THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Юібельбый COMMISSIONER OF BANKING ON State Banks, Mutual Savings Banks OF WISCONSIN SHOWING THE CONDITIONS OF ALL STATE BANKS, MUTUAL . Blair 3. THOMAS HERREID, Chief Examiner. 4. CLYDE P. DIGGLES, Supervisor of Building and Loan Associations and Examiner.. Wautoma CHARLES E. BUTTERS, Chief Clerk and Exam པ་ 20. GUSTAVE A. SHAPE, Assistant Examiner.. 21. ALFRED N. WALL, Assistant Examiner 22. 23. ...Blair Madison Sheboygan . Madison ..Madison ..Holmen WALTER E. NYHUS, Asst. Examiner... Chippewa Falls 24. JENNIE N. WATERMAN, Clerk. 25. COLIN M. MORRISON, Clerk .. Madison Morrisonville 1868-9-1946. TABLE OF CONTENTS Comparative Statements of Banks 1924 and 1923.. Abstract of Reports of State Banks, Mutual Sav- ings Bank, Trust Companies at the close of business, December 31, 1925 and comparison with December 31, 1924 Banks Increasing Their Capital During 1925... Statement of Capital Increase and Decrease. Classification of Banks as to Capital Stock. Charters Extended During the Year 1925.. Pages 9 panies and Savings Banks as of December 31, Abstract of State Banks, Trust Co. Banks and Mu- tual Savings Banks separated as of December 21 State Banking Department of Wisconsin THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT April 8, 1926. HONORABLE JOHN J. BLAINE, Governor of Wisconsin. Sir: In compliance with law I am transmitting to you the Thirty-first Annual Report of the State Banking Department, being a complete Abstract of the institutions under the supervision of the Commissioner of Banking as shown at the close of business December 31, 1925. At this date there were 1,003 financial institutions under supervision of the Department having resources of $736,232,073.20 At the close of the previous year there were $667,278,892.43, a gain of $68,953,180.77, subdivided as follows: In addition there are 27 Foreign Exchange Companies, The Teachers' Retirement Fund and the City of Milwaukee Amortization Fund requiring examination by this department. During the year 1925 there were nine banks taken over by the Department, three of which were later reopened, leaving six permanently closed state banks: all were comparatively small institutions with average capital of $15,000 and deposits $169,000. By comparison only can our people know and fully appreciate how splendidly their state withstood the financial stress of the last few years. In adjoining states and others of the middle |