Citizens of Planet Earth

Front Cover
Trafford Publishing, 2006 - 130 pages

This book was written to guide and inspire, to entertain and enlighten. It is the product of many years of writing, reflecting, and deeply thinking about Life. The book is part of project ‘Citizens of Planet Earth’, or ‘COPE’ as I’d like to call it, and it started back in the summer of 1994. It has since evolved into not just a book, but into also many original paintings and songs that I have completed throughout the years. Go to for more information.

The book you hold in your hands will bring balance and harmony to your life, but only if you understand it and apply its concepts correctly. Many people choose to live in survival mode only. But life is much more than that. Achieving balance and harmony will increase the chances of your success, improve the quality of your life, and ultimately lead you to greater happiness.

Hold on to this book and read it as often as you can. You will immediately understand some of the stories and lessons in this book, but other lessons might take you a lifetime to unlock and comprehend. That is okay because this book is meant to be read over a long period of time. So keep it as your companion. You will not be disappointed.

We are all citizens of this Great Planet, and this includes you and me. Don’t get tied down with cultural, political, or religious boundaries. Open your mind and heart to the power of this Universe, and you will never be the same. The world is going through a global revolution; it is an ancient dream that we are all part of. Your destiny is Greatness, so believe in yourself.

May you live long, stay strong, and reach your farthest dreams.

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