but by the score and the hundred. While there are yet some of the smaller banks with unsolved problems the acute stage is passed. Changed conditions in business and banking methods since the enactment of the state's banking laws many years ago demanded changes which were made at the last session of the legislature, through the enactment of twelve amendments thereto, principal of which are as follows: Examination of banks once each year in lieu of twice. That no active or salaried officer of a bank may vote proxies. Providing for a board of not less than five directors in lieu of three. Increasing the minimum at which a bank may carry its banking house, furniture and fixtures to fifty per cent of capital and surplus. Providing for not less than three reports during each year in lieu of five. Providing that the maximum amount a bank may loan to one borrower shall not exceed thirty per cent in lieu of fifty per cent of its capital and surplus. Providing that assessments may be enforced upon a foreigu stockholder in the same manner as upon a resident stockholder. Providing also, that no loan may be made to a president, director, cashier or other officer, teller or clerk in excess of $1,000 without authority by resolution of the directors previously made and recorded nor without security to be likewise approved by the directors .. violation punishable by imprisonment. In the enactment of this legislation the department had the harmonious support of the Wisconsin Bankers Association and its Legislative Committee, together with many of the influential bankers of the state, whom I wish personally to thank for their fine spirit of cooperation. While as in every undertaking there may occasionally be dishonesty and disrespect for the law, upon the whole I can conceive of no state possessing more capable, and honorable bankers than those of Wisconsin, who have placed their state high in the list for constructive, conservative and successful banking. Respectfully submitted, DWIGHT T. PARKER, Commissioner of Banking. COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS The figures used in this report are based on those shown by the statement of condition as of close of business December 31, 1924, and comparisons are made with the statement of December 31, 1925. On December 31, 1924, 834 banks reported total resources of $547,661,510.35. On December 31, 1925, 831 banks reported total resources of $584,764,735.37, showing a net decrease in the number of banks of three, but an increase in the total resources of $37,103,225.02. Loans increased $19,383,717.69 and overdrafts decreased $52,177.54 during the period. Stock in the Federal Reserve Bank decreased $3,501.07 and Due from Federal Reserve Bank increased $656,660.69. Investment in United States Securities decreased $1,864,515.32 while investment in other Bonds increased $14,569,515.17. Investment in other Stocks and Securities decreased $167,819.95. Book Value of Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures has increased $631,864.83. Other Real Estate owned has increased $1,426,511.62. Due from other Banks has increased $50,552.28 while due from Approved Reserve Banks has increased $1,586,938.27. Cash on hand has decreased $58,324.24, Exchanges for Clearing House have increased $687,354.03, Checks on Other Banks in Process of Collection has increased $250,830.02. Cash Items decreased $27,303.16, and Other Assets decreased $34,649.00. Drafts Paid under letter of Credit increased $46,554.51 and Expense Account decreased $5,756.13. Customers Liability Account acceptances increased $26,772.32. Capital Stock increased $345,500.00 in the period. Surplus increased $1,247,855.20 and Undivided Profits increased $1,148,080.35. Deposits increased $32,612,111.11, Notes and Bills Rediscounted decreased $114,332.76 and Bills Payable increased $883,945.14. Acceptances executed for customers increased $90.00, Other Liabilities decreased $69,179.16, Letters of Credit and Travelers checks Sold for Cash increased $70,849.93. Debentures decreased $27,190.85, Special Deposits increased $972,453.33, and due as executor administrator, guardian, trustee increased $33,042.73. The department on December 31, 1925, had under supervision insti Trust Companies Land Mortgage Associations_. State Banks Mutual Savings Banks Building & Loan Associations Credit Unions Teachers Retirement Fund_ Amortization Board, Public Debt Commission, City of Milwau kee Banks in process of liquidation_ Industrial Loan Societies Agencies Licensed to Transmit money to Foreign Countries__ Total $1,053 |