488 pages
...traiterous confpiracies, which I fliall know or hear to be intended againft his majefty, or any of them: and I do make this recognition and acknowledgment,...heartily> willingly, and truly, upon the true faith of a chiftian; fo help me God, &c." Neverthelefs, the faid lord lieutenant doth not hereby intend,that any... | |
| William Cobbett - 1808 - 842 pages
...these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear, according to these exprett words by me spoken, and according to the plain and common sense...upon the true faith of a Christian. So help me God." [08 June 5. The commons were still busy in earning on the Act of Indemnity and generai Pardon, and... | |
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